接下来在《超自然实录》播出的是…… Narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera"... 那是什么,看那边 印第安纳州的三个男孩… ...Three boys in indiana... 哦,它在那边 它在路上 在树林里发现一个像猿猴一样的人… ...Spot an ape-like figure in the woods... 凯莱布:哦,天哪 哦,我的上帝 那是什么? Caleb: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. What is that? ……一个鬼魂猎人在一个废弃的教堂里受到惊吓 Narrator: ...A ghost hunter gets spooked in an abandoned church. 拉米亚:让它动起来 Lamia: Make it move. 到底是什么? What in the world? 我相信这一切发生的原因 I believe the reason why all this happens 是因为我根本不受欢迎 is because of the fact that I"m not welcome at all. 拉米亚:伙计们,看这个 看看这个 看看这个 Lamia: Guys, look at this. Look at this. Look at that. ……南美洲上空发生奇异的景象…… Narrator: ...A bizarre sight over south america... 它像个蠕虫 它在动,它是会飞的蠕虫 莫兰:它看起来不像任何人工制♥作♥的东西 Moran: It doesn"t look like anything crafted by man. 真的让人很困惑 It"s really befuddling. ……可怕的亮光照亮了新西兰的上空 Narrator: ...Frightening lights illuminate the sky in new zealand... 哦,我的天,天空被点亮了 如果我在天上看到这些东西,我会很害怕 I would be very afraid if I saw these things in the sky. 你觉得会是世界末日吗? You think like the world"s ending? ……还有更多超自然视频需要你去看… Narrator: ...And even more paranormal footage you have to see...
去相信 To believe. 超自然实录 第二季 第十六集 闹鬼酒吧 A Haunted Bar 废弃、破旧的建筑本身就令人毛骨悚然 abandoned, decrepit buildings are inherently creepy. 如果一座 118 年历史的教堂 But when that building is a 118-year-old church 在飓风中被摧毁 并且经历了生与死 that was destroyed in a hurricane and experienced life and death, 令人毛骨悚然的因素上升了 the creepy factor goes up -- 更加恐怖 way up. 那么是什么让一个人在半夜里去这样一个闹鬼的教堂… so what would possess a man to visit a haunted church like this in the middle of the night... 他自己想要吗? By himself? 一个要被吓到的人 A man who is asking to be terrified. 拉米亚:让这把椅子动起来 Lamia: Make this chair move. 让它移♥动♥ Make it move. 到底是什么鬼? What in the world? 案例:诱人的命运 好了,伙计们,我要偷偷查看这个小房♥间 all right, guys, I"m just gonna peek in this little room right here. 看起来是在教堂的后面 It looks like it"s in the back of the church. 它看起来像个储藏区 It looks like a storage area. 现在是凌晨两点 2019 年 9 月 3 日,佛罗里达美景镇 Narrator: It"s 2:00 a.M. On September 3rd, 2019 in belleview, florida. 克里斯·拉米亚,一个城市的捉鬼者 Chris lamia, an urban ghost hunter, 准备挑战自己 留在废弃的教堂里 has challenged himself to remain inside an abandoned church
据说那里至少闹鬼了 30 分钟 that"s said to be haunted for at least 30 minutes. 拉米亚:好的 Lamia: Okay. 从 1902 年成立时起 Narrator: From when it was founded in 1902, 这座浸信会教堂一直是做礼拜的地方 this baptist church served as a place of worship 直到 2017 年被飓风艾玛破坏得无法修复 until it was damaged beyond repair by hurricane irma in 2017. 拉米亚:好吧,我从侧门进来 Lamia: All right, I"m coming in through the side door. 我的名字叫克里斯 姓是拉米亚 My name"s chris. Last name"s lamia. 