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时间:2022-06-23 13:35:03 来源:网友投稿




 租赁协议终止通知 只有这一种甜点吗 Is that the only pudding they got? 有甜点的 但是要先吃前菜 They"ve got pudding, but you have to start with starters 不然干嘛叫前菜呢

 -懂了 cos that"s why it"s called starter. Right, got it. 番茄和罗勒吗

 -不 Right, so, tomato and basil? No. 那就是调味饭或者红酒炖牛肉 And then you"ve got risotto or beef bourguignon. 然后甜点是纽约芝士蛋糕 And it is New York cheesecake for pudding. 我觉得红酒炖牛肉可以

 -好的 I think the beef. Righto. 我得去跟戴眼镜的女士说 I, um…need to take it to the lady with the glasses. 花♥园♥很美啊 Garden"s amazing. 我得在被轰走之前多享受享受 I"d better enjoy it before I"m out on the street. 怎么了 Oh, come on! 你从来不善于坚持到底 Follow-through"s never been your strong point. 过来坐 姑娘 Come sit, nugget. 就好像你和我 It"s like you and me. 你好贝琪

 -你好克里斯汀 Hi, Becky. Hi, Christine. 没事吧

 -没事 Everything OK? Yeah, all fine. 既然你妈妈安顿好了 我就来看看 I just thought I"d drop by and see your mum now that she"s settled in. 不用的 这边人都很好的 It"s all right, they"ve got great people here. 我知道 不麻烦的 Oh, I know, I know. It"s no trouble. 那下次见咯

 -好的 So, well, I will see you next time, yeah? Sure.


 -你好 Hello, love! Hello! 我泡茶 I"ll put the kettle on. Oh! Hm-hm. 刚刚在走廊碰到你家贝琪了 I just saw your Becky in the corridor. 是啊 她都等不及赶紧走了呢 Yeah. She couldn"t get out of here quick enough. Aw! 天天就知道跟男人在一起 -太可惜了 She"s always with her fancy man now. That"s a shame. 好不了多久的 Well, it won"t last long. 她就是一点本事没有 She can never hold anything down, that one. 你带了不少东西来啊 Oh, you have bought a lot, haven"t you? 你好

 -你好 有事吗 Hi, there. Hi. Everything OK? 我是萨沙 帕姆·格林的女儿 Yes. Um…I"m Sasha, I"m Pam Greene"s daughter. 现在来看我妈妈的那个女人 The woman visiting my mum just now, 我叫她不要来了 因为每次都惹得我妈不开心 I"ve asked her not to come because she upsets Mum every time, 但她不听 还一直来 but she won"t listen, she just keeps showing up. 真是抱歉 I"m so sorry. 你能不允许她以后来探视了吗 Do you think you could make sure she isn"t allowed in to visit her? 我非常理解 Completely understand. 没问题的 Of course. Of course. 你好 有事吗 Yes, can I help you? 以后不用再敲门了 BECKY LAUGHS No, no, you have to do that again. 给你钥匙 There you are. 你个傻子

 You"re an idiot. 请进吧 Please, come in. 你说我什么 What did you call me? 我说你是傻子 I called you an idiot. 我就是太激动了 I"m just excited. 你感觉如何 How are you feeling? 轻松点了 Lighter. 那就好 Good. 天啊 Oh, Christ! 你都带了什么啊 What have you got in here? 我给你腾了点地方 I"ve cleared some space in the cupboards for you. 我又不是要搬进来 I"m not moving in. 我知道 I know, I know. 就先暂住等你找到新房♥子啊

 -对 It"s just until you find somewhere else to stay, right? Right. 喝咖啡吗 Want some coffee? 好的

 -好 Yes, please. OK. 我现在就在看你网站上我女儿的照片 Well, I"m on your website now looking at a photo of my daughter 你就非得放上去显得你很大度 that you just love to flash around to show how inclusive you are. 这个词对我来说已经没意义了 And I have to say, that word feels very hollow to me right now. 我儿子就是非♥典♥型的 My son is atypical! 得了吧 咬了一小口而已 Oh, come on, it was just a little bite.

