接下来在《超自然实录》播出的是… Narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera"... 都市猎人…… A cryptid hunter... 这声音听起来相当近 成为了猎物 ...Becomes the hunted. [男人尖叫] [ man screams ] [讲外语] [ speaking foreign language ] 它在追我 呵!(笑)哦,我的天哪 yikes! [ laughing ] oh, my god. 一个不明飞行物衍生出其他不明飞行物 Narrator: A ufo breeds other ufos. 马丁:(哔哔声)那是什么东西? Martin: [bleep] is that thing? 天啊(消音) Holy [bleep]. 我从没见过这种情况 I"ve never seen anything like this one. -哇 -很奇怪 -Wow. -It was very strange. 一个悲伤女人的鬼魂出现在镜头里 Narrator: The ghost of a grieving woman is visible on camera, 但旁边站的人却没发现 but not to those standing next to her. 安全人员根本没有看到她 The security officers do not see her at all. 他们什么也没看见 Zilch. They see nothing. 这里什么也没有 兄弟俩和鬼魂算账…… Narrator: Two brothers reckon with a ghost... 鬼魂搞出了火灾 Who starts fires. 哔哔声] -我哥哥吓坏了 -[bleep] -my brother freaked out. 他有三四天没睡了
He didn"t sleep for about three, four days. 还有更多的超自然影像,你必须亲眼目睹才能相信 Narrator: And even more paranormal footage you have to see to believe. 女人:哦,我的天哪 [ kettle clattering ] woman: [ gasps ] oh, my god. 哦,天 Oh, man. 超自然实录 第二季 第十八集 鬼魂奏鸣曲 An Arsonist Ghost 在印度尼西亚广袤的丛林深处 narrator: Deep within the vast jungles of indonesia, 据说存在着一个神秘的种族,当地人称之为布尼安 there is said to exist a race of mystical beings whom locals refer to as the orang bunian, 意思是“隐藏的人” "the hidden people" -- 一群跨维度的幽灵实体 a group of inter-dimensional ghostly entities 生活在人类边缘的人 that live on the outskirts of humanity. 据传说,布尼安人美丽又强大 According to legend, the bunian are beautiful, powerful, 据说只有有灵性的人 and said to be visible only to those with spiritual sight -- 或对超自然事物天生敏感的人才能看见 humans with an innate sensitivity to the supernatural. 但如果你有足够的勇气去寻找它们,那要小心了 But if you"re ever feeling bold enough to actually go looking for them, beware. 贝,这个地方有声音发出 如果他们感到威胁,传言说… If they feel threatened, rumor has it... 当他一听到一点点那种声音 他马上认怂跑掉 复仇的人… ...The vengeful beings... 布尼安 要吃了我. 能让你消失得无影无踪 ...Can make you vanish without a trace. 哦,我的天
案例:见到我很高兴吗 9 年 印度尼西亚的丛林 2019 -- the jungles of indonesia. 电池 好的,我必须再充一下电 一个男人开始寻找传说中的布尼安 A man embarks on a quest in search of the mythical orang bunian. 不管你怎么评判我,都没关系 因为我还在这里,我还在独自前行 也许是为了躲避他的恐惧 Perhaps as a way of warding off his fear, 他开始谈论自己的英勇…… he starts talking about his own bravery... 所以我是最好的,我更勇敢了 我是最好的,就站在这里 并将自己与他朋友们的勇气进行比较 ...And comparing it to the bravery of his friends 这些朋友们选择在他冒险前进时袖手旁观 who have chosen to stay back while he ventures forth on his own. 我的勇气... 比那些 光说不做的人要大 当他扫视森林寻找布尼安的踪迹时 As he sweeps the forest for any signs of the orang bunian, 他离他的朋友越来越远 he gets farther and farther away from his friends... 阿贝走那条路更早些? 阿迪把我单独留在这里 离任何能帮助他的人也越来越远 ...And from anyone else who can come to his aid. 我听到一些声音,我听到了一阵抱怨声 (消音) [bleep] 你是对的,贝 这条路有声音发出来 然后他开始嘲笑布尼安 then he begins to taunt the orang bunian. 布尼安 ...要吃我 这声音听起来相当近 哦,天啊,啊!
