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时间:2024-02-04 15:30:02 来源:网友投稿

第40卷, 第1期, 2022年1月 Vol. 40, No. 1, Jan., 2022

滕斌, 崔杰. 有限长正弦地形上的波浪传播问题研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 1-9. (TENG Bin, CUI Jie. Study on wave propagation over sinusoidally varying topography[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 1-9. (in Chinese))

余建星, 曾庆泽, 余杨, 等. 基于模糊Petri网络的FPSO单点多管缆干涉风险评估[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 10-20. (YU Jianxing, ZENG Qingze, YU Yang, et al. Risk assessment of riser interference of FPSO single point mooring system based on fuzzy Petri net[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 10-20. (in Chinese))

刘亚琼, 任年鑫, 欧进萍. 混合模块大型浮式结构系统耦合动力响应分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 21-28. (LIU Yaqiong, REN Nianxin, OU Jinping. Coupled dynamic response analysis of a large floating structure system with hybrid modules[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 21-28. (in Chinese))

张火明, 陈国庆, 陆萍蓝, 等. 考虑涡激运动下海洋柔性立管的疲劳损伤分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 29-38. (ZHANG Huoming, CHEN Guoqing, LU Pinglan, et al. Fatigue damage analysis of flexible riser under vortex-induced motion[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 29-38. (in Chinese))

高岳, 朱红钧, 王珂楠, 等. 弯曲柔性立管举升气液两相流时的流固耦合效应研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 39-49. (GAO Yue, ZHU Hongjun, WANG Kenan, et al. Research on the fluid-structure interaction between curved flexible riser and the gas-liquid two-phase flow[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 39-49. (in Chinese))

艾丛芳, 马玉祥, 丁伟业, 等. 内孤立波作用下半潜平台荷载及其周围流场数值模拟研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 50-56. (AI Congfang, MA Yuxiang, DING Weiye, et al. Numerical simulation of load and flow field around semi-submersible platform under internal solitary wave[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 50-56. (in Chinese))

孙刘璐, 于思源, 武文华, 等. 基于现场实测数据的半潜式平台运动响应分析和极值预测研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 57-64. (SUN Liulu, YU Siyuan, WU Wenhua, et al. Motion analysis and extreme value prediction of semi-submersible platform based on prototype monitoring data[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 57-64. (in Chinese))

郑建才, 赵伟文, 万德成. 垂荡板对浮式风机水动—气动耦合性能影响研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 65-73. (ZHENG Jiancai, ZHAO Weiwen, WAN Decheng. Effects of heave plate on coupling aero-hydrodynamic performances of floating offshore wind turbine[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 65-73. (in Chinese))

白旭, 杨翔宇. 偏航工况下海上浮式风力机基础运动响应及锚泊载荷影响分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 74-81. (BAI Xu, YANG Xiangyu. Influence of yaw condition on the foundation motion response and mooring load of offshore floating wind turbine[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 74-81. (in Chinese))

魏东泽, 阙小玲, 付图南, 等. 新型半潜式海上风力机基础水动力特性研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 82-92. (WEI Dongze, QUE Xiaoling, FU Tunan, et al. Research on hydrodynamic characteristics of a new semi-submersible floating foundation for offshore wind turbine[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 82-92. (in Chinese))

王涛, 张琪, 叶冠林. 波浪荷载及土体特性对风电单桩基础水平变形影响规律[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 93-103. (WANG Tao, ZHANG Qi, YE Guanlin. Influence of cyclic wave load and soil characteristics on horizontal deformation of wind power monopile foundation[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 93-103. (in Chinese))

张辉宇, 贺瑞, 陈强, 等. 海上风机超大直径单桩竖向抗压承载力理论计算及实测方法对比评价[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 104-115. (ZHANG Huiyu, HE Rui, CHEN Qiang, et al. Comparative evaluation of theoretical method and in situ tests method on vertical compressive bearing capacity of super-large-diameter monopiles for offshore wind turbines[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 104-115. (in Chinese))

关盛杰, 孔德森, 王晓敏, 等. 黏土中防沉板—桩复合基础地震反应特性研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 116-124. (GUAN Shengjie, KONG Desen, WANG Xiaomin, et al. Study on seismic response characteristics of mudmat-pile composite foundation in clay[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 116-124. (in Chinese))