当我走进那个地方时 And when I walked into that place, 如果我说我不害怕,那一定是在撒谎 I"d lie if I said I wasn"t scared. 我真的吓坏了 I was definitely scared. 它看起来随时都可能坍塌 it looks like it"s ready to collapse any minute. 一切都只剩下我们残破的圣经 Narrator: All that"s left inside our damaged bibles, 破碎的家具 broken furniture, 还有其他的人或事 and someone or something else. 拉米亚:(喘着气)怎么回事? lamia: [ gasps ] what the hell? 哦,我的天啊 Oh, my goodness. (喘气)那是圣经 [ gasps ] that"s the bible. 哦,哇 看看这个 oh, wow. Look at that. 哦,我的上帝!我们开始吧 我们开始吧 Oh, my god! Here we go. Here we go. 哦,我在这里做什么? oh, what do I do here? 我完全僵住了,伙计们 完全僵在原地
I"m completely frozen, guys. Completely frozen in my tracks. 哦,我的上帝 Oh, my god. 最奇怪的是 The strange part of it is, 你的整个身体都僵住了 就像被锁住了一样动弹不得 is that your whole body just freezes up where you just feel like you just lock up and you can"t move. 这就是我当时的感受 So that"s kind of where I was in that moment. 时间在滴答 Narrator: The clock is ticking, 但几乎凝固了 but not nearly fast enough. 哦,我的上帝 oh, my god. 所以我去拿这个 So I went to pick this up. 这整个事情 This whole thing. 好吧 这真的吓坏我了,伙计们 okay. This is really freaking me out, guys. 肯定发生了什么事 There was definitely something going on, 不管是什么鬼把椅子弄翻了 还是 whether it was a spirit or spirits knocking these chairs over or just, 你知道,这位先生,克里斯先生的能量 you know, the energy of this gentleman, of chris, 到了那里,导致这种情况发生,导致某种意义上的 PK going in there causing that to happen or kind of intention pk. 我真希望这能再次发生 I wish this would happen so much that it happens. 我完全晕了 I"m completely dizzy. (我现在头晕 ) I"m so dizzy right now. 不知怎么突然间 Just all of a sudden out of nowhere, 我的呼吸开始变得沉重 我不得不坐下 因为如果我不坐下 I start breathing a little heavy and I have to sit because if I don"t sit, 我不知道我要昏迷多久
I don"t know how long I"m gonna be out for. 我曾经昏倒过一次 I have passed out once before, 我不希望这种事再次发生 and I don"t want it to happen again. 我听到一些东西 I hear something. 在中途 narrator: Halfway through, 克里斯试图让自己冷静下来 chris attempts to collect himself. 拉米亚:我听到你了 Lamia: I hear you. 我听到你了 I hear you. 但之后,鬼魂就显现了 Narrator: But then the haunting becomes physical. 拉米亚:这个打中了我的头 lamia: This just hit me in the head. 克里斯现在似乎受到了攻击 Narrator: Chris now appears to be under attack. 但他有危险吗? But is he in danger? 100 多年来,这里一直是做礼拜的地方 This has been a place of worship for well over 100 years. 这个地方经历过悲伤,希望,死亡,洗礼 So this place has seen sadness, hope, death, 你知道,各种各样的事情 baptisms, you know, all sorts of things 这是人类重大事件的特征 that attribute to milestone human events 也成为人们情感的支撑 and also becomes a crutch for people"s emotional 和精神上的幸福 and spiritual well-being. 有些像飓风一样东西摧毁了这个地方 Something like a hurricane to destroy a place like this, 这种类型的国家灾难可以激起所有这些鬼魂 that type of national disaster can stir up all of that. 拉米亚:(消音)! lamia: [bleep]!
