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时间:2024-09-11 18:15:01 来源:网友投稿

赵文涛,张 毅,于光鑫,FRANK Behrendt,2,何 芳


赵文涛1,张 毅1,于光鑫1,FRANK Behrendt1,2,何 芳1※

(1. 山东理工大学交通与车辆工程学院,淄博 255049;
2. Institute of Energy Engineering,Technische Universität Berlin,Berlin 10623,Germany)

为研究炭与生物质稳态阴燃的特性差异,对不同直径(2~8 mm)的炭棒与绝干、空干生物质棒竖直向下的阴燃进行了试验,并编写程序计算了棒状燃料阴燃过程的耗氧速率。结果表明:1)所制炭棒与生物质棒均能自行调节反应区形状以维持稳态阴燃。2)炭棒的阴燃传播速度约为生物质棒的4.2倍,最高温度比生物质棒高约50 ℃,反应区长度约为相应生物质棒的3.8倍,燃料消耗速率约为生物质棒的2.4倍。3)计算和试验烟气轮廓吻合较好,炭棒耗氧速率约为生物质棒的3.4倍。研究结果可为稳态阴燃机理的深入研究及应用中燃料选择提供参考。



炭及生物质阴燃的研究已有几十年的历史,主要涉及煤炭[19-20]、森林[21]的火灾,香烟的燃烧[22],近期有机固废的处理利用[23-24]和建筑的供暖[25-26]等。从应用的角度来说,一般需要阴燃过程的稳态和可控,便于烟气处理,并满足不同热负荷的供暖需求。稳态阴燃研究多采用棒状燃料[27]。早在1967年,KINBARA等[28]在不同温度的燃烧室中对熏香阴燃传播速度进行了研究,发现其阴燃传播速度范围在1~8 mm/min,并给出了阴燃传播速度()与点火温度(i)及环境温度(a)之间的关系(2∝1/(i-a))。近年来,对棒状燃料稳态阴燃的研究主要集中在不同含水率、空气流速、氧含量及氧分压等因素下的阴燃传播过程。高振强等[29]研究了含水率对佛香阴燃传播速度的影响,发现不同含水率(0~35%)的佛香,其传播速度在初始阶段(< 20 min)有显著差异。MUKUNDA等[30]研究了不同空气流速(0~7 m/s)及氧含量(23%~44%)对佛香阴燃过程的影响,发现正向阴燃时,其传播速度随气流速度及氧含量的增加而增加,而在逆向阴燃时其传播速度存在峰值。LIN等[31]对不同空气流速下的佛香阴燃进行了研究,发现随空气流速增大,佛香阴燃会依次进入氧气控制、热控制及化学控制阶段。KADOWAKI等[32]对不同氧气质量分数(0.1~0.5)下艾柱的阴燃过程进行了研究,发现传播速度及最高温度随氧气质量分数的增加而增加。YAMAZAKI等[33]研究了佛香阴燃的火焰转捩,发现氧分压低于0.3时不会出现明火。YAN等[34]研究了不同直径、不同灰分含量炭棒的阴燃特性,发现氧气在其阴燃过程中起主导作用。这些研究为稳态阴燃技术开发提供了依据。


1.1 炭棒与生物质棒的制备

购买产自四川省、颗粒直径小于0.15 mm的纯榆树皮粉和纯柏木粉为原料,制得空干、绝干生物质棒和炭棒。具体制作方法如下:将榆树皮粉、柏木粉和水按质量比例约1∶1∶4混合均匀,挤压成直径3、5、8 mm的生物质棒,在空气中自然风干(>48 h),得到空干生物质棒;
将空干生物质棒置于101型电热鼓风干燥箱中,在105 ℃下保温24 h制得绝干生物质棒,绝干生物质棒制作完成后放置于干燥皿中储存;
炭棒由空干生物质棒热解制成:将空干生物质棒放在石英试管中,并用石棉将试管口封堵,放置在马弗炉中,以10 ℃/min的加热速率将其从室温加热至500 ℃,保温2 h后,关闭电源即制得炭棒,待其在炉中冷却后(>12 h),放入密封袋中储存。

对所制炭棒与生物质棒进行测量,并参照GB/T 28731—2012(固体生物质燃料工业分析方法)进行分析,分析结果如表1所示。需要注意的是,在制作过程中,因水分蒸发或挥发分逸出导致的收缩,使炭棒与生物质棒的实际直径和制作直径(3、5、8 mm)略有差别。

表1 样品参数及工业分析

*为在炭棒工业分析测定挥发分含量时,为防止炭粉的氧化,在其表面覆盖约4 mm厚的珍珠岩粉。

Note: The “-” in the table indicates that the component content can be ignored. *is in the proximate analysis of char rods to determine volatile content, to prevent the oxidation of char powder, about 4 mm thick perlite powder was covered on its surface.

