菲茨帕特里克:什么情况 Fitzpatrick: What the -- 接下来在《超自然实录》播出的是 ... narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera"... 菲茨帕特里克:[哔哔声] Fitzpatrick: The [bleep] 一切都 [哔哔声] 乱七八糟的 everything"s going all [bleep] haywire. 一个恶作剧鬼在折磨一个犹他州人 Narrator: A poltergeist torments a man in utah. 菲茨帕特里克:哦[哔] Fitzpatrick: Oh [bleep] 哦,哦,哦!
不,不,不[哔哔]这个 oh, oh, oh! No, no, no [bleep] this. 在我的一生中,我从未像现在这样害怕过 I"ve never been more scared in my entire life. 一个摩托车手遇到了一个可怕的弯道 Narrator: A motorcycle ride takes a terrifying turn. [男子尖叫] [ man screams ] 我差点被吓死 我真的一周都没睡着 佛罗里达东海岸发现了数百个不明飞行物 hundreds of ufos are spotted off the east coast of florida. 托雷斯:他们一起飞行 Torres: They"re traveling all together. 看看它们有多少 Look how many there are. 他们的飞行轨迹似乎是有智慧的 They seemed to have a trajectory that is intelligent. 一只巨大的湖怪出现在土耳其 Narrator: A giant lake monster surfaces in turkey. 这是被困在这个湖里的 Is this some sort of freakily evolved sea mammal creature 某种进化怪异的海洋哺乳动物吗? that got trapped in this lake? 还有更多超自然镜头等着你去看... Narrator: And even more paranormal footage you have to see... 你能告诉我这个地窖里有什么吗? Can you tell me what"s in this cellar?
...去相信 Narrator: ...To believe. 超自然实录 第二季 第二十三集 缅因州的一个闹鬼农舍 A Haunted Farmhouse in Maine 你知道灵魂可以依附在人身上吗? did you know that a spirit can attach itself to a person? 对于某些人来说,拥有超自然的联♥系♥ And for some, having a super natural connection 可能是一种迷人的体验 can be a fascinating experience. 但对于其他人来说,这更像是一种慢性疾病 But for others, it can feel more like a chronic illness 鬼魂不断地在他们的生活中进进出出 that keeps creeping in and out of their lives, 跟随他们从一个地方到另一个地方 following them from place to place, 并在他们最不期望的时候出现 and showing itself when they least expect it. 这就是发生在犹他州的一名男子身上的事情 Which is what happened to one man in utah. 菲茨帕特里克:一切都[哔哔]失控了 Fitzpatrick: Everything is going all [bleep] haywire. 据我们所知 Narrator: Who, as far as we know, 他至今仍被鬼魂缠身 is still being haunted to this day. 菲茨帕特里克:哦!
[哔] Fitzpatrick: Oh! [bleep] 哦,哦,哦!
oh, oh, oh! No, no, no! [哔] 这个 [bleep] this. 案例:我的恶作剧鬼同伴 犹他州的伍兹·克罗斯 narrator: Woods cross, utah. 自从五岁起 Since the age of five, 詹姆斯·菲茨帕特里克就相信 james fitzpatrick believes a spirit
无论他走到哪里,都有一个鬼魂跟随着他 has been following him around wherever he goes. ♪♪ 菲茨帕特里克:我叫詹姆斯,这是我拍的视频 fitzpatrick: My name is james and this is my video. 我的床单会从床上被扯下来 I"ve had my sheets pulled off my bed. 我在床上的时候被什么东西抓住了腿 I"ve had something grab my leg while I was in bed. 门自行打开和关闭 Doors opening and closing by themselves. 灯也自行打开和关闭 Lights turning on and off. 我听到客厅里 I heard what sounded like a little kid 有一个小孩在笑,但里面没有人 laughing in our living room but there was nobody in there. 诸如此类的事情经常发生 Stuff happens a lot. 2019 年 12 月,詹姆斯独自在家时 Narrator: In December 2019, james was home alone 他注意到女儿的遥控车 when he noticed his daughter"s remote control car 开始自行移♥动♥ started moving on its own. 那是地板上的遥控器 that"s the remote on the floor there. 菲茨帕特里克:我当时正在看一部电影 Fitzpatrick: I was watching a movie, 突然间,我用余光看到 and all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye 它好像在来回移♥动♥ I just see it kind of just barely going back and forth 然后我定睛一看 and then I look at it and it just 它向后退了大约四英尺 zooms back maybe about four feet 然后我就开始录制视频 and then that"s when I started recording. 那辆玩具车会自己移♥动♥,而且它有遥控器 That toy car is moving by itself and there"s the remote for it.
