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时间:2022-07-05 16:40:03 来源:网友投稿




 好的 Okay. 加勒特医生 你要去哪里

 Dr. Garrett? Where are you going? 亲爱的斯黛拉 Dear Stella, 我刚从卢克那里听到噩耗 I"ve only just heard the terrible news from Luke. 我感到非常遗憾 I"m so sorry. 这是我人生中第一次不知道该说什么好 For once in my life, I"m at a loss for words. 我去奥尔德温特是为了找那巨蛇 I came to Aldwinter to look for the serpent, 没想到会觅得友谊 and I didn"t expect to find friendship. 斯黛拉 我真的很想见你 Stella, what I really want is to see you, 但却担心我回去只会让村里人不高兴 but I fear that coming back would just upset the village. 你是我的朋友 我从没想要… You are my friend and I never meant-- 发生什么事了

 What"s happened? 我们家进贼了

 Have we been burgled? 玛莎呢 她的房♥间是空的 Where"s Martha? Her room"s empty. 我们去吃早餐吧 Let"s go and have breakfast. -你去哪儿了

 -我睡不着 - Where have you been? - I couldn"t sleep. 我去找你 I came to look for you. 我去找内奥米了 I was looking for Naomi. 她死了吗

 Is she with the serpent? 帮你暖暖身子 Let"s warm you up. 威尔

 Will? 什么事

 Yes? 它在等我 He"s waiting for me. 别难过 Don"t be sad. 我准备好了 I"m ready. 帮我 Help me. 任何事我都会帮你 Anything. 我想见见柯拉和弗兰基 I want to see Cora and Frankie. 我要他们回来 I want them to come back. (改编自莎拉佩里小说)

 我再去拿个木箱 好吗

 Shall I get another crate? 好的 谢谢 在炊具存放室里 Yes, please. In the scullery. 我的漫画 My comics! -小姐 你的信 -谢谢 - There you go, miss. - Thank you. (斯伯恩太太亲启)

 (埃塞克斯 科尔切斯特)

 亲爱的柯拉 Dear Cora, 我们在伦敦碰面前不久 Shortly before we met in London, 斯黛拉被诊断出患有肺结核 Stella received a diagnosis of tuberculosis. 这或许能解释我在博物馆的行为 Perhaps that may explain my behavior at the museum. 不幸的是 她的健康状况正在迅速恶化 Tragically, her health is now fading fast. 这几天她一直求我给你写信 请求你过来看看她 She"s been begging me for some days to write to you and ask you to visit. 但我不得不说 我觉得这并不是个好主意

 But I have to say, I don"t think it"s a good idea 对她 对我…对我们当中任何一位 for her, me-- Any of us. 事实上 我简直不知道 该如何度过这些日子 The truth is, I scarcely know how to get through the days. 我已伤心欲绝 I am broken. 好了 There. 你胡子刮得比伤口缝得好 At least your shaving is better than your stitching. -你不如搬来和我住一段时间

 -我自己应付得来 - Why don"t you move in with me for a bit? - I"m fine on my own. 让我来 Let me do it. 我们一会儿去停尸房♥ We"ll go to the mortuary later. 什么

 What? 我需要练习使用手指 I need to practice manipulating my fingers. 斯宾塞 我得回去工作 I have to get back to work, Spencer. 一步一步来 One day at a time. 先别去想手术的事 Don"t think about operating yet. 你认为这可能吗

 You think that"s possible? 我能放松吗 放弃我的工作

 I can just relax? Give up my work? -你难道一点都不了解我

 -抱歉 - Don"t you know me at all? - I"m sorry. 一定有什么是我可以做的 There must be something I can do. 那就是别管我 Leave me. 卢克 Luke-- -别管我 -好的 - Leave me alone. - Yeah.

