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时间:2022-07-11 10:50:03 来源:网友投稿





 2022 年中国人民解放军海军飞行学院自考英语(二)练习题汇总(附答案解析)

 第 第 1 题【单选题】

 【阅读选择】Tom, a near-sighted young man, went on a blind date with a girl. The two were satisfied with each other. And they exchanged their telephone numbers. What can we learn about Tom?

  A、Tom made a good impression on the girl at first.

  B、It was the first time that Tom had dated a girl.

  C、Tom was blind.

  D、Tom was handsome and popular with the girls.


 【答案解析】答案选 A。细节判断题。从 The two were satisfied with each other可知,相亲过后,两人对对方都很满意,所以 A 选项正确,汤姆第一次见对方就留下了很好的印象。B 项所表述内容在文中找不到根据,不能判断这是汤姆第几次约会。根据文章描述,汤姆只是 near-sighted,远不到盲了的地步。文章仅讲述了汤姆和某一个女孩相亲的精力,对他的个人魅力以及是否受女孩欢迎并未提及。

  第 第 2 题【单选题】

 【阅读选择】Roxaboxen is based on the true story of a group of children, growing up in the Arizona desert. There children can be a bit wild and much free, and they play outside from dawn to dusk. The children discover the make-believe(虚假的)town, built on the hill across from their neighborhood. The town, called Roxaboxen, becomes the center of their play as the children grow, but the story is not just about the time spent in Roxaboxen as young children. More than that, this book is about the way that imagination and secret places stay with us as we grow older and

 2 become a part of who we are. It is about the way that it helps us to grow into the adults that we become. What does the book’s name Roxaboxen refer to?

  A、A child.

  B、A library.

  C、A period of time.

  D、A place.


 【答案解析】答案选 D。查找细节题。短文本段中明显一句话提到,The town, called Roxaboxen,所以指的是一个地方的名字。

  第 第 3 题【单选题】

 【填句补文】The author says that interpersonal relations should be taught as a required course in every school, along with reading, writing, and mathematics. ________. That is at least as important as how much we know.

  A、Much of what has been said about strangers also applies to relationships with family members and friends.

  B、He keeps looking over the other person"s shoulder, as if hoping to find someone more interesting in another part of the room.

  C、Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for four minutes.

  D、In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people.


 【答案解析】后句中的代词 we 在 D 中才有呼应的代词,而且在文章最后出现观点句是通常论述文的发展特点,因此判断 D 正确。

  第 第 4 题【 单选题】

 【阅读判断】Although no other game is exactly like baseball, perhaps the one most nearly like it is the English game of cricket(板球).Q: Baseball shares many features

 3 with the English game of cricket.



  C、Not Given


 【答案解析】答案选 A。本题对应的语句为:the one most nearly like it is the English game of cricket,因此是正确的。

  第 第 5 题【单选题】

 【阅读选择】Demands for stronger protection for wildlife in Britain sometimes hide the fact that similar needs are felt in the rest of Europe. Studies by the Council of Europe, of which 21 counties are members, have shown that 45 per cent of reptile(爬行类的)species and 24 per cent of butterflies are in danger of dying out.Recent studies by the council of Europe have indicated that ______.

  A、wildlife needs more protection only in Britain.

  B、all species of wildlife in Europe are in danger of dying out.

  C、there are fewer species of reptiles and butterflies in Europe than elsewhere.

  D、many species of reptiles an butterflies in Europe need protecting.


 【答案解析】答案选 D。本段的第二个句子是这么说的:有 21 个国家组成的欧洲委员会的研究表明,45%的爬行动物和 24%的蝴蝶濒临灭绝。由此可见,D 是正确的答案。

  第 第 6 题【单选题】

 【阅读选择】The other side of a state legal apparatus is a state military apparatus. While the one protects the individual from violence, the other sacrifices the individual to violence in the interests of the state. In war the state affirms supreme power over the individuals within its own borders. War is not simply a trial by combat to settle disputes between states; it is the moment when the state makes its

 4 most powerful demands upon its people for their commitment, allegiance, and supreme sacrifice. The word “allegiance" is closest in meaning to ______.






 【答案解析】解本题可用同类词关系进行判断。在“allegiance”前后的两个词分别是 commitment 和 sacrifice,应能判断出这三个词相对于国家而言是同一类词,再利用排除法,不难选出正确答案 A。

  第 第 7 题【单选题】

 【2008.04】That proposal is essentially irrelevant _____ the issue at hand.






