6 2016 年通用考博英语翻译讲义
考博翻译的重要性 1、考博英语 difficult。
This trip/travel/tour includes Beijing and Shanghai. (3)各所学校的命题非常不稳定。
英译汉 考博翻译的概述 翻译你做过吗?
Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe.
怎么做英译汉 One might ask why speculation is permitted when there is so real a danger of loss. The basic reason is that speculation can perform useful functions in the market equilibrium and encourages faster entry of more suppliers. If the price change lagged until after an actual commodity shortage had occurred, the fluctuation would probably be sharper and more sudden. Remedial supply action could not be further delayed. Similarly, if speculators foresee a surplus in some commodity, their selling of futures will help drive the price down to some extent before the surplus actually occurs. When speculators foresee a shortage and bid up the price, they are also helping to conserve the present supply. As the price goes up, less of the commodity is purchased; a rise in price encourages users to economize. Similarly, a lowering of price encourages users to buy more, thus helping to sell the surplus which is developing.
The Renaissance embraced, first of all, an impressive record of new achievements in art, literature, science, philosophy, education and religion. Although the foundation of many of these was classical, they soon expanded beyond the measure of Greek and Roman influence. Indeed, many of the achievements in painting, science, politics and religion bore little relation to the classical heritage. Secondly, the Renaissance incorporated a number of dominant ideas and attitudes that gave it the impress of a unique society. Notable among these in general were optimism, and individualism; but the most significant of them all was humanism. In its broadest meaning humanism may be defined as emphasis on the human values.
It was a term derived from Cicero, who used it in the sense of devotion to the liberal arts, or the subjects most compatible with the dignity of man. The humanists rejected the Scholastic philosophy with its preoccupation with theology and logic. They strove for a smooth and elegant style that would appeal more to the aesthetic than to the rational side of man"s nature. 翻译的步骤:
(1)连词;(2)引导词;(3)介词;(4)分词;(5)to;(6)标点符号; (79)We accept and welcome, therefore, as conditions to which we must accommodate ourselves, great inequality of environment; the concentration of business, industrial and commercial, in the hands of a few; and the law of competition between these, as being not only beneficial to the future progress of the race. 二、写汉字:以每一小节作为单位来写汉字
目的:初步了解每一个小结构的意思; (79)We accept and welcome, therefore, as conditions to which we must accommodate ourselves, great inequality of environment; the concentration of business, industrial and commercial, in the hands of a few; and the law of competition between these, as being not only beneficial to the future progress of the race. 三、连汉字
(79)We accept and welcome, therefore, as conditions to which we must accommodate ourselves, great inequality of environment; the concentration of business, industrial and commercial, in the hands of a few; and the law of competition between these, as being not only beneficial to the future progress of the race. 因此,我们接受和欢迎环境的巨大不平等;生意、工业和商业集中在少数人手中和少数人之间的竞争法则,这作为我们自己必须适应的条件,因为这不仅仅对人类今后的进步有益。
3.There are many facts in a given historical period that can be easily stuffed into our mind. but discernment in the selection of significant facts is a vastly more difficult thing and depends upon one"s point of view. 我们的大脑很容易记住许多特定历史时期的事实,但是选择和鉴别重大事实却是更为艰难的事情并且取决于我们自己的观点。
英汉翻译技巧 一、词意选择,适当引申 (1)分析词根和词缀来翻译
(2)分析词性来翻译 (3)分析上下文来翻译 (4)结合汉语习惯和固定搭配来翻译 二、适当增加 翻译成汉语后,在不改变英语意思的前提下,适当增加词语,使句子更通顺。
三、适当减少 四、适当重复 可以适当重复出原文省略的部分,或者把并列结构中的相同部分重复出来。
We don"t retreat , we never have and never will. 我们不会退却,我们从来没有后退过,今后也决不会退却。
五、词性转换 把英语的词性变换成汉语的其他词性来翻译。