 流了多少血 How…how much blood? 嗯 好 Right. Yeah, OK. 好的 INCOMING CALL Right, yeah, OK, fine. 好 几点 Yep. What time? 谢谢 不用 我过去就好 OK, thanks. No, please don"t. I"ll just see you there. 天啊 LIVIA SIGHS Oh, God! 我得去诺亚学校一趟 特恩布尔很不开心 I have to go into Noah"s school. Trunchbull"s not happy. 可能得给他换学校了 他就是应付不来 I think we"re going to have to find him another school. He"s just not managing. 抱歉又要让你帮忙了 菲尔展的最后部分你来弄行吗 I"m sorry to dump this on you, but can you handle the last bits and pieces for Phil"s show? 没问题的

 -谢谢 No, no, no, it"s fine. Thank you. 利维 抱歉现在提这事 Liv? Yeah? Sorry to be a pain. Um… 但你有空给我开工资了吗 But have you had a chance to pay my invoice yet? 真是对不起

 -没事的 Oh, God, I"m so sorry! No, no, please, it"s…it"s just 只是我妈去了养老院 我还要找新房♥子住 with my mum"s home and trying to find a new place… 理解 只是我这边现金流有点问题 Of course. Um…there"s, er…been a bit of a cash flow problem 还有很多订单没完成 我会尽快的 and backlog, but I will…I will do it as soon as I can. 抱歉

 -谢谢 I"m sorry. Thank you. 我得走了 I"ve got to go. Hm! 我得赶在诺亚又咬了其他小孩之前 Got to go and face the mums 赶快跟人家妈妈们搞好关系了 before Noah cannibalises another one of the little shits. 你能把酒席名单发我吗

 Um…would you mind sending me the caterers" list? 当然了 Oh! Yes, of course. Yes, yes. 我确定一下展览的最终人数 And I"ll get final numbers confirmed for the exhibition. 这是密♥码♥ Er…here"s the password. 自己看吧

 -谢谢 Just help yourself. Thank you. 乔什那边祝你好运了 回见 Good luck with Josh. I"ll see you soon. 拜拜 See you later. Bye! 孩子们 家庭 贷款 订阅 克洛伊 利维亚·富尔顿活动 艾略特竞选 看看是谁起死回生了 Wow! Look who"s back from the dead! 你怎么样

 -没事 How are you? I"m fine. 菲尔展览的事情 So, about Phil"s exhibition, 谢谢你帮忙搞定场地 thank you so much for sorting out the space. 我可以给你看看 Um…I can show you… 现在咱俩要这样了是吧 Right, right, right, so, that"s how we"re going to be doing this, is it? 抱歉 我太忙了 Sorry, I"ve been busy. 我听说你全职给利维亚干了

 -是的 I heard you were working full-time for Livia. Yes. 所以你俩是又和好了吗 So, you"re seeing him again? 他知道你真名叫什么吗 Does he know your real name yet? 你会给我捣乱吗

 Are you going to be a problem? 场地你随便弄 Do what you want with the space. 喂你好

 -是帕姆·格林女士吗 Hello? MALE: Is that Miss Pam Greene? 哪位

 -我是雷诺兹催收公♥司♥的 Sorry? This is Reynolds Debt Collection. 我方奉命追回五千英镑逾期未付款项 We"ve been instructed to recover the overdue balance of £5,000… 不是说好不要偷偷喝醉的吗 What have I told you about getting drunk without me? Hm? 那你追我啊

 -没问题 Well, catch up, then! If I must. 我今天感觉好像开了一个很漫长的会 God, my whole day has felt like one long meeting. 没事吧

 -嗯 Everything all right? Yeah. Um… 就是 利维一直没给我钱呢 Yeah. Liv has just been putting off paying my invoice for a while. 我在想要怎么说 I"m just trying to work out what to say. 什么意思 她不付你钱吗 What do you mean - she"s not paying you? 有点现金流的问题 There"s…there"s a cash flow issue. 我也完全能理解 Which, of course, I completely understand. 这就是利维亚会办的事 That is such typical Livia. 要我帮你说说吗 Do you want me to have a word? 不 我不想小题大做 No, I-I don"t want to make it a thing. 怎么搞政♥治♥竞选还能不发给员工工资呢 Well, you can be running a political campaign and not pay your staff. 不 No. 我先给你

 -不用 I"ll cover you for now. No! 真没事 Honestly, it"s nothing.