陈严飞, 刘昊, 曹静, 等. 考虑轴向荷载和外压影响的非黏结柔性管道骨架层失效分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 125-133. (CHEN Yanfei, LIU Hao, CAO Jing, et al. Collapse failure of carcass for un-bonded flexible pipe considering axial loading and external pressure[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 125-133. (in Chinese))

吴剑国, 吴嘉蒙, 李钧晖, 等. 薄壁梁约束扭转极限承载能力简化计算方法研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 134-140. (WU Jianguo, WU Jiameng, LI Junhui, et al. Research on the simplified calculation method of thin-walled girder constrained torsional ultimate capacity[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 134-140. (in Chinese))

李云飞, 韩聪聪, 刘君. 动力锚在斜坡地基上的沉贯特性[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 141-148. (LI Yunfei, HAN Congcong, LIU Jun. Dynamic penetration performance of dynamically installed anchor on slope foundation[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 141-148. (in Chinese))

陈茁, 李薇, 胡鹏, 等. 钱塘江河势变迁与径潮流相互作用研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 149-159. (CHEN Zhuo, LI Wei, HU Peng, et al. Numerical investigation on the interactions among the mainstream shift, riverine and tidal dynamics in Qiantang River[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 149-159. (in Chinese))

宗钟凌, 庄潇轩, 黄蕴晗, 等. 压力注浆螺旋钢管桩抗拔承载性能试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(1): 160-166. (ZONG Zhongling, ZHUANG Xiaoxuan, HUANG Yunhan, et al. Experimental study on uplift capacity of pressure grouted helical piles[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(1): 160-166. (in Chinese))



第40卷, 第2期, 2022年3月 Vol.40, No.2, Mar., 2022

李绍武, 王家汉, 柳叶. 斜坡堤护面块体安放过程及稳定性数值模拟[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(2): 1-14. (LI Shaowu, WANG Jiahan, LIU Ye. Numerical simulation of placement process and stability of armor units on rubble mound breakwater[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(2): 1-14. (in Chinese))

孙大鹏, 孙文豪, 修富义, 等. 扭王字块体斜坡堤越浪量的数值研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(2): 15-25. (SUN Dapeng, SUN Wenhao, XIU Fuyi, et al. Numerical investigation on overtopping of sloping breakwaters with accropode armor blocks[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(2): 15-25. (in Chinese))

李鹏, 孙丽萍, 马刚, 等. 软刚臂单点系泊系统静力特性分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(2): 26-35. (LI Peng, SUN Liping, MA Gang, et al. Static characteristics analysis of soft yoke single point mooring system[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(2): 26-35. (in Chinese))

冯士伦, 朱晓宇, 李焱, 等. 柔性气囊助浮法拆除导管架技术研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(2): 36-43. (FENG Shilun, ZHU Xiaoyu, LI Yan, et al. Research on the technology of removing jacket by flexible air-bag-assisted floating method[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(2): 36-43. (in Chinese))

杨柳, 贺林林, 冯楚杰, 等. 自升式钻井平台桩靴踩脚印应对措施对比研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(2): 44-54. (YANG Liu, HE Linlin, FENG Chujie, et al. Comparative research on measures for mitigating the interactions of spudcan-footprint during spudcan of jack-up rigs penetrating next to an existing footprint[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(2): 44-54. (in Chinese))

张伟, 张坤, 姜贞强, 等. 基于多尺度有限元的海上升压站脚靴式桩套筒连接结构分析研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(2): 55-66. (ZHANG Wei, ZHANG Kun, JIANG Zhenqiang, et al. Research on the pile-sleeve structure of boot-type offshore substation based on multi-scale finite element method[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(2): 55-66. (in Chinese))

余杨, 刘泽生, 余建星, 等. 基于ABAQUS的卷管式铺管法管道变形敏感性分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(2): 67-77. (YU Yang, LIU Zesheng, YU Jianxing, et al. Analysis of pipe deformation sensitivity based on ABAQUS for reel-lay installation[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(2): 67-77. (in Chinese))

鲍健, 陈正寿. 细长输流管内外流耦合振动特性研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(2): 78-87. (BAO Jian, CHEN Zhengshou. Study on coupling vibration characteristics of slender fluid-conveying pipe subject to internal flow and external current[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(2): 78-87. (in Chinese))

