接下来在《超自然实录》播出的是 Narrator: Next on "paranormal: Caught on camera," 一名保安 ...和一个影子人面面相觑 a security guard comes face-to-face... ...With a shadow person. 海斯:这太疯狂了 Hayes: This is insane. 我从来没听过任何与影子人相遇的好事 I"ve never heard a single good thing about a shadow-man encounter. 一只海怪正在追捕... ...人类 Narrator: A sea monster is on the hunt... ...For humans. 他们会喊“cuidado” 意思是小心 They call out to them, " cuidado," which is look out, 因为有东西正朝他们走来 careful because something is coming towards them. 多个不明飞行物…… Narrator: Multiple ufos... 勒费弗:哦! Lefevre: Oh! ……入侵犹他州 Narrator: ...Invade utah. 这是我见过最疯狂的事了 That has to be the craziest thing I"ve ever seen. 显然不是飞机 也不是气球 Mcneill: Clearly not airplanes, clearly not balloons, 各往各的方向飞去 each going in their own direction. 为什么一个俄♥罗♥斯♥人要追赶雪人? Narrator: Why is a russian man chasing down a yeti? 嘿 伙计 莫兰:我不知道我会不会那么做 Moran: I don"t know that I would do that. 这些人被称为野人是有原因的 These things are called wild men for a reason. 另外 还有更多的超自然镜头等着你去看…去相信 Narrator: Plus, even more paranormal footage you have to see...To believe. 那是什么声音? What the [bleep] is that? 超自然实录 第二季 第七集 智利大湖怪
A Colossal Lake Creature in Chile 保安的工作是一个关于两个极端的故事 narrator: Working as a security guard is a tale of two extremes. 在你上班的大部分时间里 For the vast majority of your shift, 你可能在数着时间 you"re probably counting the hours, 翻看手♥机♥ 尽量不打瞌睡 scrolling through your phone, trying not to doze off 同时尽量保持警惕 while doing your very best to remain alert. 当然 还有一些罕见的心跳时刻 Then, of course, there are those rare heart-pounding moments 当工作需要你全神贯注的时候 when the job requires your full attention 就像有天晚上劳尔•阿奎罗那样 as it did late one night for raul arguello, 他在调查一些奇怪的声音 who was investigating some strange noises 他在一个空旷的体育馆里值班 while working his shift in an empty sports stadium. 我以前没遇到这种事情,太可怕了 不幸的是 劳尔并没有准备好和引起骚动的 Unfortunately, raul was not prepared to deal with whoever, 任何人或任何东西打交道 or whatever, was causing the ruckus. 见鬼 案例:足球精神 2018 年 4 月在布宜诺斯艾利斯 April 2018 in buenos aires, 保安劳尔•阿奎罗当时正在托马斯•阿道夫•杜科足球场上夜班 security guard raul arguello was working the night shift at the tomas adolfo duco soccer stadium 突然 他听到了砰砰的响声 when he suddenly heard banging. (敲击声) [ banging ] 现在是晚上 11 点 我是第三次听到这个噪音了 惊恐万分的劳尔朝那声音走去 terrified, raul made his way towards the noise,
进入到体育场的底层深处 deep into the underbelly of the stadium. 见鬼 当他走近时 砰砰声越来越大 直到他看到了它…… As he got closer, the bangs grew louder until he saw it... 见鬼 …更衣室的门自己开了又关 ...The locker-room door opening and shutting on its own. 天啊 什么情况 里面什么也没有 那里没人 也没有气流让门移♥动♥ There"s no one there, no draft to cause the door to move 入口和出口是同一个 and only one way in and one way out. 劳尔吓坏了 冲回了自己的办公室 Freaked out, raul rushed back to his station. 因为不知道刚才发生了什么 Confused as to what just happened, 他拿出手♥机♥查看录像 he pulled out his phone to review the footage, 他所看见的使他惊骇 and what he saw horrified him. 仔细看劳尔走进更衣室时…… Watch closely as raul enters the locker room... 天啊 …他慢慢地环顾四周 突然 ...Slowly looks around when suddenly, 一个黑影飞掠而过 消失在稀薄的空气中 a black shadow darts by and disappears into thin air. 海斯:这太疯狂了 hayes: This is insane. 我不知道我们看到的是什么 I don"t know what it is we"re seeing here. 它看起来有点像影子人 It kind of looks like a shadow person, 我当然希望不是这样 but I certainly hope it"s not 因为我从来没听过与任何影子人相遇的好事 because I"ve never heard a single good thing about a shadow-man encounter.
