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时间:2022-07-11 10:20:02 来源:网友投稿






 WRITING TASK 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The chart shows the changes of average monthly salary and prices of black and white, and color TV in Japanese Yen from 1953 to 1973. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. 图形:


 这是一道典型的动态线图,主题关于日本人平均月工资,以及黑白电视&彩色电视机价格的变化趋势。时间涉及 1953 年至 1973 年的二十年(均为过去时间)。文章结构方面,可以按照折线代表的不同分类为主体段的分段标准。数据的描述方面,趋势有上升也有下降,在描述的时候要注意趋势的描述,熟练使用表示上升下降的动词&名词及短语,使词汇句型更加丰富多样。


 开头段:The line graph illustrates the difference in Japan’s average salary in each month, and how the cost of black and white, and color TV changed between 1953 and 1973.

 主体段 1: There was a sharp rise in the monthly income in Japan. The figure was only 30,000 yen in 1953, and then it went up slowly to just over 40,000 yen in 1958. 0204060801001201401601802001953 1958 1963 1968 1973Thousands

 YenChanges of TV prices and incomeBlack and whiteTVColor TV

 However, the following years witnessed a rapid increase to almost 110,000 yen, and reached the peak at 180,000 yen in 1973. 主体段 2: By contrast, TV prices experienced a dramatic decrease in the two decades. As for the black and white TV, its cost descended steadily from approximately 100,000 yen in 1953 to just 40,000 yen in 1973. In terms of the color TV, which did not come out until 1958 when the price was 180,000 yen, there was a steep decline of around 70,000 yen in the next five years before it bottomed out at 80,000 yen in 1973. 结尾段:

 Overall, Japanese people earned an increasing amount of money every month, whereas both black and white TV and color TV became cheaper during the given period of time.

  词汇短语 (10~15 个,请写下序号和中英文) 1. line graph 线图 2. illustrate 显示 3. average salary 平均收入 4. a sharp rise 骤增 5. figure 数据 6. a dramatic decrease 骤降 7. steadily 平稳地 8. reach the peak 达到顶点 9. a steep decline 巨大下降 10. the given period of time 给定的时间段

 大作文 1 题目:Some people think that the range of technology available to individuals makes the increasing gaps between rich and poor people, but other people believe it has opposite effects.


 本题为双边讨论类题型,除了论证两方观点外,还要给出自己的观点,以满足 TR(任务回应)要求。论证的侧重点要落在’technology’与’increasing/decreasing gaps between rich and poor’之间的因果关系,即“科技是否会增加贫富差距”,可以对“科技”做一些具体化的扩展。


 立场 1:科技加剧贫富差距 立场 2:科技减弱贫富差距 我的观点 1. 有些人沉迷短视频、网游,不认真学习和工作,没有赚钱技能,变得更穷;有钱人可以依靠自己的社会关1. 很多科技是免费的,穷人和富人都可以用,比如互联网上的信息和知识 贫富差距的增减取决于人们如何使用科技。

 系和财务资源赚钱,影响较小 2. 人工智能取代基础工作,做这类工作的穷人会失业,收入减少,贫富加剧 2. 穷人可以在网上学习、开店、求职和创业,从而赚取收入,减少贫富差距 正确地使用科技可以致富,减少贫富差距;错误地使用会致贫,加剧差距。


 11. (10~15 个,请写下序号和中英文) 12. technological advancements/ innovations 科技进步/创新 13. narrow the difference 缩小差距 14. people of different income levels 不同收入水平的人 15. short videos and online games 短视频和网络游戏 16. be addicted to these online entertainments 沉迷于网络娱乐 17. artificial intelligence 人工智能 18. lose their source of income 失去收入来源 19. be affordable to all people 所有人都能买得起 20. open online shops to sell products or services 开网店销售产品和服务 21. business opportunities on social media 社交媒体上的商机 22. improve their standards of living 提升生活水平

  大作文 2 题目:

 In many countries, the quality of life in large cities is becoming worse. What are the causes for this problem? What measures do you think should be taken to tackle this problem?


 此题审题中遇到的唯一难点就是怎么定义生活质量下降。关于生活质量下降我们可以站在站在个人身体健康(包括 physical 和 mental)和生活水平的角度出发。身体健康可以包括污染带来的 physical health 问题和工作压力大带来的 mental health 问题。生活水平下降可以从收入方面入手。解决方案就是政府出台相应的政策 思路/提纲:

 原因 解决方案 1. 交通堵塞;私家车数量增加,高峰时期出现拥堵,这不仅增加了通勤1. 政府给补贴让上班族乘坐公共交通出行

 时间也造成了空气污染,这使人们得呼吸疾病,医疗花费多,生活质量下降 2. 房价过高;上班族每个月花了很大比率的收入还房贷,可支配性收入减少,物质生活质量下降 2. 央行降低利率,这样每个月还贷减少,可支配性收入增加,物质生活质量上升 3.



 (10~15 个,请写下序号和中英文) 1.traffic congestion/gridlock 交通堵塞 2. increased ownership of private vehicles 私家车数量增加 3. rush/peak hours 高峰时期 4.commuting time 通勤时间 5.respiratory diseases 呼吸疾病 6. working class/adult 上班族 7. mortgage loan 按揭贷款 8. disposable income 可支配性收入 9. repay loan 还房贷 10. material life 还房贷 11. government subsidies 政府补贴

 大作文 3 题目:

 Nowadays, some parents put lots of pressure on their children. Why is this happening? Is it a positive or negative development for the children? 审题分析:



 原因 影响 就业竞争压力大,家长希望小孩将来过上更好的生活 使小孩在适当压力下成长,变得更优秀,更有社会竞争力 攀比心理,导致家长希望自己的小孩比其他小孩更优秀,让自己更有面子 使小孩失去童年,甚至严重的会产生心理问题



 external motivator 外在动机 2.

 exceed 超过 3.

 moderate 适当的 4.

 adapt to 适应 5.

 competitive 有竞争力的 6.

 outcompete 战胜 7.

 overwhelming 压倒性的 8.

 overloading 过载 9.

 inevitable 不可避免地 10. bear with 承受 11. disastrous effect 灾难性的影响

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