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时间:2022-06-23 13:35:03 来源:网友投稿




 你好? Hello? 你好 Hello? 威尔逊在哪里? Where"s Wilson? 他死了 He"s dead. 你的窗口现在是我 You"re dealing with me now. 如果你想保住和中国城的交易‥ And if you want to keep your deal with Chinatown 就必须先为我做件事 you"re going to have to do something for me first. 一小时后在林肯隧♥道♥碰面 Meet me at the Lincoln Tunnel in one hour. 你刺起来挺好看的 小兄弟 That ink looks good on you, little homie. 你现在可以称王了 You"re a king now. 帕可 宝贝 Yeah, Parco, baby! 怎么了? QuĂ© pasa? 你知道我不喜欢家里有客人 You know how I feel about having people in our house. 拜托 宝贝 开心点嘛 Come on, baby. Can you lighten up? 我们在庆功

 -庆功? It"s a celebration. - A celebration? 事情不该是这样的 This is not how this was supposed to go down. 我们得放眼未来 好吗? 别拘泥于过去 Look. It"s all about our future now, okay? It ain"t about the past 因为一切都启动了 because it"s all happening. 要发生了 It"s all happening. 要发生了 It"s all happening. 州长

 Yo, "Governor." 有消息吗?

 -没有 Anything? - No, man. 劲爆女王怎么还不宣布? Why the fuck isn"t Queen Dope announcing this yet? 因为大家都还在睡觉 Because everyone"s still asleep, fool. 老兄 别紧张 Hey, man. No. Don"t sweat it, bro. 我们斩首成功 大家会跟上的 Cut off the head, everyone else gonna follow. 他来了 今天的主角 Yo. There he is, the man of the hour! 中国城为他开出的悬赏可高了 Hey. Y"all wouldn"t believe the price that Chinatown put on this dude"s head. 他一定是干了什么好事 He must have done something right. 跟你的悬赏金还差得远了 I can"t imagine it"s anywhere near what they"d pay for you. 天啊 还是老样子? Jesus. Even now, huh? 帕可 怎样才能逗乐这家伙? Hey. Yo, Parco, man. Can you slap some fucking joy into this guy? 能去安静的地方谈吗? Can we talk somewhere quiet? 就在这里谈吧 Let"s talk right there. 你还好吗? How you holding up? 我以你为荣 你也知道的 I"m proud of you. You know that. 你跟联邦政♥府♥勾搭? You"re in bed with the U.S.? 我应该找谁谈? Which one of you am I here to speak with? 跟上 Let"s walk. 她告诉你了? So she told you? 你也没打算告诉我吧? Were you ever planning on telling me?

 你被她耍了 老兄 我们早就谈过了 放聪明点 She"s in your head, bro. Come on. We talked about this. Get smart. 放聪明点? 我这就说吧 Get smart. I"ll get fucking smart with you. 告诉我为什么 凯萨知道的会比我多 Tell me why the fuck Cesar knows more than me! 你知道为什么吗? You wanna know why? 因为我早就料到会这样 Because I"ve been waiting for this right here... 你会暴怒 想要控制 for you to get mad, to want control. 想要地位 Demand status. 谁知道能稳定供应卫生纸的人 就能成为神呢? It"s amazing how a steady supply of toilet paper can turn a man into a god. 他怎么报答? And in return what? 让你拿中国城当武器仓库 还有民兵兵营? He let you use Chinatown as a weapons depot with a ready militia? 我们与威尔逊的交易 已经不重要了 Our deal with Wilson is irrelevant now. 他从来不信自己说的那一套 He wasn"t under any of the illusions he preached. 他知道有一天战争会再起 He knew that one day war would resume 而他必须要有 离开岛屿的安全管道 and on that day he"d have safe passage off the island. 你为什么打给我? Why did you call me? 我需要安全管道 I need safe passage. 给自己?

