接下来在《超自然实录》播出的是………… Narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera"... 一个幽灵腾空而起…… A ghostly spirit takes to the skies... 遇到致命车祸的人经常报告说 People that arrive at fatal auto accidents 他们看到天空中升起了一层薄雾 often report seeing a mist rise up into the sky. ……一个机械师被天使…… Narrator: ...A mechanic is visited by an angel... 或是仙子拜访了? Or is it a fairy? 这是一个有趣的剪辑 It"s an interesting clip. 它有两条长腿,就像人有翅膀一样 It"s has two long legs like a human with wings. 肯塔基森林里有一种神秘的嗥叫吗? Narrator: Is there a howl cryptid in the kentucky woods? 嚎叫 这是一种能让你脖子上的汗毛竖起来的声音 It"s one of those sounds that just makes the hair on your neck stand up. 这个捉鬼者能在被攻击后 Will this ghost hunter survive... 嗷 活下来吗...An attack? 哦,天呐 只要他靠得太近 就爆♥炸♥了! As soon as he got too close. Boom! 鬼魂说:“你得离开这里,伙计” The ghost said, "you"re out of here, buddy. “这是我的圣所” This is my sanctuary." 另外,还有更多的超自然镜头等着你看…… narrator: Plus, even more paranormal footage you have to see... 去相信 To believe. [亚历克斯喘着气] [ alex gasps ] 超自然实录
第二季 第十七集 一次可怕的幽灵袭击 A Frightening Ghost Attack 法国的卢瓦尔河谷 因其宏伟的城♥堡♥而闻名 the loire valley of France is known for 这些城♥堡♥可以追溯到几个世纪以前 its majestic castles dating back centuries 这里曾经是法国国王和王后的家 that were once home to the kings and queens of France. 但在这个地区的乡村隐藏着一大♥片♥ But hidden in this region"s countryside lies a massive, 有着痛苦过去的废弃建筑… abandoned building with a tortured past... 这些建筑充满了悲伤和痛苦 Filled with sorrow and pain. 当一位年轻的法国男子和他的妹妹壮胆进入这栋建筑时 when one young french man and his sister dared to venture inside this building, 他们进行了一次极不寻常的邂逅,结果证明这是非常危险的行为 they made a highly unusual encounter that would prove incredibly dangerous... 亚历克斯:(用法语说)我很害怕 Alex: [ speaking in french ] 因为他们不仅看到了一个鬼魂…… ...Because not only did they see an entity... 那边是什么? 而且是两次…… ...Twice... (用法语大喊) [ shouts in french ] 其中一人也遭到袭击 ...One of them was also attacked. (消音) [ bleep ] 案例:法国惊魂 我们不能走那条路 2013 年春天… in the spring of 2013... 我们不能走那条路 杰西和他的妹妹亚历克斯 ...Jessy and his sister alex 开始探索法国博蒙特-拉朗斯的这座废弃建筑 set off to explore this abandoned building in beaumont-la-ronce, France.
这座建筑建于 1906 年 Built in 1906, 这座破旧的建筑曾经是一家孤儿院 this dilapidated building once served as an orphanage, 医院,甚至是收♥容♥所♥ a hospital and even a hospice. 人们在这里生活甚至死亡 People lived and died on these premises, 有传言说… and rumor has it... 这里闹鬼 It"s haunted. 停在这里看看 现在我能很好的看着你 但在他们踏进这里之前… but before they even step foot inside... 他们听到了一些声音…… They hear something... (呻♥吟♥声) [ moaning ] 一种萦绕的哀嚎 ...A haunting wail. [都说法语]那是什么声音? [ both speaking french ] 停住,不要走了 你听到了吗? 虽然他们很明显被吓坏了 although clearly freaked out, 但杰西说服他的妹妹进入建筑 jessy convinces his sister to enter. 有人在这里 停住,别走,我吓坏了 建筑里面也同样可怕,到处都是令人毛骨悚然的迹象 the inside is equally terrifying with visible signs of creepiness everywhere. 看这个走廊,看在上帝份上 天啊 为什么到处都是十字架? [在远处刮擦] [ scraping in distance ] 不会吧 你听到了吗?