 【答案解析】本题考查介词的固定搭配。句子翻译:那个提案与手头上的问题根本无关。irrelevant to 表示:与…无关。

  第 第 8 题【单选题】

 【阅读判断】Hercules served a king. The king was afraid of him. So again and again he sent him on difficult tasks. One morning the king sent for him and told him to fetch three golden apples for him from the garden of the Singing Maidens (歌女). But no one knew where the garden was.Q: Hercules was given many difficult tasks because the king wanted to get rid of him.




 C、Not Given


 【答案解析】答案选 A。句子的意思是:国王想除掉 Hercules,所以交给他很多艰巨的工作去做。这个信息在短文第二句和第三句中提到了,与短文的意思相符(国王很害怕 Hercules,多次交给他艰巨的工作去做),由此可以推断本题的正确选项为 A。

  第 第 9 题【单选题】

 【2010.04】The spokesman occasionally ______ his speech with gestures.







  第 第 10 题【单选题】

 【完成句子】Did you know that before 1950, hurricanes had no names? They were simply given numbers. The first names were simply Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc. but in 1953, females names were given because of the unpredictability (不可预知)factor of the storms. In 1979, realizing the sexist(性别歧视的)nature of such names, the lists were expanded to include both men and women.The main consideration of using males and females’ names for hurricanes is __________.

  A、the timely(及时的)discovery

  B、its uncertainty

  C、sex equality

  D、its connection with humans


 【答案解析】依靠原文(利用(male, female)names 作为答案线索词)中最后

 6 一句判断答案为 C(与性别有关)。

  第 第 11 题【单选题】

 【2010.04】Even after decades of ______ the two brothers recognized each other immediately.







  第 第 12 题【单选题】

 【2009.01】What he told us was more of a(n)_______than a reality.






 【答案解析】本题考查词义辨析。句意:他告诉我们的更可能是幻想而不是现实。考查名词词义。A 幻想,错误观念;B 演示,证明;C 图解,实例;D 名声,名誉。

  第 第 13 题【单选题】

 【2009.7】He would _______ that all the classified data should be kept safe when in office.







 【答案解析】本题考查动词意义区分。【译文】他保证在办公室里的所有机密数据处于安全状态。【详细解答】A 使确信,使有信心;B 确保(某事)发生,担保;C 为……投保,给……保险;D 安全的,没有危险的

  第 第 14 题【单选题】

 【阅读选择】Climate scientists are not present everywhere. Because there are so many places in the world and not enough scientists to observe all of them, they"re asking for your help in observing signs of climate change across the world. The citizen scientist movement encourages ordinary people to observe a very specific research interest — birds, trees, flowers budding, etc, and send their observations to a giant database to be observed by professional scientists. This helps a small number of scientists track a large amount of data that they would never be able to gather on their own. Much like citizen journalists helping large publications cover a hyper-local beat, citizen scientists are ready for the conditions where they live. All that"s needed to become one is a few minutes each day or each week to gather data and send it in.In “All that"s needed to become one... (paragraph 2) ”, what does the word “one” stands for ?

  A、a citizen journalist

  B、a citizen scientist

  C、a scientist

  D、a citizen


 【答案解析】one 不仅是数词也是代词;代词指代的名词或句子一般出现在代词的前一句,要注意区分代词单、复数。

 8 第 第 15 题【单选题】

 【2009.04】It is not decided ______ the conference will be held.







 详细解答:A 什么;B 哪一个;C 什么时候;D (无词义)。

  第 第 16 题【单选题】

 【阅读选择】Rhythm in literature is a more or less regular occurrence of certain elements of writing: a word, a phrase, an idea, a sound, or a grammatical construction. We are also accustomed to this recurrence in the alternate heavy and light beats in music. Our love for rhythm seems to be innate: witness the responses of a small child to lively music. Children love to beat on toy drums or empty boxes. They stamp their feet and chant nursery rhymes or nonsense syllables, not unlike primitive dancers. As children grow older, they are taught to restrain their responses to rhythm, but our love of rhythm remains. We live in rhythms; in fact we are governed by rhythms.According to the passage, an adult’s reaction to rhythm in music would probably be _____.






 【答案解析】该题的解题依据在本段结尾部分“As children grow older, they are taught to restrain their responses to rhythm…”。作者讲:随着孩子的年龄逐渐增大,大人就会教他们抑制对节奏的反应,等他们长大之后,他们对音乐节奏的反应,

 9 更可能受到抑制。

  第 第 17 题【单选题】

 The new di...

推荐访问:2022年中国人民解放军海军飞行学院自考英语(二)练习题汇总(附答案解析) 练习题 英语 年中