(咳嗽) [ coughing ] 这把椅子站了起来,又倒了下去,像疯了一样移♥动♥着 this chair stood up, fell down, moved like crazy. 看!看! Look! Look! 那张椅子刚动了 That chair just moved. 我就是不明白 I just don"t understand it. 我真的不明白 I just really don"t understand it. 但是 嘿,哇,哇!(消音)! But. Hey, whoa, whoa! [bleep]! 这到底是怎么回事? What in the hell? 我想这可能是剩余的能量 I think that this is probably residual energy. 如果这是残留的鬼魂萦绕 if it is a residual haunting, 然后你要让人们移♥动♥椅子为仪式做准备 then you"re going to have people moving chairs to get ready for the service. 你会让圣经跌落来让神职人员帮助他们 You"re gonna have bibles falling for the clergy members reaching for them. 我觉得这一切都说得通 Like, all of it makes sense to me. 拉米亚:伙计们,看这个 看看这个 看看这个 Lamia: Guys, look at this. Look at this. Look at that. 这真的很奇怪 That was actually really freaky 因为我从右肩看过去 because I look over my right shoulder 有一把正在旋转的办公椅 and there is an office chair that"s just spinning. 我乍一看,就觉得… as soon as I looked, it"s just... 我用摄像机拍到了它在旋转,但它忽然就停了 I caught it on camera spinning, but it just stopped. 真的很疯狂 这简直是疯了 It"s just insane. It"s insane. 麦克尼尔:当鬼魂专注于要操纵的事情时
Mcneill: When ghosts zero in on things to manipulate, 它们通常关注与人类活动相关的事物 they usually zero in on things that had human activity tied to them. 我们花很多时间坐在桌边 And we spend a lot of time sitting at our tables, 坐在办公桌上,办公室里,家里,沙发上 at desks, at work, at home, on the couch. 椅子是人类活动的焦点 Chairs are a focus of human activity. 鬼魂被吸引到那里是有道理的 It makes sense that that spirits might be drawn there. 我不知道是不是我让它显现出来的 I don"t know if it"s just something that I"m bringing out. 我想他们可能是靠恐惧为生的 I think they might feed off of fear. 当我冷静下来的时候 And it seems to be when I calm down, 一切都平静下来了 everything else sort of calms down. 冷静,放松,我要冷静下来 Chill out. I"m gonna calm down. 我认为我们的目标只是尝试和互动 I think the goal is just to try and interact. 但我太激动了,甚至都没到那一步 But I get so worked up that I don"t even get to that point. 我非常激动 不管它是什么,我非常激动 I"m on fire. Whatever it is, it"s on fire, 所有的混乱都爆发了 and all chaos breaks out. 在他的挑战经过了大约三分之二的时间后… narrator: About two thirds of the way through his challenge... 这真是,真是太邪恶了 This is just -- it"s just pure evil. 我的意思是,我认为这一切都是邪恶的 I mean, I can"t see this as anything other than pure evil, 绝对的邪恶 absolute evil. ……一种截然不同的力量突然介入 Narrator: ...A decidedly different kind of force suddenly intervenes. [警报声] [ siren blips ]
拉米亚:警♥察♥来了 lamia: Cops are here. 我得走了,伙计们 警♥察♥在这里 Got to go, guys. Cops are here. 他的 30 分钟挑战赛还剩 7 分钟, Narrator: With about seven minutes left to go in his 30-minute challenge, 警♥察♥叫克里斯离开房♥子 chris is told by police to leave the property, 这对他来说是好主意 which is fine by him. 我有点高兴 (笑) I"m kind of glad. [ laughs ] 我很高兴他出现了 I"m kind of glad he showed up 因为这地方太疯狂了 because this place is nuts. 我出去了 我不会再回去了 I"m out. I"m not going back in. 警♥察♥来了,我松了一口气 I was highly relieved when the cops showed up. 我把摄像机关了之后,一切结束了 After I turned the cameras off, that was it. 我上了车,离开了那里 I got in the car and got the heck out of there. (咳嗽) [ coughing ] 尽管那天晚上克里斯很害怕地离开了 narrator: Although chris walked away terrified that night, 但这也阻止不了他以后来寻鬼 it won"t stop him from ghost hunting in the future. 就像你坐过山车 It"s kind of like when you"re riding 你说你再也不会去坐了 that roller coaster and you say you"ll never get back on it, 第二天,你就又重新坐上去了 and the next day, you"re right back on it. 就是老话说的那样 There"...