英语论文致谢 第1篇
During the preparation of the master"s thesis, I have received a lot of invaluablehelps from many people. Their comments and advices contribute to theaccomplishment of the thesis.
First of all, the profound gratitude should go to my supervisor Professor CaoDaogen. He has given me great instructions and encouragements throughout theprocess of selecting the research topic, writing the thesis, improving the outline andthe argumentation, and correcting the grammatical errors. His insightful comments onevery draft, which provide me with many enlightening ideas, have inspired me to agreat extent. The thesis could not be finished without his patient guidance.
Secondly, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all the teachers who havehelped and taught me in this university. I am particularly grateful to Professor ShaoBin and Professor Zhang Ling. Their linguistics courses have broadened my horizonand aroused my interest in linguistics.
I also want to thank all the authors whose books and articles have inspired me inthe entire process of finishing the thesis.
Finally, I am indebted to my parents for supporting me to do whatever I want to. Ialso need to express my gratitude to all my friends, my classmates and my roommatesin particular.
英语论文致谢 第2篇
This thesis would not have been completed without much assistance,encouragement and support from many people. I want sincerely to avail thisopportunity to express my cordial thanks to those who have granted me invaluableinstructions during the process of thesis writing.
First and foremost, I extend my greatest gratitude to Professor Hongbo Song,myadvisor and supervisor, for his insightful guidance and earnest help. He advised me tothink over the selection of the subject and to carry out a series of relevant research at avery early time; and during the process of writing,he spent a lot of time guiding me ina right direction and provided many useful suggestions. It is under his strenuous helpthat I could complete this thesis in time.
Moreover, my sincere thanks go to my teachers in the School of ForeignLanguages at Zhejiang Gongshang University. They provide me with a wonderfullearning environment where I learn and grow up for their tireless instructions that willdefinitely exert a deep influence on my later life.
Besides, I express my gratitude to my friends and fellow classmates. They sharetheir knowledge with me and help me out when I am faced with any difficulties aboutthe thesis. They have tried their best to give me their precious suggestions during theprocess of writing the thesis.
Last but not least, I am deeply in debt to my beloved parents for theirencouragement, understanding and endless love during my life. They have created thebest environment for me to focus on the thesis writing during the winter holiday, andall this could not be possible without their selfless sacrifice and persistent support.
英语论文致谢 第3篇
I would like to exPss my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Ms. Sun Yanlan, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. In the Pparation of the thesis, she has spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible.
I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the professors in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically Ppared for the thesis.
I should finally like to exPss my gratitude to my beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of complaint.
英语论文致谢 第4篇
This thesis would not have been possible without constructive advice and helpfrom many persons.
First and foremost, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor inChina Foreign Affairs University, Professor Ran Jijun, for his great advice andguidance on the content and format of this thesis, which is critical for revision.
Without his academic guidance, I could not have accomplished this thesis.
I would like to express my appreciation to all my teachers in the EnglishDepartment of China Foreign Affairs University, especially to Professor He Yinghong,Professor Guo Liqiu, Professor Sun Jisheng, Professor Zhang Lei, Professor SongAiqun, Professor Wei Lamei and Professor He Qun for everything I have learned fromthem during the two years at this university.
Also, the emotional support from my parents and my husband is no less importantthan the academic assistance.
In the end, I would like to express my thanks to my colleagues who helped collectuseful reference books and materials for me.