 -还有我儿子 For you? - And my son. 听着 过来 Look. Come here. 你想要信任? You want trust? 唯一的备钥在我手上 Only I have the other key. 车♥库♥中有一辆厢型车 里面的东西价值连城

 It goes to a van parked in our garage filled with... a lot of value. 亲眼去看吧 Go see for yourself. 我今天下午就会过去 I"m-a be there later this afternoon 等这里尘埃落定 我称王之后 once everything here is settled and I"m proclaimed. 我会把一切告诉你 Come by. I"m gonna lay it out for you. 我需要两个出口 I need two exits. 真是令人意外 That"s surprising. 广播与卫星上的小佐说了这么多 Given all I"ve heard from Zee on the radio and satellite surveillance, 你却准备好走人了?

 -这不干♥你♥的事 you"re ready to just leave? - It"s not your concern. 这关乎你能否交出中国城 我认为你无法 It is if you can"t deliver Chinatown, and I don"t believe you can. 听着 在几天内‥ Look. In a few days 这整个帮派‥ this crew right here... 都会属于你 belongs to you. 欢迎你 兄弟 Welcome to the shit, soldier. 如果你真有在观察 If you"ve been watching 就会知道威尔逊 只是这地方的中间人 you know that Wilson was nothing more than a middleman in his neighborhood. 我可以给你直接联络苏西的管道 I can give you a direct line to Susie. 你想要在非战区里有立足点 You"re playing for a foothold in the DMZ. 但我可以给你真正的影响力 I"m offering you real influence. 他会懂的 He"ll come around, man. 对啊 Yeah.

 你怎么能确定她会顺从? How can you know she"ll be amenable? 她儿子才刚被 输不起的对手丢出窗外 Her son was just thrown out of a window by the man stealing his landslide. 她会顺从的 She"ll be amenable. 你的期限是计票完成前 I"ll give you till the vote is counted. 今晚天黑前 把苏西本人带来 我就带你出去 Sundown tonight. Bring me Susie, in person, you"ll get your exits. 我凭什么信任你?

 -你似乎别无选择 How can I trust you? - Doesn"t seem you have a choice. 该死 Fuck. 请节哀 I"m sorry for your loss. 你怎么认识我?

 -我不认识 How do you know me? - I don"t. 但我‥ I just... 我昨晚看到了一种‥连结 I know what I saw last night... the connection. 我们并没有连结 We didn"t have one. 我说的是我儿子 I"m talking about my son. 我看到他看你时的眼神 I saw the way he looked at you. 你必须知道 你儿子不在了 I need you to know that your son is gone. 骸骨绝对离不开这个地方 Skel will never leave this place. 他被困在这里的 我们都是 He"s... stuck here.We all are. 没有 他在里面 我看到了 No. He"s in there. I saw him... 他昨晚看着你时‥ last night when he looked at you. 他看到了羞耻与背叛‥ What you saw was shame and betrayal. 还有愧疚与伤痛

 And guilt and hurt 还有‥ 爱 and... love. 随你怎么说 Call it what you want 但那是我第一次 but that was the first moment 看到我儿子的眼睛‥ I saw my son"s eyes. 你的眼神告诉我你理解了 And I can see in your eyes that you know what I mean. 所以我还没要放弃他 So, no... I"m not giving up on him. 还没 Not yet. 我要给你看一个东西 I need to show you something. 我必须跟苏西谈谈 I have to speak with Susie. 苏西不会见人的 No one is speaking to Susie. 今天没办法 Not today. 但如果你想跟她联络 我有管道 But if you want to get through to her I know how to reach her. 这边 This way. 这是什么? What is this? 记得 保持劲爆 "And always keep it dope." 记得 保持劲爆 And always keep it dope. 你是‥?

 -欢迎来到非战区电台 You"re... - Welcome to Radio DMZ. 昨晚‥ Last night... 我发现自己身边被怪物环绕 I realized I"m surrounded by monsters here 但你不一样 我是中国城的贵族 but you"re different, and I"m royalty in Chinatown

 而苏西则是老大 and Susie, she calls the shots. 我可以为你拉到他们的票 I can give you their votes. 如果中国城往你那里靠 其他地区也会跟进 Chinatown leans your way, other neighborhoods will follow. 我无意和他竞选 I didn"t mean I"d run against him. 想击垮帕可就要用这个方法 If you wanna crush Parco, this is how. 这里的人需要一个人来领导 The people here just need someone to listen to. 他们会听你的 They"ll listen to you. 我不行 I can"t. 为什么?