孟祥然, 刘润, 练继建, 等. 海上大直径钢管桩打桩过程中桩周土强度弱化研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(2): 88-96. (MENG Xiangran, LIU Run, LIAN Jijian, et al. Study on the weakening of soil resistance around large diameter steel pipe pile during pile driving[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(2): 88-96. (in Chinese))

曲孟祥, 杨博, 梁丙臣, 等. 基于IDDES方法的冲刷地形海底管道绕流数值模拟[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(2): 97-105. (QU Mengxiang, YANG Bo, LIANG Bingchen, et al. Numerical simulation of flow around on a pipeline near a scoured bed based on IDDES method[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(2): 97-105. (in Chinese))

郭权势, 邓争志, 万占鸿. 集成于方箱防波堤的双气室振荡水柱波能装置转换效率研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(2): 106-117. (GUO Quanshi, DENG Zhengzhi, WAN Zhanhong. A study on the wave power extraction efficiency of the dual-chamber OWC converter integrated into a rectangular breakwater[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(2): 106-117. (in Chinese))

黄炎晨, 黄方平, 刘静. 波浪作用下基于不同负载的一种Savonius型水轮机捕能性能研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(2): 118-129. (HUANG Yanchen, HUANG Fangping, LIU Jing. Research on energy harvesting performance of a Savonius turbine under wave action based on different loads[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(2): 118-129. (in Chinese))

丁磊, 缴健, 杨啸宇, 等. 上游水库群运行对长江口淡水资源的影响及未来趋势分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(2): 130-142. (DING Lei, JIAO Jian, YANG Xiaoyu, et al. Analysis on the influence of upstream reservoir group operation on freshwater resources in the estuary of the Yangtze River and future trend[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(2): 130-142. (in Chinese))

陈锋华, 赵敏. 万米级深海陶瓷耐压结构水下内爆流场数值模拟[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(2): 143-153. (CHEN Fenghua, ZHAO Min. Numerical simulation of flow field of underwater implosion of full-ocean-depth ceramic pressure hull[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(2): 143-153. (in Chinese))

张洪彬, 徐会希. 球柱壳耐压舱体极限承载力研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(2): 154-161. (ZHANG Hongbin, XU Huixi. Research on the ultimate strength of spherical shell cover plus cylindrical shell pressure hulls[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(2): 154-161. (in Chinese))

苏强, 吕海宁, 杨建民, 等. 履带式深海采矿车软底质行走性能分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(2): 162-168. (SU Qiang, LV Haining, YANG Jianmin, et al. Analysis of the walking performance of tracked deep-sea mining vehicle on soft sediment[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(2): 162-168. (in Chinese))

张志伟, 王红萍, 张旭, 等. 深海潜标布阵方式对海面声源定位精度的影响[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(2): 169-176. (ZHANG Zhiwei, WANG Hongping, ZHANG Xu, et al. The influence of deep-sea subsurface buoy layout on the location accuracy of sea surface acoustic source[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(2): 169-176. (in Chinese))



第40卷, 第3期, 2022年5月 Vol.40, No.3, May, 2022

练继建, 翁珮瑶, 郭耀华, 等. 海床表层软土对宽浅式筒型基础承载特性影响研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(3): 1-9. (LIAN Jijian, WENG Peiyao, GUO Yaohua, et al. Influence of soft top soil on bearing capacity of wide-shallow bucket foundation for offshore wind turbines[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(3): 1-9. (in Chinese))

王园园, 罗武章, 李锦辉. 海洋桩靴基础穿刺破坏实时预测研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(3): 10-21. (WANG Yuanyuan, LUO Wuzhang, LI Jinhui. Study on real-time prediction of punch-through of spudcan foundation[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(3): 10-21. (in Chinese))

徐万海, 庞涛, 闫术明, 等. 海底管道整体式止屈器性能研究与穿越压力预测[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(3): 22-31. (XU Wanhai, PANG Tao, YAN Shuming, et al. Performance and crossover pressure of integral buckle arrestors for offshore pipelines[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(3): 22-31. (in Chinese))