当我说它在移♥动♥时 And the second I said something about it moving, 它就停止了 it just stopped. 我试着想,“好吧,这可能有什么原因造成的” I tried thinking of, "okay what could be causing that." 我不是一个对电子产品精通的人 I"m not an electrical type of person or anything 但我的意思是,在我拍完视频后 but I mean, after I took the video 我看了看汽车,它就不动了 I looked at the car and it was off. 我不知道该怎么解释 I don"t know how to explain it. 几周后 Narrator: A few weeks later, 詹姆斯对他的妻子拍恶作剧视频时 james caught another eerie event on camera accidentally 意外地在摄像机上捕捉到了另一个令人毛骨悚然的事件 as he played a prank on his wife seen here in the video. 我刚刚获得了一个新的银行账户 I had just gotten a new bank account and discovered 我发现可以激活和停用我的借记卡 that I could activate and deactivate my debit card. 但我的妻子不知道,所以她想用我的卡 And my wife didn"t know that, so she was trying to buy 在网上买♥♥东西 something on the internet with my card, 但它不起作用了 and it"s not working and, you know, 我会向她展示我的银行账户 I"d show her my bank account, "okay, well, “好吧,钱就在卡里 the money"s in there so you"re obviously 所以你显然做错了什么” doing something wrong." 然后我开始拍摄 then I started to film, 因为我知道她会生气 "cause I knew that she was going to start to get aggravated. 然后,当詹姆斯在拍摄他的妻子时
Narrator: Then, as james is filming his wife, 背景中出现了一些东西 something appears in the background. 你看到了吗? did you see that? 看着她身后的门口右侧 Look at the right side of the doorway behind her 一个影子人一闪而过 as a shadow figure peaks out for a moment. 甚至他们的狗也注意到了 Even their dog takes notice. 直到第二天一位朋友向他指出问题 James wasn"t even aware of the dark entity in the background 詹姆斯才意识到背景中存在黑暗实体 until a friend pointed it out to him the next day. 菲茨帕特里克:他就像说,“伙计,你注意到了吗?” Fitzpatrick: He"s just like, "dude, did you notice this?" 我当时想“什么?” I was like "what?" 他喜欢重看视频 he like starts the video over 他喜欢指指点点 and he"s like pointing right where it is 这时我看到了它,我在想,“哦” and that"s when I saw it and I was just like, "oh." 这还不是全部 narrator: And that"s not all. 詹姆斯认为该实体也跟随他工作 James believes the entity has also followed him to work. 2016 年的一个晚上,当他在一家保安公♥司♥轮班时 One night in 2016, while he was working his shift 一切都乱了套 at a security company, all hell broke loose. 菲茨帕特里克:我来上班了 Fitzpatrick: I showed up to work. 我感觉有些不对劲 Something felt a little off, 但这并不是我真正关心的事情 but it wasn"t anything that really concerned me 它有一种奇怪的氛围 or anything, it was just kind of like a weird vibe.