它们中的大多数都非常可怕 Most of them have been downright terrifying. 斯劳特:我个人从未见过 Slaughter: I"ve never personally seen anything move 任何如此暴♥力♥的举动 so incredibly violent like that. 我看到过影子 I"ve seen shadows. 我捕捉过影子人和幽灵 I"ve captured shadow people and apparitions 以及诸如此类的东西 但一个物体如此移♥动♥是非常令人不安的 and things like that, but having an object move like that is incredibly unsettling. 斯特奇斯:它似乎是想引起他的注意 Sturges: It seemed like it was trying to get his attention, 我清楚他的巡逻… and I"m sure his patrol... 他得绕着体育场转一圈 He"s got to go all around the stadium, 也许当他靠近这个更衣室 and maybe when he gets close by to this particular locker room, 或这扇门的时候 or this particular door, 鬼魂很容易就能操纵这种事 that"s easy for the spirit to manipulate, “哦,他在这里 我要让这一切发生” "oh, he"s here. I"m gonna make this happen, “我要引起他的注意” and I"m going to get his attention." 卡诺:这里的危险在于他的恐惧 cano: The danger in this instance is that his fear, 如果这是负面的 if this is something that"s negative, 即使只是恶作剧 even if it"s something that"s just mischievous, 它可能会以这种恐惧为食 it could feed on that fear. 这些能量体需要有活着的感觉 These energies need to have a sense of feeling alive 或者需要通过你来感受人类的体验 or need to experience the human experience through you, 如果那会产生恐惧 他们可以获取恐惧
and if that"s gonna be fear, they"ll take it. 如果这个鬼魂想吓唬劳尔 Narrator: And if the entity was trying to scare raul, 它成功了 it succeeded. 上帝啊 我想离开了 这段经历对他来说太难了 The experience proved to be too much for him, 不久后他就辞掉了保安工作 and he left his security job soon after. 任何明智的人都会离开那里 Any sensible person would get out of there. 到了一定的时候 故作勇敢就会变得很莽撞 There"s a point at which bravado becomes foolhardy. 当你的直觉告诉你“离开这里” When your instinct says, "get out of here," 不要逞强 don"t try and be brave. 走吧 Get out. 天啊 我很乐意看到他带着相机 I like that he actually just brought the camera down 他只是想让大家看看 and just wanted to show everybody. “看 我没有疯 这真的发生了” "look, I"m not crazy. This is happening." 他只是抓拍到了那个小生物几秒钟 he just catches that little creature for a couple seconds. 我想他证明了他的观点 I think he proved his point. 天啊 从屋顶上看日落几乎是一种精神体验 Narrator: Watching the sunset from a rooftop can be an almost spiritual experience. 能一览无余地看到大自然最伟大的奇迹之一 Having an unobstructed view of one of nature"s great wonders 会让人身心放松 sets the mind and body at ease,
让人去思考生活中更重要的问题 比如上帝是否存在? allowing one to contemplate the bigger questions in life like does god exist? 我能找到真爱吗? Will I ever find true love? 但对于犹他州的一个人来说 And, for one man in utah, 这真的是一群在我眼前经过的不明飞行物吗? is this really a fleet of ufos passing before my eyes? 勒费弗:没开玩笑 Lefevre: No kidding. 天啊(消音) Holy [bleep] 案例:犹他州 UFO 2017 年 5 月 31 日 科里•勒费夫尔 narrator: On may 31, 2017, corey lefevre, 犹他州一家医院的保安正在屋顶甲板上观看日落 a security guard at a utah hospital was watching the sunset from the rooftop deck 就在他下午晚些时候的午餐休息时间 突然…… during his late afternoon lunch break when suddenly... 勒费夫尔:怎么回事? Lefevre: What the hell? 这是我见过的最疯狂的事了 That is the craziest thing I"ve ever seen. 我叫科里•勒费夫尔 这是我拍的视频 My name is corey lefevre, and I filmed the video. 我和一个同事正在上面 我们正在吃午饭 I was up there with a co-worker, and we were eating our lunch, 就在我的外♥围♥ 我看到了这个… and in my peripheral, I saw this... 几个亮光 A couple of lights. 然后我意识到 “好吧 等等” Then I realized, "okay, wait. “这是独一无二的” This is kind of unique." 科里怔住了 narrator: Corey stood frozen in awe. 勒费弗:噢,不! Lefevre: Oh, no! 我看到它们从山顶上下来 向西飞去 I saw them come down the mountaintop and kind of swing out towards west,
向着夕阳西下的地方 towards where the sun was setting, 然后我意识到它们的速度都不一样 and then I realized they"re all going at different speeds, 然后他们就显得不正常了 and then they were just abnormal. 我们那里没有任何飞机飞过 而现在这里是一群飞行器 We don"t get any air traffic, and it was a group of them. 那些不是孔明灯 那些不是喷气机 Those are not sky lanterns. Those are not jets. 没有声音 There"s no sound. 他们都分散在不同的方向 They"ve all spread out in different directions. 我的肾上腺素几乎飙升 因为这太不正常了 I got almost an adrenaline rush because it was just so abnormal. 我以前做过孔明灯 I"ve done sky lanterns before. 我见过无人机 它的动作和行为都跟我看过的不一样 I"ve seen drones, and this just didn"t move or act the way I"m used to. 我们现在看到的是 根据科里的说法 Narrator: And what we"re seeing is, according to corey, 这只是他开始拍摄前看到的一小部分 just a fraction of what he saw before he started filming. 勒费夫尔:这是我见过的最疯狂的事情了 Lefevre: That has to be the craziest thing I"ve ever seen. 大概有 20 架这样的飞行器从山坡上飞向四面八方 There were, like, 20 of these that have come out of this mountainside and flew off in every direction. 麦克尼尔:真的 真的很吸引人 Mcneill: Really, really compelling footage. 他说 等他开始拍摄的时候 已经飞过 20 架了 He says 20 have gone by, by the time he starts filming, 我们现在看到的只是 5 到 6 架 and we see maybe five or six. 这显然不是飞机 也不是气球 Clearly not airplanes, clearly not balloons, 它们显然是在以某种速度在移♥动♥ clearly moving with some sort of velocity 但每架都有自己的方向 but each going in their own direction.
卡诺:事实上 它们太多了 Cano: The fact that there were so many of them, 没有一架发出声音 none of them made a sound. 如果它是一架无人机 你会听到高音的呼呼声 If it were a drone, you would hear that high-pitched whir, 一种尖锐的声音 that high-pitched sound. 如果它是一架飞机 你会听到引擎排气的声音 If it were a plane, you would hear engine exhaust. 如果它是我们见过的任何东西…… If it were pretty much anything that we"re used to... 我们是一群吵闹的人 我们是一群吵闹的种族 We"re a noisy people. We"re a noisy race. 我们制♥造♥的每件东西都会发出声音 Everything we make and everything we build makes sou...