 再见 Bye-bye. 谢了 没你的事了 Thank you. That"ll be all. 你好 Hello. 安布罗斯改变主意了 Ambrose has changed his mind. 非常抱歉 I"m so sorry. 请进 Please. “我不能提出法案 因为我不相信社会住房♥能解决问题 "I cannot raise a bill because I do not believe that social housing is the answer. 人♥民♥必须自行解决问题 而不是依靠国家” People must solve their own problems, not rely on the state." 老实说 这个人没脑子 更没同情心 Honestly, the man has no brains and even less heart. 别担心 我会继续争取的 会给他们写信 Don"t worry. I"ll keep going. Writing letters. 我们其实也有一些消息 Actually, we have some news too. 斯宾塞想出了一个帮助我们的计划 Spencer"s come up with a plan to help us. 什么 什么时候的事

 What? When? 我们在你们走后继续聊 他说… We carried on talking after you all left, and he said-- 他想买♥♥下这整栋楼 Well, he"s offered to buy this whole building. -什么

 -是的 - What? - Yeah. 他想安装水管和通电 He wants to install plumbing and electricity. 为这里改头换面 Transform the place. 真为你们高兴 Good for you. 不只是我们 这里住了十户家庭 Not just us, ten families live here. 你不高兴吗

 Aren"t you pleased? 当然高兴 Of course. 作为个人 你们都将受益匪浅 As individuals, you will all benefit enormously. 但我们需要的是真正的改变 而不是慈善事业 But we need real change, not philanthropy. 我想他这么做是为了你 I think he"s doing this for you. 他谈到了你们未来在一起的事 He talked about your future together. 柯拉 Cora. -斯宾塞 -柯拉 我… - Spencer. - Cora. I-- 如果你是来找玛莎的 她几天前搬走了 If you"re after Martha, she moved out a few days ago. -她住在齐普赛德 -不 我有个坏消息 - She"s staying in Cheapside. - No. I have bad news. 卢克遇劫了 被刺伤了 Luke was robbed, stabbed. 你说什么 什么时候

 What? When? 在出席派对后回家的路上 On his way home from the party. 他的右手被割破见骨 His right hand was sliced open. 我立刻给他动了手术 I took him straight to theater. -尽了我最大的能力 -当然 - Worked to the best of my abilities. - Of course. 我想他无法再拿手术刀了 I don"t think he"ll operate again. 卢克 Oh, Luke! 多希望我能改变事情 和他对换位置 If I could change things, change places… 我能做些什么 任何事 What can I do? Anything. 去探望他 让他振作起来 Visit him. Cheer him up.


 He asked for me? 他不知道我来找你 He doesn"t know I"m here. 卢克

 Luke? 卢克

 Luke? 我亲爱的朋友 Oh, my dear friend. 我在想你是否会来 Wondered if you"d come. 我一听到消息就来了 As soon as I found out. 非常抱歉 I"m so sorry. 非常抱歉 I"m so sorry. 看看它 没用了 Look at it. Useless. 我连一块牛肉都切不了 I can"t even carve a joint of beef. 我来帮你清洗伤口 Let me clean it. 或许我可以给你安排物理治疗

 Maybe I could arrange some physical therapy? 用橡皮筋锻炼 不用了 谢谢 Exercise with a rubber band? No, thanks. 或者写信给你跟我提过的那位医生 Or write to that doctor you told me about, 把人造器官植入人体的那一位

 who inserts artificial parts into the body? 我告诉你是因为他是个白♥痴♥ I told you about him because he"s an idiot. 这是不可能的 It can"t be done. 我现在来了 Well, I"m here now. 不管接下来发生什么 我们都可以一起解决 Whatever"s next, we can deal with it together. 一起

 Together? 忘了我们愚蠢的争吵吧 Just forget our stupid row. 我会照顾你的 I"m going to look after you. 如何照顾

 How? 来和我一起住吧 Come and live with me. 你听起来就像斯宾塞 想照顾我直到我痊愈 You sound like Spencer trying to nurse me through all of this. 不 我的意思是搬来和我住 永久性的 No. I mean move in with me. Forever. 什么

 What? 作为我的朋友和同伴 As my friend and companion. 我还以为那是玛莎的职责 Thought that was Martha"s department. 她搬走了 She"s moved out. 原来如此 所以用我填补空缺 I see. So, filling a void. 不是的 No. 那牧师离开了 The parson"s retreated, -仆人们不在了 -不 卢克 - the servants vanished. - No, Luke. -只剩下我了 -不…拜托 住嘴并听我说 - I"m the last man standing. - No-- Please, shut up and listen. 我认为这行得通 I think it can work. 我们相处得很好 喜欢彼此的陪伴 We get on well, we enjoy each other"s company. 我的房♥子对我来说太大了 你可以住迈克尔的房♥间 I-- My house is far too big for me. I mean, you could have Michael"s room. 陵墓

 The mausoleum? 我已经清理干净了 I"ve cleared it out.