陈严飞, 蒋智明, 侯富恒, 等. 含腐蚀缺陷高强钢厚壁管道压溃压力预测方法[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(3): 32-39. (CHEN Yanfei, JIANG Zhiming, HOU Fuheng, et al. Prediction method of collapse pressure of high-strength thick-walled steel pipeline with corrosion defects[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(3): 32-39. (in Chinese))

张智博, 卢浩, 苑桂博, 等. 海上风机稳桩施工平台吊装过程中的多船水动力干扰特性与动力响应分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(3): 40-51. (ZHANG Zhibo, LU Hao, YUAN Guibo, 等. Analysis of the hydrodynamic interaction characteristics and dynamic responses of multi vessels during lifting of the pile stabilizing construction platform of offshore wind turbine[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(3): 40-51. (in Chinese))

杨立军, 赵亮, 王一听, 等. 浮体自由衰减运动阻尼识别方法误差分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(3): 52-60. (YANG Lijun, ZHAO Liang, WANG Yiting, et al. Error analysis of the damping identification methods for analyzing free-decay motion of floating structure[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(3): 52-60. (in Chinese))

金瑞佳, 韩丽影, 贺铭, 等. 基于SPH方法的开孔沉箱比尺效应研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(3): 61-68. (JIN Ruijia, HAN Liying, HE Ming, et al. SPH study on scale effect of perforated caisson[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(3): 61-68. (in Chinese))

黄雯, 王巍巍, 加攀星, 等. 开孔双壁圆形钢吊箱围堰消波效果影响因素分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(3): 69-74. (HUANG Wen, WANG Weiwei, JIA Panxing, et al. Analysis on the influence factors of wave attenuation effect of double-wall circular steel cofferdam with trepanning on outer wall[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(3): 69-74. (in Chinese))

徐展, 王文进, 蒋学炼, 等. 半潮堤前的反射形态与时均流速场分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(3): 75-82. (XU Zhan, WANG Wenjin, JIANG Xuelian, et al. Reflective behaviors and period-averaged velocity fields by a low-crested breakwater[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(3): 75-82. (in Chinese))

兰小杰, 赵伟文, 万德成, 等. 基于MPS方法模拟低雷诺数方柱绕流问题[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(3): 83-92. (LAN Xiaojie, ZHAO Weiwen, WAN Decheng, et al. Numerical simulation of low-Reflow around a square cylinder by MPS method[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(3): 83-92. (in Chinese))

琚烈红, 刘清君, 黄哲, 等. 海堤安全风险评估技术研究. [J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(3): 93-104. (JU Liehong, LIU Qingjun, HUANG Zhe, et al. Research on seawall safety risk level assessment technology[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(3): 93-104. (in Chinese))

杨程生, 蒋振雄, 俞竹青, 等. 长江下游大型沉井基础局部冲刷计算公式研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(3): 105-114. (YANG Chengsheng, JIANG Zhenxiong, YU Zhuqing, et al. Study on local scour calculation formula of large open caisson foundation in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(3): 105-114. (in Chinese))

夏明嫣, 徐福敏, 闻云呈. 不同路径台风作用下长江下游沿线风暴增水分布研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(3): 115-122. (XIA Mingyan, XU Fumin, WEN Yuncheng. Study of storm surge distribution along the Yangtze River and Estuary under different typhoon tracks[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(3): 115-122. (in Chinese))


成司元, 余杨, 李振眠, 等. 内孤立波下深水半潜式平台系统动力响应研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(3): 123-138. (CHENG Siyuan, YU Yang, LI Zhenmian, et al. Research on dynamic response of deep-water semi-submersible platform system under internal solitary wave[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(3): 123-138. (in Chinese))

甘祥吉, 黄龚赛, 武文华. 基于能耗最优的TLP张力腿水下无线监测组网方法研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(3): 139-148. (GAN Xiangji, HUANG Gongsai, WU Wenhua. Underwater wireless networking method for TLP tension leg prototype monitoring based on energy consumption optimal criterion[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(3): 139-148. (in Chinese))

王科华, 任赵飞, 周智鹏, 等. 工程海域波浪特征分析方法比较[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(3): 149-158. (WANG Kehua, REN Zhaofei, ZHOU Zhipeng, et al. Comparison of wave characteristics analysis methods for project site[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(3): 149-158. (in Chinese))