天啊 那是风还是什么? 我感觉那把椅子动了 不会吧 我发誓 真的动了 (刮) [ scraping ] 不要讲了 严肃点,这太疯狂了,太不可思议了 我不太相信 (喘息) [ gasps ] 啊!
那是怎么回事? 杰西:(用法语说) jessy: [ speaking in french ] 我的名字是杰西 我来自旅行团 interpreter: My name is jessy. I am from tours. 在视频里的那一刻 椅子动了 迷失了 我们扪心自问 这里发生了什么?是风吗? 还是有谁在耍我们? 我们不知道椅子是不是真的移♥动♥了 那样的事情不是经常发生 但是闹鬼的故事才刚刚开始 Narrator: But the haunting is just beginning. 杰西和亚历克斯回到前门…… Jessy and alex go back to the front door... [用法语说]那里有人吗? [ speaking in french ] 他们突然看到一个人影 ...When they suddenly see a figure. 那边是什么? 噢 这不可能发生 你听到了吗?
did you catch that? 它看起来像是穿着那个时代服装的女鬼或影子 It looks like the ghost or shadow of a woman dressed in period clothing. 一开始我以为我们的眼睛看错了 但当我们意识到 我们两人都看到了 [两个人都喘气] [ both gasp ] 我们感到了真正的恐惧 哦,天呐,看 那是什么? 我们有一个完全成形的没有细节的人形 we have a fully formed human figure with no detail 事实是 它是一个完美的人形 whatsoever other than the fact that it is a well-formed, 完全实体的 completely solid, 神秘黑色人形 black-shrouded figure, 和一般描述的影子人很相似 very similar to the way shadow figures are always described. 天呐,那是什么? 这完全是疯了 很少有鬼魂以完整的人形出现 Very rarely ghosts, you know, appear as total human forms, 全部以三维形式出现 total, you know, three-dimensional everything. 这是非常罕见的景象 It"s a very rare sighting. 你能看到这样东西的几率 You would see something like this, 可能是 1 / 2000 maybe 1 out of 2,000. 这非常醒目 It"s pretty remarkable. 但是他们的好奇心战胜了他们的恐惧 Narrator: But their curiosity overcomes their fear 因为兄妹俩准备去追寻这个神秘的鬼魂 as the siblings go in pursuit of the mysterious entity. 杰西:(用法语说)楼梯那里 Jessy: [ speaking in french ]
(消音) [ bleep ] 亚历克斯 我看到疯狂的东西 还是她,那个穿黑衣服的女人 it"s her again -- the woman in black. [用法语说]等一下,不要上楼 [ speaking in french ] 等一下 我做不了,我不敢上去 但是已经太晚了 but it"s too late. 杰西下定了决心 Jessy is determined. 噢 杰西 翻译:[用英语说话]我发现自己在爬楼梯 interpreter: [ speaking in english ] 我没有看到黑影子 我一点也没有看到黑影子 噢 杰西 坦白地说,那就是那一刻 我意识到 我感到了害怕 我真的感到了害怕 杰西! jessy! 不要缠着我了 (喘粗气) [ breathing heavily ] 你怎么了? 不要缠着我们了 (远处的啪嗒声)啊! [ clatter in distance ]
aah! 怎么了? 杰西,你到底怎么了? 我看到人们被什么东西触碰,推动,拉扯 I"ve seen people touched, pushed, pulled by something 被一个实体,一个灵魂
-- an entity, a spirit -- 当你遇到这种情况时 and when you encounter that, 当你看着他们的时候,他们并不好 when you look at them, they are not okay. 通常情况下,他们的脸看上去会很惨白 Typically, the blood is drained from their face. 他们看起来颤抖着 They look shaken. 他们看起来改变了 They look changed. 斯考曼:就在你被打 Sceurman: Right before you get, you know, 被碰之前,你知道的 hit or touched or whatever, 你背上的汗毛会竖起来 hair on your back stands up, 你会有一种刺痛的感觉 或者一种冰冷的感觉 you get like a tingling feeling or you get like a cold feeling, 或者你会感到 你知道的 -- or you just get some kind of like, you know -- 你的胸口很沉重 you know, heaviness in your chest. 然后突然间,奇怪的事情发生在你身上 And then, you know, all of a sudden there"s this weird thing happens to you. 杰西,你到底怎么了? 