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时间:2022-06-23 13:30:04 来源:网友投稿




 淡水 Fresh water. 有些动物没有它就不能繁殖 Some animals can"t breed without it. 但是正确地预测它的到来 But correctly predicting its arrival 就会造成成功与 can be the difference between success... …和灾难的不同 ..and disaster. 一只巨大的非洲牛蛙 A giant African bullfrog. 他有餐盘那么大 He"s the size of a dinner plate, 有半公斤重 and he weighs half a kilo. 已经埋于地下了六个月了 He"s been buried for the last six months. 现在他需要找个伴侣 Now he needs to find a mate... …而且他没多久 ..and he doesn"t have long. 时间就是一切 新来的雨水形成了水池 引发了洪水 The newly-arrived rains have created pools that trigger 今年的交♥配♥狂欢 this year"s mating jamboree. 他不是第一个来参加聚会的人 He"s not the first to the party. 更重要的是 这一切将在未来 24 小时内结束 And what is more, it will be all over within the next 24 hours. 这个游泳池已经挤满了雄性 This pool is already crowded with males, 就像周五晚上市中心的酒吧 like a downtown bar on a Friday night. 雌性很快就会到达 准备产卵 The females will soon arrive, ready to lay their eggs. 所以这就是雄性需要的地方 So this is where a male needs to be. 但那些饱经风霜的面孔是一个警告 But the battle-scarred faces are a warning.

 这个池塘不适合胆小的人 This pond is not for the faint-hearted. 雄性占据了池塘的中心 并奋力争夺 The males occupy the centre of the pond and fight to hold 那里地方 a place there. 它们的叫声会吸引雌性 但它们必须 Their calls will attract females, but they will have to get 如果她们想见到强壮的雄性 就去中心 to the centre if they"re to meet the strongest males. 所以 如果雄性要交♥配♥ 那就是它需要的地方 So if a male is going to mate, that"s where he needs to be. 对于一个迟到的人来说 这意味着挑战 Which, for a latecomer, means running the gauntlet. 任何职业拳击手都知道 As any prize-fighter knows, 躲避打击是所有 dodging the hits is all part 赢得这场比赛的希望 of winning the bout. 通过做青蛙最擅长的事 And by doing what frogs do best, 他毫发无损地到达中心 he reaches the centre unscathed. 但他的胜利可能不会持续很久 But his victory may not last long. 新的竞争者正在到来 New contenders are arriving. 这是他们所有人中的一个 And this is one of those they"ve all 一直在等待,一个雌性 been waiting for - a female. 她也想去中心 She wants to get to the centre too. 毕竟 她会在那里遇到最强壮的雄性 After all, that"s where she will meet the strongest males. 水下游泳是她最好的机会 Swimming there underwater is her best chance 到达他们 of reaching them. 如果雄性要交♥配♥ 它必须呆在中间

 If a male is to mate, he must stay in the centre. 他不打一架是做不到的 And he won"t be able to do that without a fight. 这些战斗是不可阻挡的 These battles are no-holds-barred 甚至可能是致命的 and could even be fatal. 迟到者接受失败 The latecomer accepts defeat. 不是每个人都能在交♥配♥游戏中获胜 Not everyone can win in the mating game. 因此 他的对手占据了池塘的中心 So it"s his rival who holds the centre of the pond 然后得到雌性 and gets the females. 游泳池很快就会干涸 The pool will soon dry up. 因此 至少在今年 So for this year, at least, 他错过了机会 he"s missed his chance. 巴塔哥尼亚 Patagonia. 在高原上, On the high plateau, 春天的解冻揭开了 the spring thaw reveals 湖泊的一块陆地 a land of lakes. 这里的水不是来自雨水 The water here comes not from rains, 而是冰雪融化 but from melting snow and ice. 世界上最稀有的鸟类之一 长途旅行来觅食 One of the rarest birds in the world travels long distances to get here 在这里繁殖 and breed. 一个戴着兜帽的䴙䴘 只有 700 个活着 A hooded grebe, one of just 700 that still survive. 这是一只雌性 所以如果这个物种 This is a female, so she"s extremely important if this species

 为了生存 is to survive. 她不会为了求偶而打架 She doesn"t fight to claim a mate. 她跳舞 She dances. 最有经验的雄性是最好的舞者 The most experienced males are the best dancers 因为他们以前做过这一切 because they"ve done all this before. 所以她的挑战是与其中一只交♥配♥ So her challenge is to mate with one of them. 为此, To do that, 她必须证明她也会跳舞 she will have to prove that she too can dance. 仅仅是引起注意就是一个开始 Just getting noticed would be a start. 情侣们在各处结对 Couples are pairing off all around, 但她的叫声无人应答 but her calls go unanswered. 第二个是同伴 也许她应该知道 Two is company, and as perhaps she should have known, 三是人群 three is a crowd. 一个孤独的雄性肯定是更好的选择 A solitary male must be a better possibility... 但他也不热心 ..but he"s not keen either. 湖水不久将再次结冰 The lakes will freeze again before long, 所以邀请跳舞是一个非常受欢迎的信♥号♥♥ so an invitation to dance is a very welcome sign. 但是 一个争夺他的感情的对手很快就结束了这一切 But a rival for his affections brings it to a swift end. 就在她刚开始的时候 And just as she was getting started. 事情进展不顺利 It"s not going well. 如果她不能得到他