英语论文致谢 第5篇
感谢孙宁。研究生生活的一部分,未来奋斗动力的一部分,身为亲人, 勿需多言。
感谢王赛。让我在学习和生活上重新审视剖析自己,让在我在未来道路 的选择上,坚定自己。相互挽扶,彼此信任。路漫漫而修远兮,执子之 手共求索。
感谢魏老师。还清晰的记得第一次见魏老师的情形。既有些不知所措, 又想竭力表现以博得老师的关注。
魏老师严谨的学术态度和温和的为人 处世原则,润雨细无声,默默浸润着我的学习和生活。
在论文的写作过 程中,从论文理论框架,到资料的收集,整个论文的架构乃至细节之处 的修改,魏老师无不悉心指导,论文之内,我有成长,论文之外,更是 受益良多。在此,向导师表示由衷的`感谢,谢谢您魏老师。
感谢 Susan 老师,给予我很多学习和提高英语能力的平台,开阔眼界 增长见识,让我有幸在一个个实践的机会里锻炼和审视自我。
感谢同窗好友。整个班级里里,斐哥,浩然,是绝对的领袖和榜样。在 大宿舍里还有:春儿,小昕,陈真,老王,老李,宋磊,薛峰,王珂, 一句话:我们兄弟情深!三年相处的情谊,将是我人生中无比绚烂夺目 的财富!
扭头望向 窗外,久不能语。
在即将走出校园,直面大千世界的路口,虽然有些彷徨,有些茫然,但 是我知道,我必须勇敢迈步前行。
未来不可知,是我们前进的原动力! ! 未来不可知,是我们前进的原动力!!
英语论文致谢 第6篇
My sincere gratitude firstly goes to my supervisor Associate Professor Xu whohas been providing me enlightening suggestions, careful proofreading and constantencouragement during the whole process of my thesis writing. Without his infinitesupport and illuminating guidance, I would never have been able to finish this thesis.
Moreover, his serious scholarship and academic practices, his conscientious andacademic attitude towards teaching and above all, his agreeable personality, haveinfluenced me immensely during the past three years, which also will be a life-longwealth for me.
Appreciation also goes to other professors and teachers in the School of ForeignStudies, CUMT, who have helped me in my postgraduate studies and enlightened meduring the past three years.
Besides, I feel deeply indebted to my parents and friends, who have helped mesubstantially through the tough process of thesis writing. My special thanks go to mybest friends whose great help and support have accompanied me all the way in thelong and rewarding experience of writing this thesis.
英语论文致谢 第7篇
First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my boss, *** *, for her helpful Suggestions and helpful Suggestions for my paper.I am deeply grateful for her help in completing this paper.
***my wifes profound knowledge of English has inspired my love of this beautiful language and my attitude towards learning English.
I also thank all the teachers and teachers in the translation studies for their direct and indirect help.
Special thanks to my friends who have spent a considerable amount of time and energy on the draft.
Finally, I thank my parents for their continued support and encouragement.
英语论文致谢 第8篇
At the very first, I am honored to exPss my deepest gratitude to my dedicated supervisor, Miss Wang Chao, with whose able guidance I could have worked out this thesis. She has offered me valuable ideas, suggestions and criticisms with her profound knowledge and rich research experience. Her patience and kindness are greatly apPciated. Besides, she always puts high priority on our dissertation writing and is willing to discuss with me anytime available. I have learnt from her a lot not only about dissertation writing, but also the professional ethics. I am very much obliged to her efforts of helping me complete the dissertation. I am also extremely grateful to Prof. Wei Xiaohong whose patient and meticulous guidance and invaluable suggestions are indispensable to the completion of this thesis.
Thanks are also due to my roommates, who never failed to give me great encouragement and suggestions. Special thanks should go to Miss Dong, Miss Ma, and Miss Wei for their brainstorming with me when I failed in coming up with ideas.
At last but not least, I would like to thank my family for their support all the way from the very beginning of my study. I am thankful to all my family members for their thoughtfulness and encouragement.
英语论文致谢 第9篇
Upon the completion of this thesis,I am grateful to those who have offered meencouragement and support during the course of my study. First,specialacknowledgment is given to my respectable supervisor whose patient instruction andconstructive suggestions are beneficial to me a lot. Second, particular thanks go to allthe teachers and professors who have taught me for their instruction and generoussupport during these years. What is more, I would like to present my thanks to one ofmy special friend from whom I get tremendous love and encouragement as well astechnical instruction. Finally, I would like to express the most heartfelt gratitude to myfamily members who have provided me great help and support. Though the mostunfortunate thing happened to me, while I survived and became sfronger. Their love isalways the source of my strength during the period of thesis writing. And I love you,dad.