 想想看 Just think about it. 我们可以天天一起看书 聊天 We could spend our days together reading and talking. 或许出去吃顿午饭 在肯辛顿花♥园♥散散步 Maybe lunch out. A stroll in Kensington Gardens. 还是逛展览馆 生个火 在家吃顿饭

 Or a gallery? Light a fire? Dine in? 吃得过多 喝得过多 Eat too much, drink too much. 接着互道晚安 然后我就去睡你丈夫的床

 Before we say good night and I retire to your husband"s bed? 有何不可

 Why not? 因为这太荒谬了 Because it"s ridiculous. 你却看不清 And you can"t even see it. 但这个血肉模糊的烂摊子终于让我清醒了 But this mangled bloody mess has finally opened my eyes. 卢克 我关心你 I care about you, Luke. 你需要我的时候就来找我 You called me when you needed me. 我是医生 A doctor. 是可以倾诉的对象 A shoulder to cry on. 是酒伴 A drinking partner. 不是这样的 你是我的朋友 That"s not true. You"re my friend. 作为你的朋友 Well, as your friend… 柯拉 我得跟你说实话 I have to be honest with you, Cora. 我不想和你住在一起 I don"t wanna live with you. 为什么

 Why not? 因为我爱你

 Because I"m in love with you, 而你爱的却是别人 and you"re in love with somebody else. 玛莎 Martha. 你要进来吗

 Do you wanna come in? 我猜你已听说卢克的事 You heard about Luke, I assume. 是的 Yes. 你为何没告诉我

 Why didn"t you tell me? 我以为你或许会做傻事 I thought that you might do something stupid. 玛莎 我很抱歉 I"m sorry, Martha. 为什么事

 For what? 我那样对待你和卢克 How I"ve treated you. Luke… 我没照顾好我爱的人 for not looking after the people I love. 从屋顶上可以看到美妙的景色 There"s a wonderful view from the roof. 你想看吗

 Do you wanna see? 我告诉柯拉我不要护士 I told Cora I don"t want a nurse. 她怎么样了

 How was she? 不可能的 Impossible. 她关心你 我们都关心你 She cares about you. We both do. 斯宾塞 我连笔都无法握 Spencer, I can"t even write. 你来念 我来写 You dictate, and I"ll write. 我可以让你住一晚 You can stay for one night.

 只要你需要我 住多久都行 For as long as you need. 谢谢 Thank you. 我几乎能看到我出生的房♥子 I can almost see the house where I was born. 安布罗斯会帮忙吗

 Is Ambrose going to help? 他无法支持社♥会♥主♥义♥议程 He couldn"t support a socialist agenda. 很遗憾 I"m sorry. 斯宾塞怎么想

 What does Spencer think? 我不知道 我在回避他 I don"t know. I"m avoiding him. 我觉得他爱上我了 I think he"s in love with me. 他说什么了吗

 Has he said something? 我看得出来 I can just tell. 怎么啦

 What is it? 是关于斯黛拉 她病了 It"s Stella. She"s unwell. 流感还没好

 With the flu still? 是肺结核 我想她快死了 Tuberculosis. I think she"s dying. 她要见我 但我不确定我该不该回去 She"s asked to see me, but I"m not sure I can go back. 害怕

 Scared? 不是害怕村民 Not of the villagers. 害怕见到威尔

 Of seeing Will? 你了解我的 我… You know me. I-- 我把一切毁了

 I break things. 你也可以把它们修好 You can fix them too. 如果有需要 你就应该回去 If you need to, you should. 柯拉斯伯恩 你不是个懦夫 You"re not a coward, Cora Seaborne. 玛莎 Martha. 我没想到你这么富裕 I had no idea you had so much. 很高兴见到你 It"s good to see you. 听着 Listen. 如果这个“新房♥东”主意 是对我的一种试探 那么… If this new landlord ...