[男子喘息] [ man panting ] 再看一遍慢动作,两个生物出现在他们面前 watch again in slow motion as two creatures appear in front of them. 较小的那只似乎向他猛扑过去 The smaller of the two seems to lunge after him. [男子喘息] [ man panting ] 他头也不回地全速奔跑 without ever looking back, he runs full tilt... [男子尖叫] [ man screaming ] 跑向聪明得多的朋友 ...To his much wiser friends. [气喘继续] [ panting continues ] (消音) [bleep] 那东西太糟糕了 有两个幽灵, ****! 呵!(笑)哦,我的天哪 yikes! [ laughing ] oh, my god. 就像……它是…… Like, that... Was it... 好吧 Okay. 你看到一个高的然后看到一个小的,对吧? You saw, like, a taller and then a smaller, right? 然后小的那个,好像要来抓你 And then the smaller was, like, coming to get you. (消音) 那是什么? [bleep] that. What is that? 那是什么? 因为它是什么? What"s that? Because what is it? [哔哔声][男人♥大♥喊] [bleep] [ man shouting ] 这个视频真的很吓人 this video is really terrifying. 首先,你有点迷失了方向
First of all, you"re kind of disoriented, 在这漆黑的丛林里 out in this dark jungle at night. [男子尖叫] [ man screaming ] 看视频的人 and the person watching the video, 或者拍视频的人,显然是吓坏了 or taking the video, is obviously terrified. !
它在追我! (喘气) [ panting ] 我也会害怕的 I would be, too. 我也想马上就逃出来 I would be out of there in a heartbeat. [男子尖叫] [ man screaming ] 不管这家伙在树林里遇到了什么 whatever this guy came upon in the woods, 你只能看到它几秒钟 and you only see it for a few seconds, 而且它看起来像…像一个妖怪 but it looks like a... Like a boogeyman. 我是说,它看起来真的很吓人 I mean, it looks, like, really scary. 这和我们对布尼安的了解并不一致 Narrator: Which doesn"t necessarily jibe with what we know about the orang bunian. 据传说,这是一种仁慈的生物 According to legend, this is a benevolent creature. 它没有任何害处 It doesn"t mean any harm. 卡诺:布尼安有一种文明 Cano: The orang bunian have a civilization, 一种语言,一种完全属于他们自己的等级制度 a language, a hierarchy entirely their own, 非常像人类 very much like humans. 他们有皇室 他们有农民 They have royalty. They have peasants.
他们有不同的性格 They have different personalities. 他们中的一些人对人类很好奇 And some of them are curious about mankind. 他们中的一些人只是想一个人待着 Some of them just want to be left alone. 他们被认为是仁慈的人 They"re considered to be benevolent beings 它们教导我们,你知道的,对人是很友好的 that teach us, you know, what it is to be human. 我们在这个视频中看到的不是这个情况 What we saw in this video is not that. 感觉它不是来做好事的 It doesn"t feel like it"s there to do good. 那么,有没有可能,比如 So, is it possible that there"s a, like, 它们是生活在森林里的一群神奇生物? fantastical group of creatures living in the forest? 是的 (笑)这是有可能的 Yeah. [laughs] it"s possible. [男人♥大♥喊] [ man shouting ] 是布尼安吗? 我不知道 was it the orang bunian? I don"t know, 因为那些东西在我看来并不仁慈 because those things did not seem benevolent to me. (继续叫嚷) [ shouting continues ] 但是传说 narrator: But legend has it, 在某些情况下,当布尼安感到威胁时 它们会变得充满敌意 there are instances in which these beings grow hostile when they feel threatened. 就像冰岛的神秘人一样 And like the hidden people of iceland, 有传言说布尼安会绑♥架♥儿童和成人 the orang bunian have been rumored to kidnap children and adults alike. 布尼安的意思是“隐藏的人” The orang bunian specifically means "hidden people," 这很有趣,因为在斯堪的纳维亚 which is really interesting because in scandinavia, 精灵和仙人被称为 huldufólk