1.2 试验方法

在大气环境中(25±3)℃,对棒状燃料竖直向下的稳态阴燃过程进行试验。具体试验方法如图1所示。首先使用点火器将长度约15 cm的棒状燃料顶部点燃。待阴燃稳定后(约4 min),采用刻度尺和计时器记录反应前锋移动距离(Δ)和时间(Δ),可得阴燃传播速度(sm=Δ/Δ)。棒状燃料稳态阴燃过程中采用红外热成像仪(ThermoProTM TP8)记录反应区温度分布,并利用自制纹影系统记录棒状燃料的烟气层轮廓。随后将棒状燃料插入生物质灰中,隔绝氧气使其熄灭,并用徕卡显微镜(M135C)记录反应区形状。需要注意的是,红外图像分析时取各棒状燃料发射率为0.93。





图3 炭棒与生物质棒阴燃特性对比

2.1 炭棒与生物质棒阴燃传播速度对比

由图3a可知,炭棒与生物质棒的阴燃传播速度分别在6.7~11.2及1.3~3.1 mm/min之间。且直径2.27 mm炭棒的阴燃传播速度最高,约为1.1 cm/min;
生物质棒阴燃传播速度与文献[27,29,31]中佛香的阴燃传播速度(3.2~6.5 mm/min)在同一数量级。若将各炭棒的阴燃传播速度分别与绝干、空干生物质棒作比并平均,可知炭棒的阴燃传播速度显著大于生物质棒,整体上约为生物质棒的4.2倍,分别约为绝干、空干生物质棒的3.9和4.5倍。而绝干生物质棒的阴燃传播速度仅约为空干生物质棒的1.1倍。

2.2 炭棒与生物质棒阴燃最高温度对比

由图3b可知,炭棒与生物质棒的阴燃最高温度分别在660~760和620~720 ℃之间,二者的温度区间分别与文献[27]和文献[32]中的温度值相近。在相同时间内,炭棒的传播速度较大带来了更多的热量;
且本试验中生物质棒阴燃与相关文献[27,33]类似,未有明显的挥发分燃烧,热解过程仍表现为吸热,导致炭棒的阴燃最高温度整体上比生物质棒高约50 ℃,分别比绝干、空干生物质棒高约43和55 ℃。含水率不同对生物质棒的阴燃最高温度无显著影响[12,35],绝干生物质棒的最高温度仅比空干生物质棒高约7~20 ℃。

2.3 炭棒与生物质棒反应区长度对比

2.4 炭棒与生物质棒燃料消耗速率对比


3.1 氧传输模型



3.2 数学描述


3.2.1 棒状燃料烟气层半径计算

式中sc为标准状况下,1 mol气体所占体积,0.022 4 m3;
为烟气温度313 K时,对sc的修正系数313K/273K≈1.15;

f为烟气流速,m/s,本文取0.01 m/s。






3.2.2 烟气层及灰分区氧气传质阻力计算






式中a为氧气在灰分区的扩散系数,m2/s,本文取其计算式为a= 0.677g1.18[a/ 273]1.75[38];

3.2.3 耗氧速率表达式


3.3 计算流程图


图5 计算流程图

3.4 烟气层计算结果及验证

由式(8)及式(10)可知,棒状燃料的烟气层半径对耗氧速率存在影响。因此以制作直径5 mm的炭棒与生物质棒为例,验证烟气层半径计算值的合理性。炭棒与生物质棒的烟气层轮廓如图6所示。从试验直拍图片中可以看出,灰色背景下直接观察并不能清晰捕捉到烟气层轮廓。而从数值计算结果及纹影试验图片中可以看出,计算出的烟气层轮廓(红色及白色虚线所示)及纹影试验烟气层轮廓在阴燃前锋处都有弧形且增长较快,炭锥处增长缓慢,炭锥以上几乎没有增长;


3.5 炭棒与生物质棒耗氧速率计算结果

炭棒与生物质棒阴燃过程的耗氧速率如图7所示。可以看出,炭棒与生物质棒的耗氧速率分别在70~470和19~100 mg/min之间。若将各炭棒的耗氧速率分别与绝干、空干生物质棒作比并平均,可知炭棒的耗氧速率显著大于生物质棒,约为2种生物质棒的3.4倍,分别约为绝干、空干生物质棒的3.1和3.6倍;


