当前位置:舍宁秘书网 > 专题范文 > 公文范文 > CPAFFC,Vice-President,Li,Xikui,attends,opening,ceremony,of,First,International,Intangible,Cultural,Heritage,Week


时间:2024-07-24 09:30:01 来源:网友投稿

Gan Qianyi

O n Aug 9, the First International Intangible Cultural Heritage Week(Weinan, Shaanxi) opened in Weinan, Shaanxi province. It was co-hosted by the Chinese Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Shaanxi Provincial Peoples Government.

Li Xikui, vice-president of the CPAFFC;

Ye Niuping, vicegovernor of Shaanxi province;

Fan Weibin, municipal Party secretary of Weinan;

and Shahbaz Khan, UNESCO representative in China, attended and spoke at the opening ceremony. Mbelwa Kairuki, the Tanzanian ambassador to China;

Mauro Mendes, governor of Mato Grosso State of Brazil;

and Mithona Phouthorng, governor of Koh Kong province in Cambodia, delivered video remarks.

The theme of the event was “Pass down intangible cultural heritage for a better life”.

More than 300 participants attended the event on site or online, including experts and scholars from Cambodia, Iran, Japan, Nepal, the Republic of Korea, Thailand and Uzbekistan, along with Chinese representatives from political, academic and business circles.

L i X i k u i d e l i v e r e d h i s congratulations on the opening of the event. He said that Chinas intangible cultural heritage is not only a living gene of Chinese civilization but also an important source of modern cultural creativity. He expressed hope that we could take this event as an opportunity to build an international exchange platform and inherit national culture.

He said that through innovation and creativity, we can enhance the added value of intangible cultural heritage and boost economic and social development. With intangible cultural heritage as a carrier, we can present a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China and tell Chinas story well to the world. Through intangible cultural heritage exchanges, we can promote cultural and peopleto-people exchanges between China and other countries and value not only our own culture but also the cultures of others.

Li said the CPAFFC will give full play to its advantages in people-topeople diplomacy, public diplomacy and urban diplomacy and take intangible cultural heritage as a link to implement President Xi Jinpings instruction on making Shaanxi an example of inland reform and openingup.

The CPAFFC will help Shaanxi integrate into the development pattern of the Belt and Road Initiative, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation between China and other countries and promote exchanges and mutual learning between the Chinese civilization and civilizations of others, Li told the gathering.

He also pledged that the CPAFFC will make efforts to increase mutual understanding and friendship between Chinese and foreign people and contribute to strengthening public support for building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Ye Niuping praised Shaanxis intangible cultural heritage as rich and colorful with distinctive features. The purpose of Heritage Week is to give full play to the leading role of the CPAFFCs people-topeople diplomacy, build a platform for international cooperation and continuously deepen exchanges between Shaanxi province and the rest of the world, he said, adding that he hoped the event would serve as an opportunity to further consolidate and expand international friendshipcity relations, promote mutual understanding and affinity and peopleto-people exchanges and make more practical exploration for Shaanxi to deeply integrate into the development pattern of the Belt and Road Initiative and boost high-quality development through high-level opening-up.

Shahbaz Khan said in his speech that the cultural heritage of humanity is more than monuments and collections of objects, it also includes examples of intangible cultural heritage passed down from our ancestors for the benefit of future generations. They strengthen our sense of identity and continuity and connect us to our past, to each other and to the wider world, he said, adding that maintaining intangible cultural heritage can be a bond of emotion for a shared community of mankind. He assured the gathering that UNESCO will carry out its mission in culture and work closely with all stakeholders to safeguard the cultural heritage of humanity.

Li Xikui, diplomatic envoys and representatives of international organizations had discussions with the Shaanxi Provincial Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries on relevant work. They also visited Weinan Technician College to learn the teaching situation of the affiliated Intangible Cultural Heritage Skills Training Institute. They also visited Huazhou International Shadow Puppetry Expo Park to see the development of the local shadow play industry. Shadow play is a traditional performance art that features a silhouette show of puppets made of donkey hide.

The First International Intangible Cultural Heritage Week included an art exhibition, urban dialogue, experiences with intangible cultural heritage, allmedia online activities, a cultural and creative products competition, visits by foreign students and other activities.

推荐访问:Li Xikui attends