 And if she can"t have him... 也许给他找个礼物会有帮助 Perhaps finding a gift for him will help. 如果她能找到一个伴侣 他们将在耆草植物中筑巢 If she can find a partner, they will nest among the milfoil 当它的花出现在水面上时的植物 plants when its flowers appear on the water surface. 呈现这些片段是求爱仪式的一部分 Presenting strands of it is part of the courtship ritual. 她只需要找个人给她 She just needs to find someone to give it to. 他向后弯腰也许是个迹象 His bending over backwards is perhaps a sign 他不感兴趣 that he is not interested. 但这是谁? But who"s this? 他可能是她一直在寻找的舞伴吗? Could he be the dance partner that she"s been looking for? 她的行动时机至关重要 The timing of her moves is crucial. 他的精准度表明他以前也跳过这种舞 His precision shows that he"s danced this routine before, 更重要的是 他已经是父母了 and more importantly, that he has already been a parent. 看起来不错 It"s looking good. 最后,演出结束了, Finally, having completed the performance, 她封了他们的关系 she seals their bond 用一缕耆草 with a strand of milfoil... …象征着他们对未来工作的承诺 ..a symbol of their commitment to the work ahead. 这是这种最濒危鸟类生存的希望之一 And one of hope for the survival of this most endangered of birds. 许多物种迁移到湖泊 Many species migrate to lakes 在特定的时间为了繁殖 at a specific time in order to breed.

 对一些人来说 这样做的代价是巨大的 And for some, doing so comes at great cost. 这种雌性红眼鲑鱼开始于遥远的太平洋 This female sockeye salmon started from far out in the Pacific Ocean 然后沿着阿♥拉♥斯加的一条大河继续前行 and then continued up one of Alaska"s great rivers 再行驶 160 英里 才能到达伊利安纳湖 for a further 160 miles in order to reach Iliamna Lake. 她的到来与其他人的到来不谋而合 Her arrival coincides with that of others. 很多 Lots of them. 每年夏天 都会有超过 350 万只马哈鱼出现 Every summer, over three and one half million sockeye come here. 在这里这是世界上最大的鲑鱼场 It"s the largest salmon run in the world. 当它们进入淡水时 它们停止进食 When they entered fresh water, they stopped feeding, 所以雌性动物的身体现在有发育卵子的空间 so the bodies of the females now have room for developing eggs. 但是他们的能量正在减少 他们还没有达到目标 But their energy is dwindling, and they have yet to reach 湖面上游的产卵场 the spawning grounds that lie upstream beyond the lake. 但现在他们面临更直接的威胁 But now they face more immediate threats. 当他们拼命躲避灰熊的时候 While they try desperately to evade the grizzly bears 从湖边袭击他们 that attack them from the lakeshore, 另一个威胁来自深水 another threat comes from deep water. 伊利亚姆纳湖是淡水海豹的家园 Iliamna Lake is home to freshwater seals. 尽管有这些攻击 Despite these onslaughts, 大量的移♥民♥幸存下来 great numbers of the migrants survive 逆流而上 不受阻碍 and swim on upstream, undeterred. 鲑鱼多得多

 There are far more salmon 比捕食者能吃的还多 than the predators can eat. 最后 他们到达了浅溪 At last, they reach the shallow streams. 到目前为止 在他们的旅程中 数量上是安全的 So far on their journey, there has been safety in numbers. 但是现在 在产卵场 But now, at the spawning ground, 每一条鱼都是为了自己 it"s every fish for itself. 一只雌性开始挖巢 A female starts digging a nest 很快就吸引了雄性的注意 and quickly attracts the attention of a male. 抖动着鳍的是一条雄性版的钓线 Quivering his fins is a male"s version of a pick-up line. 她现在有一个伴侣 但有更多的鱼 She has a mate for now, but with more fish 继续抵达, continuing to arrive, 巢的空间快用完了 room for nests is running out. 雌性竞争对手试图偷走她的配偶 她的巢穴或两者兼而有之 Rival females try to steal her mate, her nest or both. 但她很快就送走了他们 But she quickly sees them off. 巢穴现在覆盖了河床 Nests now cover the stream bed. 她产卵 She releases her eggs... …他受精 ..he fertilises them... …他们的工作完成了 ..and their work is done. 但她并没有开始返程 But she doesn"t start on a return journey. 这总是一次单程旅行 This was always a one-way trip. 没有一条鲑鱼,不管是雄的还是雌的 None of the salmon, male or female,

 离开海洋后吃东西 has eaten since leaving the ocean... …现在他们疲惫的身体开始崩溃 ..and now their exhausted bodies begin to collapse. 太平洋鲑鱼只繁殖一次 Pacific salmon only breed once 在他们的生活中 并且已经这样做了 in their lives, and having done so, 他们死了 they die. 他们被繁衍驱使时似乎用之不竭 They seemed inexhaustible while being driven 繁衍后代的冲动 by the urge to reproduce. 它们赢得了交♥配♥游戏 These have won the mating game. 但他们为此付出了生命代价 But it cost them their lives to do so. 太平洋鲑鱼迁徙 Salmon from the Pacific migrate 他们在寻找一个安全的地方 in their search to find a safe place 产卵 to lay their eggs. 但当适合筑巢的地点特别稀少时 竞争就更加激烈了 But when suitable sites for nests are particularly rare, competition 可能会变得紧张 can get intense. 这些是美国东部的阿巴拉契亚山脉 These are the Appalachian Mountains in the eastern United States. 在这里 只有很少的几条河流 生活着怪物 Here, in just a very few rivers, live monsters 有着真正古老的祖先 with a truly ancient ancestry. 有人称之为鼻水獭 Some call them snot otters... …也有人称泥鬼 ..others mud devils. 然而 他们最常见的名字是大鲵 Their most common name, however, is hellbender. 但它们并不常见

 But common they are not. 大鲵确实非常罕见 Hellbenders are very rare indeed. 这只雄性动物伪装得很好 很少移♥动♥ This male is very well camouflaged, and he rare...

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