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时间:2024-09-12 12:45:02 来源:网友投稿


Chongqings New Gold-Lettered Signboard:
A 2023 Asia-Pacific Major Tourism Festival City

The 2023 Asia-Pacific Tourism Festival City Awards Ceremony, hosted by the International Festivals and Events Association (IFEA), was held in South Korea in early June. Chongqing, known for its mesmerizing metropolitan nightscape and dynamic night economy, was selected as one of the 2023 Asia-Pacific Three Major Tourism Festival Cities, together with Sydney, Australia and Tongyeong, South Korea.

IFEA is a globally influential organization in the field of festivals (events) industry. Founded in 1956 and headquartered in Boise, Idaho, the United States, it has eight branches and more than 3,000 professional member organizations around the world. The 2023 Asia-Pacific Tourism Festival City Awards, with the theme of “Tourism Night Economy”, attracted 32 candidate cities from eight countries.

In recent years, Chongqing strives to become an International Consumption Center and has issued and implemented Opinions on Accelerating Night-time Economic Development and Promoting Consumption Growth. It aims to build several clusters, core areas, and demonstration areas of night economy as well as new scenarios featuring night tours, nightscape, night shows, reading, night fairs, night entertainment, and night regimen, constantly polishing the brand of “Nightless Chongqing”, and accelerating the form of a “1+10+N” night economy pattern that features the integration of commerce, tourism, recreation, and sports. As a result, Chongqing has topped the list of Chinas Top 10 Most Influential Cities of Night Economy for three years in a row.

According to Jeong Gang-Hoan, Chairman of the IFEA Asian Regent, Chongqing has made a remarkable impact on the international tourism market in recent years. Its practice of creating differentiated city IPs for the night economy is impressive. Chongqing deserves to be honored with the “2023 Asia-Pacific Tourism Festival City Award” by IFEA.

Next, the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development will focus on the strategic goals of serving Chinas diplomacy, major strategies, and the open economy development and building a Center for International Exchanges in Central and Western China. The Commission will build Chongqing into a sleepless metropolis with an international profile, improve Chongqings engagement with the international community, boost its brand recognition, and promote its outward-oriented economy. Chongqing aims to be a Center for International Exchanges in Central and Western China, an International Consumption Center, and a world-renowned tourist destination. Chongqing is also committed to accelerating its development as an international, green, smart metropolis with a rich cultural heritage.

Chongqings Appearance on the 11th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo (MITE)

From June 30 to July 2, the 11th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo (hereinafter referred to as “the Expo”) was kicked off at Venetian Macao Convention and Exhibition Center. With support from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Peoples Republic of China, this Expo was hosted by the Macao Government Tourist Office. Chongqings cultural and tourism delegation made full use of the platform to showcase Chongqings premium culture and tourism resources to accelerate the recovery and development of inbound travel.

During the Expo, the Chongqing pavilion set up six booths and one joint exhibition area for cultural and creative products, showcasing the unique charm of cultural and tourism development in New Chongqing. The exhibited “Chongqing Specialties” attracted many visitors, encompassing Black Tea from Fairy Mountain, Black Tea from Heishangu Area, Hechuan Peach Slices, “Zhi Yu Zi Le” cultural and creative products, and Dingqing Yinhao Green Tea, as well as exquisite cultural relics from China Three Gorges Museum in Chongqing.

During the Expo, with the theme of “Hello, Chongqing”, the 2023 Chongqing Tourism Promotion Meeting was held. Wonderful performances like the face-changing of Sichuan Opera, solo female vocals, and Suona performances were brought to visitors. Throughout the promotion meeting, Chongqing presented its tourism resources with seven defining keywords:
8D City, Yangtze River and Three Gorges, World Cultural Heritages, Traveling Back to Ancient Time in Wuling, Spring City, Hot Pot, and Family Educational Tours, winning acclaim from the audience. Furthermore, cultural and tourism gift packages, like tickets to scenic spots, delicate cultural and creative products, and special snacks, were handed out on the scene. All demonstrated Chongqings stunning natural beauty and vibrant cultural heritage.

Chongqing exhibitors participated in business matchmaking via an online “Cloud” platform to seek new cooperation opportunities during the Expo. The delegation also visited Macao tourism companies. The Chongqing Wulong Tourism Industry (Group) Limited Company forged a preliminary cooperation agreement with Macau Golden Times Travel and Tourism Agency.

Preliminary of 2023 “Chongqing Meets Australia” Youth Promotion Officer Competition Concluded

From July 3 to 5, the preliminary of the 2023 “Chongqing Meets Australia” Youth Promotion Officer Competition was held in Chongqing. Out of several thousand contestants, nearly 300 promotion officers from 56 primary schools took the stage. They introduced the distinctive tourism and culture of Chongqing Wulong and Australia in English from a youth perspective. Finally, 32 candidates successfully advanced to the final.

This activity was co-hosted by the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development, Tourism Australia, Wulong District Peoples Government, Information Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government, Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government, China Youth League Chongqing Municipal Committee, and the Exit and Entry Administration of the Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Public Security. Also, it was supported by the Consulate-General of Australia in Chengdu, and co-organized by Wulong District Commission of Culture and Tourism Development and Window for International Exchanges of Chongqing Culture & Tourism (WICT).

The contestants gave English speeches on the themes of “Fun in Wulong” and “Come and Say Gday”. They expressed their knowledge and admiration for the two places from their unique perspective and understanding. The exceptional performances of the promotion officers received praise and recognition from the judging panel.

According to the schedule, the 32 contestants who successfully advanced to the final will go to Wulong to immerse themselves in the beauty of Wulong and take part in the filming of the annual English theme films of the 2023 “Chongqing Meets Australia” Youth Promotion Officer Competition. This short film will be promoted globally via the official platforms and mainstream media of Chongqing and Australia. The final is tentatively scheduled for mid to late July and the top three finalists will have the chance to win round-trip air tickets to Australia and experience cultural and tourism in Sydney and Cairns free of charge. They will serve as representatives of Generation Z, and promote Chongqing cultural tourism in Australia.

Qin Dingbo, Deputy Director-General of Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development, noted that the “Chongqing Meets Australia” is being developed as a cultural and tourism carnival where Chongqing and Australia collaborate, create, and share. It aims to serve as a model for “bringing in” cultural and tourism exchanges and cooperation. It not only implements the specific actions outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding on the Promotion of Culture and Tourism between Chongqing and Australia, but also represents a practical measure in advancing the development of Chongqing as a culturally rich metropolis, a globally renowned tourist destination, a Center for International Exchanges in Central and Western China, and a Center for International Communication in Western China.

By Yang Yan/The World and Chongqing

Photo/The Hosts

重庆再添国际金字招牌 入选“2023亚太旅游节庆城市”














少年推介官分别围绕“有趣的武隆”(Fun in Wulong)、“来澳大利亚道一声你好”(Come and say G"day)主题进行英文演讲,用不同的视角和理解,表达对两地的认知与向往。少年推介官精彩的表现,获得评委的肯定。



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推荐访问:重庆 之窗 国际