黄飞扬, 戴文鸿, 姚毓, 等. 基于FLUENT的波浪溢流水动力数值模拟[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(3): 159-168. (HUANG Feiyang, DAI Wenhong, YAO Yu, et al. Hydrodynamic numerical simulation of combined wave and surge overtopping based on FLUENT[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(3): 159-168. (in Chinese))



第40卷, 第4期, 2022年7月 Vol.40, No.4, Jul., 2022


闫禹, 何杰, 徐贝贝, 等. 港珠澳大桥人工岛水下滩槽演变的数值模拟与工程检验[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 1-10. (YAN Yu, HE Jie, XU Beibei, et al. Engineering effect test and inspection of the evolution of the seabed level near the artificial island of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 1-10. (in Chinese))

刘清君, 李岩汀, 李国红, 等. 港珠澳大桥岛桥结合跨箱梁波浪力试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 11-17. (LIU Qingjun, LI Yanting, LI Guohong, et al. Experimental study on wave force of box girder at the junction of artificial island and bridge span of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 11-17. (in Chinese))

李岩汀, 刘清君, 闫禹, 等. 港珠澳大桥西人工岛桥结合段波浪演变数值模拟[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 18-25. (LI Yanting, LIU Qingjun, YAN Yu, et al. Numerical simulation of waves elevation at the west island-bridge joint of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 18-25. (in Chinese))

高祥宇, 周伟, 李书亮, 等. 港珠澳大桥青州航道桥桥墩基础冲刷试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 26-33. (GAO Xiangyu, ZHOU Wei, LI Shuliang, et al. Experimental study on scouring of pier foundation of Qingzhou channel bridge[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 26-33. (in Chinese))

张功瑾, 罗小峰, 路川藤, 等. 围填海工程对澳门及附近海域水动力影响研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 34-43. (ZHANG Gongjin, LUO Xiaofeng, LU Chuanteng, et al. Hydrodynamic characteristics in Macao and its adjacent waters under the influence of human activities[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 34-43. (in Chinese))

刘星璐, 徐昇, 罗小峰, 等. 大鹏湾岬湾型海滩季节性变化特征及原因分析——以官湖海滩为例[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 44-52. (LIU Xinglu, XU Sheng, LUO Xiaofeng, et al. Seasonal variation characteristics and causes of headland-bay beaches: A case study of Guanhu beach[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 44-52. (in Chinese))

李心雨, 杨昀, 李自如, 等. WRF大气模式与台风经验模型在超强台风“山竹”过程重构中的比较分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 53-64. (LI Xinyu, YANG Yun, LI Ziru, et al. Comparative analyses on reconstructed processes of super typhoon Mangkhut using the WRF atmospheric model and typhoon empirical models[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 53-64. (in Chinese))


刘润, 李天亮, 练继建, 等. 海上风电嵌岩桩水平抗力影响因素研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 65-76. (LIU Run, LI Tianliang, LIAN Jijian, et al. Research on influencing factors of horizontal resistance of rock-socketed piles in offshore wind power[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 65-76. (in Chinese))

张浦阳, 李彦娥, 丁红岩, 等. 海上风电基础下放通过浪溅区响应特性研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 77-87. (ZHANG Puyang, LI Yan’e, DING Hongyan, et al. Response analysis of lowering operation through the splash zone for offshore wind turbine foundation[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 77-87. (in Chinese))

黄扬, 赵伟文, 万德成. 浮式风机气动—水动—气弹性耦合响应数值模拟[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 88-101. (HUANG Yang, ZHAO Weiwen, WAN Decheng. Numerical simulation of coupled aero-hydro-elastic performance of floating offshore wind turbine[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 88-101. (in Chinese))

程劲凯, 徐普, 陈宝春, 等. 畸形波作用下半潜浮式风机系泊失效停机响应分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 102-111. (CHENG Jinkai, XU Pu, CHEN Baochun, et al. Mooring failure and wind turbine shutdown response analysis of semi-submersible floating wind turbine under freak waves[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 102-111. (in Chinese))

王海军, 唐贝, 练继建, 等. 海上风电倒Y形导管架筒型基础受力特性研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 112-120. (WANG Haijun, TANG Bei, LIAN Jijian, et al. Research on force characteristics of offshore wind power inverted Y-shaped jacket bucket foundation[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 112-120. (in Chinese))