 -因为我不会留在这儿 Why not? Because - I"m not staying. 无论你人在哪里 你的想法对我们很重要 Whether or not you"re here, what you have to say matters to us. 无论如何 小佐都欠我们一个 相信体制的理由 If nothing else Zee owes us a reason to believe in the process. 我们不能让帕可赢 Parco cannot win. 整个非战区都守在收音机前等我 The entire DMZ is waiting for me by their radios. 投票十点开始 Voting starts at 10.00. 让他们知道仍有选择 Tell them they still have a choice. 起床了 非战区 Wakey, wakey, DMZ. 选举日的太阳升起了

 -来了 开播了 The sun"s rising on Election Day. - Yo. Here we go. It"s on! 转大声点 Turn that shit up! 在昨晚的一些事件后 你们或许认为这场选举结束了 After certain events last night you might be thinking this election"s over. 只剩下一个候选人 There"s only one candidate left. 如果你也这么想 听好了

 If you"re one of these folks, listen up. 你好 我是小佐 Hello. This is Zee. 我刚来到非战区时 遇见一个帮我指路的猎人 When I first came into the DMZ I met a hunter, who helped me find my way 我印象最深刻的就是他那双手 and the thing I remembered about him was his hands. 粗糙 固执 The cracks... the stubbornness. 之后我开始注意这里人们的手 After that, I started to notice people"s hands here. 现在我想请你们 看一下自己的双手 Now I"d like you to take a moment and look at your hands 看看原本没有的皱纹与茧 at the lines and calluses that didn"t used to be there. 想想曾经划破的伤‥ Think of the wounds they"ve endured 它们如何守护 自己所创造 建造的东西 how they"ve pressed on what they"ve created... built. 你的双手是神圣的 它们刻印着社群的痕迹 Your hands honor ritual. They bear the markings of community. 你们用双手打造了这里 Your hands are the makers of this world 并发起了运动 争取到这特别的日子 and they"ve built a movement that has brought us to this special day... 你们的选举日 your election. 我们有些人用双手相互摧残 Some of us have used our hands to tear one another down. 埋下谎言 To sow lies 并煽动恐惧 and incite fear. 我很难过 震惊 且害怕 I am sad, shocked and terrified 必须宣布威尔逊的死讯 to confirm that Wilson has died 以及他是死于帕可德加多之手 and the hands that killed him belong to Parco Delgado. 他这么做是为了窃取选举 And he did it so that he could steal this election.

 窃取你的选择 你的声音 Steal your choice... your voice. 他要你们相信这场选举已经结束 He wants you to believe that this vote is over 相信他已经赢了 that he"s already won. 所以我现在要宣布 你仍有选择 So I"m announcing now that you still have a choice to make. 我要在今天的选举挑战帕可 I will challenge Parco in today"s election. 几天前我告诉你们 投给小佐就是投给威尔逊 A few days ago, I told you a vote for Zee was a vote for Wilson. 而现在 投给威尔逊的票 就是投给小佐的 Now a vote in Wilson"s box is a vote for Zee. 去投票吧 让大家听到你的声音 So cast your vote. Let your voice be heard. 我们团结起来 将比任何单独的人 或理念都还强大 Together, we are all more powerful than any one man more than any one dream. 我要请你们帮助我 建造一个全新的理想 I am asking you to help me build something new here. 连自己的声音都不相信 我们还剩什么? What are we if we don"t believe in our own voice 若不相信我们能为彼此效力‥ if we don"t believe that we can serve one another? 我们就只是互相杀戮的动物 We"re just animals killing each other, is what. 请和我...

推荐访问:DMZ《非军事区(2022)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本 非军事区 第一季 剧本
