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时间:2022-06-24 19:50:04 来源:网友投稿




 关于“知廉,守廉,创廉”的英语作文 About "know cheap, keep cheap, create cheap" English composition

 Honesty is a kind of ability Honesty is not only a noble moral character, but also an important ability, which must become the unremitting pursuit of the majority of young people.Honesty ability includes honesty of cognitive ability and self-discipline ability.Honesty is clean, is not greedy for unnecessary money; clean is white, is refers to the aboveboard attitude of life.Wang Yi, a famous scholar of the Eastern Han Dynasty, commented in the Ci of Chu: "Do not be clean", that is to say, he is not to accept money and gifts from others, and not to stain his innocent character, which is clean.Self-discipline ability, is to require the majority of cadres through self-education, self-restraint, self-cultivation, self-supervision, so as to regulate their own behavior, establish a good image, consciously do often repair the virtues of politics, often think of the harm of greed, always have the heart of self-discipline.

  Honesty is a kind of character Honesty and integrity is the confidence of young people to behave, the hard work, but also the "qualification" to shoulder the responsibility of leadership.The young group is energetic, energetic, active in thinking and strong in acceptance ability, which is a new force to help the development of enterprises. However, the young group does not work long, lack of experience, and the awareness of resisting corruption and preventing degeneration is not strong, which is easy to be affected by bad ideas.Only honesty can show loyalty, only honesty can dare to dare to be when.Therefore, the youth group should always alert themselves, cultivate a positive and healthy life interest, resolutely resist hedonism and extravagance, always examine, often reflect, consciously resist the erosion of various decadent ideas, effectively enhance the sense of self-discipline, and guard the "integrity".

  How to "create integrity" While focusing on key areas and key positions to improve standards and consolidate responsibilities, we should strengthen the education of ideals and beliefs, strengthen ideological unity, strictly control the education and supervision of youth groups, and require youth groups to do: First, to lay a solid ideological foundation Consciously accept ideological and political education, to cultivate one"s morality, frugality, to establish firm ideals and beliefs and lofty spiritual pursuit, build a firm spiritual dam against corruption and degeneration, unyielding in the face of rights, in the face of money, do not waver in the face of temptation. Second, regulate their own words and deeds In the work to adhere to the duty, endure loneliness, keep poverty, withstand the temptation, constantly strengthen self-cultivation, always adhere to honesty and self-discipline, clear mind and pure thought. Third, always maintain the spirit of clean air

 Correct view of fame and profit, seriously treat the rights in the hands of, always self-discipline, self-examination, consciously resist all kinds of unhealthy tendencies, constantly strengthen the awareness of honesty and self-discipline, strengthen self-prevention ability, keep a clean heart, clean life, clean work. We will accelerate the development of the talent echelon and concentrate on winning the "three critical battles".Facing the complex situation and difficult task, youth groups should play a leading role in the society, always stick to the beginner"s mind, inexpensive, keep, and inexpensive in real work and life constantly strengthen self-discipline consciousness, strict honest self-discipline, firmly hold the first line of defense, carefully take every step, with good state carry responsibility in the shoulder, build a solid hedge for high quality development.

 关于“知廉,守廉,创廉”的英语作文 知廉是一种能力 廉洁不仅是一种高尚品德,而且是一种重要能力,必须成为广大青年不懈的追求。廉洁能力包含对廉洁的认知能力和自律能力。廉是清廉,就是不贪取不应得的钱财;洁是洁白,就是指人生光明磊落的态度。东汉著名学者王逸在《楚辞·章句》中注释说:“不受曰廉,不污曰洁”,也就是说不接受他人馈赠的钱财礼物,不让自己清白的人品受到玷污,就是廉洁。自律能力,就是要求广大干部通过自我教育、自我约束、自我修养、自我监督,从而规范自己的行为,树立良好的形象,自觉做到常修为政之德,常思贪欲之害,常怀律己之心。

  守廉是一种品格 清正廉洁,是青年群体做人的底气、做事的硬气,也是担负领导重任的“资格”。青年群体精力充沛、富有朝气、思维活跃、接受能力强,是助力企业发展的生力军,但是青年群体工作时间不长、涉世历练不够,拒腐防变的意识还不强烈,容易受到不良思想的影响。唯有廉洁才能彰显忠诚,唯有廉洁才能敢于敢当。因此青年群体要时刻警醒自己,培育积极健康的生活情趣,坚决抵制享乐主义、奢靡之风,时时检视、常思反省,自觉抵御各种腐朽思想的侵蚀,切实增强自律意识,守好“廉关”。

  如何“创廉” 在紧盯关键领域、关键岗位提升标准、压实责任的同时,加强理想信念教育,强化思想统一,从严把好青年群体教育关、监督关,要求青年群体应做到:

 一、筑牢思想根基 自觉接受思想政治教育,要静以修身,俭以养德,要树立坚定的理想信念和崇高的精神追求,筑牢拒腐防变的精神堤坝,在面对权利时不屈从,面对金钱时不心动,面对诱惑时不动摇。

 二、规范自身言行 在工作中要坚守本分,耐得住寂寞,守得住清贫,经得住诱惑,不断加强自我修养,始终坚持廉洁自律、头脑清醒和思想纯洁。




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