杜宇, 王凯, 高子予. 海上风电半潜式基础初步选型Pareto-Optimal评价[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 121-128. (DU Yu, WANG Kai, GAO Ziyu. Pareto-Optimal evaluation for the preliminary design of semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine substructure[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 121-128. (in Chinese))

袁常乐, 赵伟文, 万德成. 考虑自由面反射作用的圆柱流噪声计算[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 129-136. (YUAN Changle, ZHAO Weiwen, WAN Decheng. Analysis of underwater radiation noise of cylinder considering the reflection of free surface[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 129-136. (in Chinese))

王火平, 郭延良, 回贞立, 等. 南海北部中尺度涡流预报及应用[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 137-146. (WANG Huoping, GUO Yanliang, HUI Zhenli, et al. Forecast and application of mesoscale eddy current at engineering sites in the northern South China Sea[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 137-146. (in Chinese))

朱仰顺, 刘臻, 曲恒良. 典型参量对全被动式振荡水翼获能规律的影响[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 147-157. (ZHU Yangshun, LIU Zhen, QU Hengliang. Influence of typical parameters on the energy acquisition pattern of a fully passive oscillating hydrofoil[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 147-157. (in Chinese))

石湘, 张易飞, 杜颖, 等. 膨胀式自应力灌浆卡箍灌浆本构关系模型的研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 158-167. (SHI Xiang, ZHANG Yifei, DU Ying, et al. Study on constitutive relation models of grout for expansive stressed grouted clamp[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 158-167. (in Chinese))

张进, 安晨, 武昌旭, 等. 拉伸与扭转载荷作用下LNG低温复合软管的力学性能研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(4): 168-179. (ZHANG Jin, AN Chen, WU Changxu, et al. Study on mechanical properties of LNG cryogenic composite hose under tension and torsion[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(4): 168-179. (in Chinese))





第40卷, 第5期, 2022年9月 Vol.40, No.5, Sep., 2022

朱红钧, 赵宏磊, 谢宜蒲, 等. 近壁面柔性圆柱流致振动—拍击耦合特性试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(5): 1-9. (ZHU Hongjun, ZHAO Honglei, XIE Yipu, et al. Experimental study on the coupling response of vortex-induced vibration and wall impact of a near-wall submarine flexible span[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(5): 1-9. (in Chinese))

杜尊峰, 李晓琛, 徐万海. 张力腿平台绕流数值模拟分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(5): 10-18. (DU Zunfeng, LI Xiaochen, XU Wanhai. Numerical simulation of flow around a tension leg platform[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(5): 10-18. (in Chinese))

冯士伦, 杨虎, 唐友刚, 等. 波浪载荷及气动力引起的半潜浮式风机疲劳损伤分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(5): 19-27. (FENG Shilun, YANG Hu, TANG Yougang, et al. Fatigue damage of semi-submersible floating wind turbine caused by wave load and aerodynamic forces[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(5): 19-27. (in Chinese))

罗超, 张大伟, 陈佳佳, 等. 防振锤对深水导管架圆管风致涡激振动抑制研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(5): 28-36. (LUO Chao, ZHANG Dawei, CHEN Jiajia, et al. Study on suppression of wind-induced vortex vibration of circular pipe of deep-water jacket by anti-vibration hammer[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(5): 28-36. (in Chinese))

练继建, 刘畅博, 郭耀华, 等. 多边形筒型基础海上建造过程中移位及起浮技术研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(5): 37-48. (LIAN Jijian, LIU Changbo, GUO Yaohua, et al. Research on displacement and floating technology of polygonal bucket foundation during offshore construction[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(5): 37-48. (in Chinese))

毛艳军, 丁军, 马小舟, 等. 海上环形观光平台内域水体共振响应研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(5): 49-56. (MAO Yanjun, DING Jun, MA Xiaozhou, et al. Study on water wave resonance in the internal zone of a ring-shape sea tourism platform[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(5): 49-56. (in Chinese))

闫国斌, 潘池, 李飒, 等. 黏土中桩靴底部吸附力产生机理研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(5): 57-67. (YAN Guobin, PAN Chi, LI Sa, et al. Analysis on mechanism of breakout force of spudcan in clay[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(5): 57-67. (in Chinese))