 你输入数字吧 Put your details in there. 我会还你的 I…I will pay you back. 还有我妈妈养老院的钱 And the money I owe you for Mum. 好的 不着急 Sure. There"s, er…no rush. 我也会催一下那边的 And I"ll have a word in the meantime, hurry things up a bit. 谢谢你 Thank you. 好了 All done. 现在可以一起大醉了吧 Now, can we get drunk? 求你咯 Please? Ha-ha! 怎么了

 -没事 What? It"s nothing. 就是很蠢 Silly as this, um… 这个窗帘 The curtains… 之前都是开着的 …we always used to have them open. 她说她喜欢这样 She…said that she liked it, 能看到外面 to be able to see outside. 那就拉开 OK. Well, um…let"s…let"s open… 不是 你误会我了 Wait, no! No, you"re misunderstanding me. I… 我喜欢关着 …I like them closed. 只是你去拉窗帘的时候 It"s just when you went to close them, I… 我就感觉要小心一下 …I thought about looking over my shoulder… 万一她在

 …in case she was there… 看我们呢 …watching. 我过来住 Look, is this… 是不是你会压力很大 …too much…me coming to stay? 没有 No. 对不起 I"m sorry. 我希望你来的 I want you here. 我们直接过去是吧 We"re going straight out, aren"t we? 艾略特送我们 Elliot will drive us. 但我车子在他前面啊 But my car"s in front of his. 你俩先去吧 Why don"t you two go on ahead? 不 我们要一起去的 No! We are absolutely going together. Go on, now! 你好 Hello. 蒂吉 这是萨沙 Ahem! Tiggy, er…this is Sasha. 你们应该见过 I think you"ve met before. 我没印象了 I don"t remember. 这是鼻涕 我妹妹 And, er…this is Blob…er…B, my, um…little sister. 我小时候叫不出她的名字 所以 I couldn"t say her name when we were little, so… 我就很幸运了有了鼻涕这个外号♥ Blobs it was. Lucky me. 那萨沙呢 Oh, and what about Sasha? 她不会也要穿着和服睡衣 I"m sure she"s not coming to lay the headstone

 去给你的亡妻立墓碑吧 on your dead wife"s grave in her kimono. 我今天很难过的 This is a very difficult day for me. 她就好像我亲生女儿一样 She was like the daughter that I never had. 妈妈 Mum! 别这么敏感 你懂我意思的 Oh, don"t be so sensitive, you know exactly what I mean! 我不知道是今天 抱歉 I-I didn"t know it was today. Sorry. 没事 我昨天确实跟你说了 It"s fine. I did say yesterday 今天上午我们都要去墓地的 不过没事 we"d be at the graveyard all morning, but, er… 我去拿车钥匙 I need to get my car key. 我去外面等了 I"m going to wait outside. 别介意我妈 她不是针对你 她就是个烂人 Sorry about Mum. Don"t take it personally, she"s just the worst. 我刚把我妈送去养老院 I just had mine put in a home. 真的 THEY LAUGH I really have. B 把你的破车挪开 B, move this wretched car now! 你来不会合起伙来欺负我吧 You two aren"t going to gang up on me, are you? 别傻了 Don"t be silly. 午餐见

 -好 See you at lunchtime. OK. 如何避免已经预测到的巨大灾难 PODCAST: …Avert the huge catastrophes that have been predicted? 当然不是只靠他们自己 Well, not on their own. 但其实我看向未来 感受到了巨大的希望 But actually, I look at the future and I feel huge hope. 我总是看到人心好的一面

 I always think the best of people. 我觉得大家都想行善事 I think everyone wants to do the right thing, 或许我太乐观了 and, yes, I may be an optimist, 但我真的认为对人抱有信念是蛮重要的 but I truly believe that having faith in people is important, 因为这才是我们有意义行动的基石 because it"s what we base meaningful action on. 所以比如说 So, for example, 我一直在和一些大的社会企业合作 I"ve been working with some social enterprise companies 他们开♥发♥了很多了不起的高...

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