然后在大约 2 点 30 分,我的同事瑞安出去巡逻 Then at about 2:30, my co-worker ryan went out on patrol 在他离开大约两分钟后... and about two minutes after he left... [哔哔声] [ bleep ] [哔哔声] the [bleep] 一切都变得[哔哔声] 乱七八糟 everything"s going all [bleep] haywire. 我们的警报响了 We got alarms going off. [哔哔] 瑞安在巡逻 [bleep] ryan"s out on [bleep] patrol. 起初,我有点想通过我的脑袋 At first I was kind of running through my head 想出所有可能的解释 trying to think of every possible explanation 来解释这到底是怎么回事 as to what it could be. 我得出了一个结论 And I kind of came to the conclusion, 哦,也许是 "oh, maybe it"s, like, something"s wrong 电源线之类的出了问题 with like the power line or something." 所以我把头探出窗外 so I kind of poked my head out the window 发现电源线很好 and the power line was fine. [哔] [bleep] 我拿出手♥机♥录制视频 I took my phone out to record a video 然后发送给我的主管 to send it to my supervisor like, 写到,“嘿,老大,我该怎么办?” "hey, man, what do I do?" 然后当我经过的时候 and then as I"m walking through, 一切都变得很真实
that"s when it just kind of all got real. 我认为这里有一个 [哔哔] 恶作剧鬼 I think there"s a [bleep] poltergeist 或一些... [哔哔]在这里 or some [bleep] in here. 哦!
[哔] Oh! [bleep] 哦,哦,哦
[哔] 这个 oh, oh, oh. No, no, no. [bleep] this. 这扇门砰的一声关上了 This door just slammed 我这辈子从来没有像现在这样害怕过 and I"ve never been more scared in my entire life. 天啊[哔哔] Holy [bleep]. 不会吧 [哔哔声] 刚才发生了什么 No [bleep] way did that just [bleep] happen. 不会吧[哔哔] No [bleep] way. 天啊[哔哔] Holy [bleep] 什么鬼 [哔哔] what the [bleep] 萨格斯:当我看到这个剪辑时,我的第一反应是 sagers: My first reaction when I see this clip “伙计,有什么东西试图引起你的注意 is, "dude, something"s trying to get your attention. 有些东西真的很想和你说话” Something really wants to talk to you." 菲茨帕特里克:[哔] fitzpatrick: [ bleep ] 这是下一个级别
这里发生了很多事情 this is next level. There is so much happening here. 麦克尼尔:有一种场景是这样的 Mcneill: It"s one of those scenarios 超自然会使用我们 that the supernatural will use what we give it 提供的东西进行交流 to communicate, so the more we surround 所以我们越是用电子设备包围自己 ourselves with electronic devices,
超自然就越会 the more that"s gonna be how the supernatural finds 找到与我们交流的渠道 a conduit to communicate with us. 哦![哔] Oh! [ bleep ] 那么,这就是詹姆斯从小就一直被鬼缠身 narrator: So is this the work of a spirit that has been haunting 这都是鬼魂的杰作吗? james since he was a young boy, 如果是这样,这种鬼魂试图传达什么信息? and if so, what is that spirit trying to convey? 菲茨帕特里克:那辆玩具车是自己移♥动♥的 Fitzpatrick: That toy car is moving by itself. 埃文斯:如果就像他说的那样 Evans: If he"s saying that this spirit 这个鬼魂已经陪伴了他很长时间 has been with him for a long time, 那么这个鬼魂可能试图再次和他玩耍 it could be that spirit trying to play with him again 好像把他当成孩子一样,或者那个鬼魂可能就是个孩子 as if he was a child, or maybe that spirit is a child. 桑达洛:有很多灵异活动发生在他身上和我身上 Sandalo: There is a lot of activity happening to this guy 这表明他是一个恶作剧鬼 and to me that"s indicative of a poltergeist, 因为一个恶作剧鬼会以这种方式制♥造♥混乱 because a poltergeist sort of creates chaos in that way. 麦克尼尔:恶作剧鬼想要的东西有点悬而未决 Mcneill: What poltergeists want is sort of up in the air. 他们想要得到关注 They want attention. 他们希望受到注意 They want to be noticed. 菲茨帕特里克:哦![哔] Fitzpatrick: Oh! [ bleep ] 麦克尼尔:他们是想让我们从那个地方尖叫着跑掉 mcnei...