卢泽宇, 万德成. 基于无网格MPS方法数值分析方舱破舱进水问题[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(5): 68-77. (LU Zeyu, WAN Decheng. Numerically simulated flooding of a freely-floating two-dimensional damaged square ship section using MPS method[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(5): 68-77. (in Chinese))

李刚强, 谌栋梁, 葛卓, 等. 单体喷水推进船舶动力定位控制方法研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(5): 78-88. (LI Gangqiang, CHEN Dongliang, GE Zhuo, et al. Research on dynamic positioning of a water jet propulsion mono-hull vessel[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(5): 78-88. (in Chinese))

吴剑国, 邵智华, 申屠晨楠, 等. 循环载荷作用下损伤船体梁极限强度研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(5): 89-97. (WU Jianguo, SHAO Zhihua, SHENTU Chennan, et al. Research on ultimate strength of damaged ship girder under cyclic loading[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(5): 89-97. (in Chinese))

俞嘉臻, 张显涛, 李欣. 聚焦波作用下平面网衣结构的水动力特性研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(5): 98-110. (YU Jiazhen, ZHANG Xiantao, LI Xin. Numerical study on the hydrodynamic characteristics of a net structure under focused wave groups[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(5): 98-110. (in Chinese))

赵寒燕, 乐绍林, 周欢, 等. 中性网格对圆桩局部冲刷的水动力弱化及防护效果分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(5): 111-120. (ZHAO Hanyan, YUE Shaolin, ZHOU Huan, et al. Protection measure of neutral lattice against local scour around circular pile[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(5): 111-120. (in Chinese))

王华昆, 高婧, 蔡毅华, 等. 深海多金属结核生长模拟及宏观形貌研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(5): 121-131. (WANG Huakun, GAO Jing, CAI Yihua, et al. Study on growth simulation and macromorphology of deep-sea polymetallic nodules[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(5): 121-131. (in Chinese))

胡经朝, 赵国成, 肖龙飞. 基于康达效应的海底集矿装置流场与集矿特性试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(5): 132-138. (HU Jingchao, ZHAO Guocheng, XIAO Longfei. Experimental investigation on flow field and collecting characteristics of mining device based on Coandă effect[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(5): 132-138. (in Chinese))

王金龙, 刘伟宝, 杨虎, 等. 跨海地铁盾构管片混凝土耐久性及寿命预测分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(5): 139-146. (WANG Jinlong, LIU Weibao, YANG Hu, et al. Analysis of concrete durability and life prediction of shield segment in cross-sea metro[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(5): 139-146. (in Chinese))

王家全, 祝梦柯, 唐毅, 等. 北部湾地区不同相对密度的海砂力学特性分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(5): 147-157. (WANG Jiaquan, ZHU Mengke, TANG Yi, et al. Analysis of mechanical properties of sea sand with different relative densities in the Beibu Gulf[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(5): 147-157. (in Chinese))

王瑞, 郭聚坤, 尹斌, 等. 钙质砂颗粒形状及破碎特性试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(5): 158-166. (WANG Rui, GUO Jukun, YIN Bin, et al. Experimental study on shape and breakage behavior of calcareous sand particles[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(5): 158-166. (in Chinese))



第40卷, 第6期, 2022年11月 Vol.40, No.6, Nov., 2022

吴学震,叶鸿宇,李大勇,等. 海域天然气水合物吸力筒式开采装置及方法[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(6): 1-10. (WU Xuezhen, YE Hongyu, LI Dayong, et al. A novel suction cylinder-type exploitation device and approach for marine natural gas hydrate[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(6): 1-10. (in Chinese))

郭涵慧,赵伟文,万德成. 分隔板对Spar平台涡激运动响应影响的分析研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(6): 11-20. (GUO Hanhui, ZHAO Weiwen, WAN Decheng. Numerical simulation of vertex induced motion for Spar platform with frontal splitter plate[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(6): 11-20. (in Chinese))

闫宏生,高率群,孟祥伟,等. 新型铰接式重力锚的设计及其性能研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(6): 21-30. (YAN Hongsheng, GAO Shuaiqun, MENG Xiangwei, et al. Study on the design and performance of a new articulated gravity anchor[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(6): 21-30. (in Chinese))