the elves and fairies are called huldufólk, 意思是“隐藏的人” which means "the hidden people." 同样的词也适用于同一种生物 and it"s the same word that"s used for the same type of creature. 似乎地球上的每一种文化 It seems like every culture across our planet 在跨越不同的时期 and across different time periods 似乎都有一个种族或生物 seems to have a legend of a race or creature 传说生活在我们的世界之外 or something that lives just beyond our borders 我们必须对它们恐惧和小心 that we have to fear and be careful of -- 甚至,在某些情况下,要对它们尊敬和尊重 and even, in some cases, revere and give respect to. 但是有没有可能所有这些文化 But could it be possible that all these cultures 所有这些故事和所有这些神话都在描述同一件事呢? and all these tales and all these myths are describing the exact same thing? 一切皆有可能 Narrator: Anything is possible. 但不管这些是什么 But whatever these things were, 它们确实把那个追捕它们的人吓得胆战心惊 they certainly scared the courage out of the man who had been hunting them. 它在追我!
[男子尖叫] [ man screaming ] (喘气) [ panting ] 他也不知道自己差点就消失了 and little did he know just how close he got to disappearing 永远留在印尼的丛林里 into the jungles of indonesia forever. 那东西太槽糕了 接下来…… coming up... 永远不要从超自然现象的调查中…
Never take home anything from a paranormal investigation... 女人:哦,我的天哪 [ kettle clattering ] woman: [ gasps ] oh, my god. ……带回家任何东西 Narrator: ...Or else. [雷声轰鸣] [ thunder crashes ] 在捉鬼者中有一条神圣的规则 narrator: There"s a sacred rule among ghost hunters -- 超自然现象调查结束后 when the paranormal investigation is over, 在任何情况下都不要 do not, under any circumstances, 把该地点的任何物品带回家 take any objects from the location home with you, 尤其是有人警告过你不要这么做的时候 especially if you"ve been warned not to. 但当这些超自然现象调查人员 But when these paranormal investigators 结束了他们的南达科塔闹鬼酒店之旅时 finished their tour of a haunted south dakota hotel, 他们没有注意这个警告—— they didn"t heed the warning -- 一个会反过来困扰他们的决定 a decision that would come back to literally haunt them. 女人:哦,我的天哪 [ kettle clattering ] woman: [ gasps ] oh, my god. 哦,天啊 Oh, man. 案例:把鬼魂带回家 2018 年 3 月 narrator: In March of 2018, 丽塔•阿兰尼兹和博比•埃里克森 rita alaniz and bobbie erickson, 中西部幽灵猎人小组的成员们 members of the midwest ghost hunterz team, 调查了南达科他州戴德伍德的臭名昭著的布洛克旅馆 investigated the notorious bullock hotel in deadwood, south dakota. 那里有东西,但不是我们 是的,那里有东西 埃里克森:你能操作我们的 EMF 探测器吗?
Erickson: Can you play with our emf detector? 好的 你能让它变红吗? There you go. Can you make it turn red? [静电震荡] [ oscillating static ] 在从 EMF 机器得到一些有趣的反馈之后 narrator: After getting some interesting feedback from the emf machine 并亲眼目睹了大量奇怪的事情…… and witnessing a wealth of odd happenings firsthand... -你听到了吗? -是的,我听到了 -Did you hear that? -Yeah, I heard that. ……小组断定布洛克旅馆确实在闹鬼 Narrator: ...The team determined that the bullock was indeed quite haunted 并结束了调查 and concluded the investigation. 但在出发之前 But before heading out, 他们不顾酒店经理的警告 in spite of the hotel manager"s warning, 两个女人都从酒...