六、四字成语 练习 Passage 3 71.The main impression growing out of twelve years on the faculty of a medical school is that the No.1 health problem in the U.S.today, even more than AIDS or cancer, is that Americans don"t know how to think about health and illness. 在医学院担任十二年教师,我所得到的主要印象是:当今美国的首要健康问题甚至比艾滋和癌症更为严重的是美国人不知该怎样对待健康和疾病。
考博翻译的标准 1、准确 2、通顺 准确是前提,其次求通顺,另外检查译文的方式是多读译文。
定语从句前置的翻译 1、定语从句前置 即把定语从句翻译到它修饰的先行词的前面,并习惯用“的”来连接。
Passage 3 72.We fear the worst, expect the worst, thus invite the worst and the result is that we are becoming a nation of weaklings and hypochondriacs, a self-medicating society incapable of distinguishing between casual, everyday symptoms and those that require professional attention. 我们害怕最糟糕的事情发生,期望最糟糕的事情发生,从而招致了最糟糕的事情发生,其结果是我们美国正逐渐成为一个弱者和疑病症患者的民族,一个自我诊断的社会,而不能对轻微的日常症状和那些需要专业护理的症状加以区分。
Passage 10 1.Genuine love is more likely to involve a process of “growing” in love rather than “falling” in love. This may sound terribly unromantic to some who are used to hearing talk about “falling in
love” or being “head over heels in love.” 真爱更可能是一个萌生爱意的过程,而并非是坠入爱河。对于那些听惯了一见钟情,爱得神魂颠倒的人来说,这或许太不浪漫了。
Passage 14 2. In reality, the way one experiences old age is contingent upon circumstances of late-life events(in what order they occur, how they occur, when they occur)and the social supports one receives: adequate finances, shelter, medical care, social roles, religious support, recreation. 事实上,一个人老年的经历如何,取决于晚年事件发生的环境和一个人所获得的社会支持:前者包括这些事件发生的先后顺序,怎样发生的,和何时发生的,后者包括足够的财力、住宿条件、医疗保障、社会地位、宗教支持、娱乐活动。
Passage 15 2.
It is primarily a term for the socially elaborated segment of human behavior in any culture; and abnormality, is a term for the segment that particular civilization does not use. 正常术语主要是用来指在任何文化中,社会所解释的那部分人类行为,而变态术语主要是用来指特定文化所不能接受的那部分人类行为。
代词指代 1、直接对应 2、指代明确 3、用“这”等替代
Passage 15 3. Its variability among different people is essentially a function of the variability of the behavior patterns that different societies have created for themselves, and can never be wholly divorced from a consideration of culturally institutionalized types of behavior. 不同人之间正常行为的可变性主要是由不同社会为其自己所设立的行为模式的可变性所决定的,并且绝对不能完全脱离了文化的制度化的行为模式来加以考虑。
定语从句后置的翻译 如果定语从句太复杂或里面包含的内容太多时,需要后置。
1.Contemporary technological reporting is full of notions of electronic communities in which people interact across regions or entire continents. 地区之间甚至是整个大陆之间人们通过电子技术交流而构成电子社区,这种概念在现代技术报告中比比皆是
2.For example, electronic communication filters out and alters much of the subtlety, warmth, contextuality, and so on that seem important to fully human, morally engaged interaction. 例如,电子交流过滤并且改变了大多数的细微的心理差别,情绪的热烈程度,周围的环境等等,而这些似乎对于那些完全人性化涉及道德的交流来说显得非常重要
Born to Win
Each human being is born as something new, something that never existed before. Each is born with the capacity to win at life. Each person has a unique way of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and thinking. Each has his or her own unique potentials---capabilities and limitations. Each can be a significant, thinking, aware, and creative being---a productive person, a winner. 每个人生来就是一个先前从未存在过的崭新个体,他在人生中成功立业的能力与生俱来。每个人都以其独特的方式观察,轻轻触摸,体味和思索大千世界。每个人都可以凭自己的努力成为一个有价值,有头脑,有感悟和有创造性的人即成功者。(5 分) 人皆生而为新为前所未有则存在。人皆生而为赢。人皆有其特例独行之方式去审视,聆听,触摸,品味及思考因而都具备独特的潜质能力和局限。人皆能举足轻重,思虑明达,洞察秋毫,富有创意,成就功业(8 分)
人人皆生而为新,生于世而亘古未见。人人皆生而为赢,富于思而受用终生。人人皆特例独行所见,所闻,所感,所说,所品,所思异彩纷呈。人人皆卓尔不凡,知其所能,查其所限。人人皆是举足轻重,思虑明达,洞察秋毫,富有创意,人人皆是卓越的天才,人人兼具王者的风范。(10 分)
72.For individual sportsmen, pilots and drivers, speed had the status of a privileged substance to which, in those early days, only a minority had full access. Mechanized speed made men, and a few women, into heroes, and it remains a commodity to which males, in particular, are attracted. 对于个体的运动员,飞行员和驾驶员来说,速度具有一种特权的财富地位,在早期只有少数人才完全有办法获得这种地位。机械化的速度使得男性以及少数女性成为了英雄,速度俨然成为了一种商品,尤其是男性对此趋之若鹜。
1 I have met such persons, and found that there was no topic that might come up in the course of the conversation concerning which they did not ...