有时候,调查人员也会有类似的经历 On occasion, investigators will actually experience something like what this guy experienced. 这是某种情感上的转变 It"s some sort of emotional shift. 虽然不算是占有,但会耗尽你的精力 It"s not quite a possession, but it"ll drain you of your energy. 它会让你脑海里出现一些毫无理由的想法 It"ll put the thoughts in your head that don"t have a reason for being there -- 悲伤,愤怒,诸如此类的事情 sadness, anger, that kind of thing. 它基本上会让你停止行动 It basically makes you shut down. 很多时候,人们在几个小时内离开大楼 Now, a lot of times people will leave the building and within a couple hours
然后他们就恢复了正常,完全没事了 they"re back to normal and completely fine. 但经常会发生这种情况 But this is something that happens from time to time. 杰西头晕目眩 Narrator: Jessy is dazed 但他能爬起来走出大楼 but able to get himself up and out of the building, 这是他们当时都想做的一件事 which at this point is all both of them want to do. 你怎么了? 不要再缠着我们了 当我看这个的时候 When I watch this, 我觉得有什么东西不希望你去 I think something doesn"t want you there. 在这个建筑中,有些东西想要自己单独留下 Something wants to be left alone in this structure. (呻♥吟♥) [ moaning ] 那是什么声音? 不会吧 然而,另一个世界也可能是真的,也许它想要互动 however, the flip side could also be true that maybe it wants to interact 这就是它试图展示的方式 and this is the way that it"s trying to show, “嘿,我在这里 让我们谈谈” "hey, I"m here. Let"s talk." 很难确定 it"s hard to determine whether or not 像这位绅士这样的遭遇 encounters like this gentleman actually suffered 是否真的会遭受长♥期♥的影响 end up having long-term effects. 我不能告诉你有什么办法 I can"t tell you one way or another, 但我可以说,允许一个外部鬼魂控制你的思想和情绪 but I can say that allowing an outside entity to control your thoughts and emotions, 这对你一点好处都没有 that can"t be good for you in any way. 所以如果是我,我会尽量避免这种情况
So if it were me, I would try to avoid these situations. 这种经历的一部分会伴随你 A part of that experience can stay with you. 你可以通过某种方式连接到另一个平面或另一边世界 You can end up with some sort of connection to another plane or to the other side. 或者现在你注定永远被折磨 Or now you"re doomed and haunted forever. 我只想说 Narrator: Suffice it to say, 杰西和亚历克斯都在那天上了宝贵的一课 jessy and alex both learned a valuable lesson that day. 哦上帝,看啊 那边有个人还是什么? 永远不要低估超自然的力量 Never underestimate the power of the paranormal. 都录下来了 翻译:[用英语说话] Interpreter: [ speaking in english ] 在这发生前 可以说我是怀疑论者 现在我知道都是存在的 我不能再和这些玩意玩下去了 我吓坏了,太可怕了 噢 哦,杰西 接下来,一个超出世间的声音…… narrator: Coming up, a voice from beyond... 请救救我 在求救 ...Cries for help. 请救我 意志坚定的灵魂如果想传递一个信息 narrator: Determined spirits looking to deliver a message 会使用任何必要的手段来突破障碍 will use any means necessary to break through 并与活生生的世界联♥系♥ and make contact with the living world. 它们移♥动♥物体,干扰周围环境 They move objects, tamper with their surroundings, 像幽灵一样出现 appear as ghostly apparitions,
或者如果他们足够绝望 or if they"re desperate enough, 他们甚至可以通过没有实体的声音对我们说话 they can even speak to us through disembodied voices. 事实就是这样...