英语论文致谢 第10篇
英语论文致谢 第11篇
My study at the College of International Studies will soon come to an end and, at the completion of my graduation thesis; I wish to exPss my sincere apPciation to all those who have offered me invaluable help during the four years of my undergraduate study here atTai Zhou Institute of Nanjing university of Science and Technology.
Firstly, I would like to exPss my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Xu Guixiang, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its Psent form.
Secondly, I should give my hearty thanks to all the other faculty members of the Department of English for their patient instructions in various courses and their Pcious suggestions for my study here.
Lastly, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.
英语论文致谢 第12篇
I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor Professor Zhu Jimei. I do appreciate her patience, encouragement, and professional instructions during my thesis writing. Also, I would like to thank Miss Wen Pingzhen and Miss Li Wenying, who kindly gave me a hand when I was making the questionnaire among the college English learners.
Last but not the least, my gratitude also extends to my family who have been assisting, supporting and caring for me all of my life.
英语论文致谢 第13篇
After two years" study for British and America Literature, and another half year"s writing,this thesis was finally accomplished. Without of the help of many people,it could never becompleted, thus here I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards them.
First and foremost, I owe my heartfelt thanks to my distinguished and cordial supervisor,Professor Wang Zhiqin, who influenced me with his insightful ideas and meaningfulinspirations, guided me with practical academic advice and feasible instructions,andenlightened me while I was confused during the writing procedure. His thought-provokingcomments and patiently encouragements are indispensable for my accomplishment of thisthesis. My selection of Foucault"s power theory as the theoretical framework is deeplymotivated by his profound knowledge. Without his dedicated assistance and insightfulsupervision, this thesis would have gone nowhere.
Then,my faithful appreciation also goes to the prestigious and distinguished teachers ofForeign Language School in East China University of Science and Technology, Professor YanJinglan, Professor Shao Zhihong, and Professor Wang Jianguo, whose splendid anddiversified lectures have empowered me with solid language capability and upright academicattitude.
Ultimately, thanks go to my parents who are my mentor and guardian from the verybeginning in primary school. Without their refined education and care,I could never grow upin such a joyous and cozy environment nor have the courage to confront any obstacles on myway to success.
英语论文致谢 第14篇
I am greatly indebted to my supervisor, Professor Wang Shuting, for his valuable instructions and suggestions on my thesis as well as his careful reading of the manuscript.
I feel grateful to all the teachers in the College of Foreign Languages of China University of Petroleum who once offered me valuable courses and advice during my study. My sincere thanks are also given to Pro. Dai Ruiliang and Pro. Sun Chengrong. from whose lectures I benefited greatly.
Last but not least, I owe much to my friends and classmates for their valuable suggestions and critiques which are of help and importance in making the thesis a reality.
英语论文致谢 第15篇
First of all, I would like to exPss my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Ms**, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. In the Pparation of this thesis, she has spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible.
Second, I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the professors in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically Ppared for the thesis.
Last, I should finally like to exPss my gratitude to my beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of complaint.
英语论文致谢 第16篇
Grateful acknowledgement is made to my supervisor Mr. Chen Fang who gave me considerable help by means of suggestion, comments and criticism. His encouragement and unwavering support has sustained me through frustration and depression. Without his pushing me ahead, the completion of this thesis would be impossible. In addition, I deeply appreciate the contribution to this thesis made in various ways by my friends and classmates.
英语论文致谢 第17篇
I would like to thank all of you for helping me in writing this paper.
My deepest gratitude is first to professor *** *, my mentor, for his constant encouragement and guidance.He wrote my essay at all stages.Without his usual and enlightening guidance, this paper would not have been in its present form.
Secondly, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to professor *** *, who has led me into the world of translation.I am also very grateful to professors and teachers of the English department: wu * *, *** and ** *, and for the past two years, I have been guiding and helping me.
Finally, I would like to thank my dear family for their love and great faith in me for many years.I also want to thank my friends and classmates who have given me help and time to listen to my opinions and help me solve my problems in the difficult process of my paper.