图7 炭棒与生物质棒耗氧速率对比

阴燃最高温度范围均在620~770 ℃之间。

2)炭棒的阴燃传播速度约为生物质棒的4.2倍,最高温度比生物质棒高约50 ℃,反应区长度约为相应生物质棒的3.8倍,燃料消耗速率约为生物质棒的2.4倍。


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Comparison on the steady smoldering characteristics of char and biomass rods

ZHAO Wentao1, ZHANG Yi1, YU Guangxin1, FRANK Behrendt1,2, HE Fang1※


To investigate the different characteristics of char and biomass rods in steady smoldering, experiments were carried out on the vertical downward smoldering of char, absolute dried biomass and air-dried biomass rods with different diameters (2-8 mm) made from elm-bark powder and cypress powder. The detailed production methods of three rod fuels are as follows: The elm bark powder, cypress powder and water were mixed uniformly at a mass ratio of about 1:1:4, and extruded into biomass rods with diameters of 3, 5, 8 mm. The rods were dried in the air (>48 h) to obtain air-dried biomass rod. The air-dried biomass rod was placed in electric drying oven and kept at 105 ℃ for 24 h to obtain absolute dried biomass rod. After absolute dried biomass rod was cooled, it was placed in drying basin for storage. The char rod was made by pyrolysis of air-dried biomass rod: The air-dried biomass rod was placed in quartz tube, and the nozzle was sealed with asbestos. It was placed in muffle furnace and heated from room temperature to 500 ℃ at a heating rate of 10 ℃·min-1. After holding for 2 h, the power supply was turned off to obtain a char rod. After it was cooled (> 12 h), it is stored in a sealed bag. The char and biomass rods were characterized by proximate analysis following GB/T 28731-2012. In the smoldering experiment, the tops of the respective char and biomass rods (about 15 cm in length) were ignited. After the smoldering got stabilized (about 4 minutes), smoldering propagation velocity was obtained by using the scale and timer to record the moving distance and time of reaction front, respectively. During the steady smoldering process of the rod, the temperature distribution of the reaction zone was taken using infrared thermal imager (ThermoProTM TP8), and the contours of flue gas layer around the rod were recorded by a self-made schlieren device. The rod fuel was then inserted into biomass ash to isolate oxygen and get extinguished, and the shapes of reaction zone were recorded by Leica microscope (M135C). The emissivity of each rod was measured as 0.93 in infrared image analysis. Moreover, the oxygen consumption rate of char and biomass rods was calculated by a self-written code. The results showed that 1) the char and biomass rods can self-adjust the shape of reaction zone to maintain steady smoldering, and the maximum temperature range of each rod fuel is between 620 and 770 ℃. 2) The smoldering propagation velocity of char rods is about 3.9 and 4.5 times that of absolute dried and air-dried biomass rods, respectively. Not endothermic pyrolysis in the smoldering process of char rods is observed, and the larger smoldering propagation velocity produces more heat during the same time, thus the maximum temperature of char rods is about 43 and 55 ℃ higher than that of absolute dried and air-dried biomass rods, respectively. The length of reaction zone of char rods is increased due to the greater propagation velocity and higher maximum temperature provide a larger reaction area to maintain steady smoldering. The length of the reaction zone of char rod is about 3.5 and 4.1 times that of absolute dried and air-dried biomass rods, respectively. The fuel consumption rate of char rods is about 2.4 times that of biomass rods. 3) The calculated and experimental contours of flue gas layer are in good agreement, and the oxygen consumption rate of char rods is about 3.1 and 3.6 times that of absolute dried and air-dried biomass rods, respectively. In the process of steady smoldering of char and biomass rods from the same source, when the external air conditions are certain, the size of reaction zone increases, so that the smoldering propagation velocity increases. In the application design, the size of reaction zone should be reasonably designed according to the selected materials and smoldering intensity. The finding can provide a theoretical reference to study further the steady smoldering mechanism and fuel options in the application.

char; biomass; steady smoldering; propagation velocity; oxygen consumption rate







S21; TK6



赵文涛,张毅,于光鑫,等. 炭棒与生物质棒稳态阴燃特性对比[J]. 农业工程学报,2023,39(8):215-221. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202212009 http://www.tcsae.org

ZHAO Wentao, ZHANG Yi, YU Guangxin, et al. Comparison on the steady smoldering characteristics of char and biomass rods[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2023, 39(8): 215-221. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202212009 http://www.tcsae.org

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