钟丹,张民曦,俞梅欣,等. 基于泥沙流变特性的吸力式沉箱减阻技术[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(6): 31-40. (ZHONG Dan, ZHANG Minxi, YU Meixin, et al. Resistance reduction technology of suction caisson based on sediment rheology[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(6): 31-40. (in Chinese))

邹文峰,王平,刘忠波,等. 基于双层Boussinesq方程的三维波浪数值模型及其验证[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(6): 41-50. (ZOU Wenfeng, WANG Ping, LIU Zhongbo, et al. A three-dimensional wave numerical model based on the two-layer Boussinesq equation and its validation[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(6): 41-50. (in Chinese))

徐子鸣,林志良,谢彬. 基于桁架模型和多孔介质模型的柔性网衣和周围流场单向耦合方法研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(6): 51-61. (XU Ziming, LIN Zhiliang, XIE Bin. Research onuni-directional coupling method for flexible nets and flow field based on truss model and porous media model[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(6): 51-61. (in Chinese))

孙孟喆,胡鹏,李有为, 等. 航道工程作用下福姜沙水道滩槽演变特性及对水沙过程响应的数值研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(6): 62-75. (SUN Mengzhe, HU Peng, LI Youwei, et al. Numerical study on the response of bed evolution of Fujiangsha waterway to flow-sediment condition under waterway engineering[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(6): 62-75. (in Chinese))

李响,刘志强,万德成. CFD数值分析三体船片体位置对阻力及兴波干扰影响[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(6): 76-82. (LI Xiang, LIU Zhiqiang, WAN Decheng. CFD prediction of influence of position of trimaran on drag and wave-making interference[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(6): 76-82. (in Chinese))

詹可,蒋垣腾,赵敏. 设计相关动载荷作用下的水下耐压结构拓扑优化[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(6): 83-96. (ZHAN Ke, JIANG Yuanteng, ZHAO Min. Topology optimization of underwater pressure hull under design-dependent dynamic loading[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(6): 83-96. (in Chinese))

缪栋杰,宋丙辉,宋玉鹏,等. 基于流变仪测试海底浅表层软黏土不排水强度研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(6): 97-104. (MIAO Dongjie, SONG Binghui, SONG Yupeng, et al. Testing the undrained shear strength of shallow submarine soft clay by rheometer[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(6): 97-104. (in Chinese))

黄爽,张军,金伟良,等. 基于压磁效应的锈胀开裂混凝土梁疲劳性能试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(6): 105-113. (HUANG Shuang, ZHANG Jun, JIN Weiliang, et al. Experimental study on fatigue performance of corroded and cracked concrete beams based on piezomagnetic effect[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(6): 105-113. (in Chinese))


郭冲冲,武文华,程丛志,等. 基于模型试验的海洋核动力平台定位系统解脱作业关键指标分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(6): 114-124. (GUO Chongchong, WU Wenhua, CHENG Congzhi, et al. Key performance indicators analysis for disconnection operation of marine nuclear power platform mooring system based on model test[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(6): 114-124. (in Chinese))

呼文佳,王世圣,赵晶瑞. 张力腿平台涡激运动模型试验与数值分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(6): 125-132. (HU Wenjia, WANG Shisheng, ZHANG Jingrui. Model test and numerical analysis of TLP vortex-induced motion[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(6): 125-132. (in Chinese))

陈嘉明,白兴兰,杨风艳. 浮体二阶运动下钢悬链式立管触地区动态响应分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(6): 133-141. (CHEN Jiaming, BAI Xinglan, YANG Fengyan. Influence of offshore platform second-order motion on dynamic response in touchdown zone of steel catenary riser[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(6): 133-141. (in Chinese))

英玺蓬,曹慧鑫,杨志勋,等. 低温柔性管道关键结构层的多目标优化设计[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(6): 142-151. (YING Xipeng, CAO Huixin, YANG Zhixun, et al. Multi-objective optimization design of key structural layers of cryogenic hose[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(6): 142-151. (in Chinese))

丁乐声,陈金龙,陈潇,等. 基于半数值方法的限弯器剪弯刚度分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(6): 152-159. (DING Lesheng, CHEN Jinlong, CHEN Xiao, et al. Analysis of shear bending stiffness of dynamic cable bending device based on semi-numerical method[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(6): 152-159. (in Chinese))

张哲,安晨,魏代锋,等. 水下节流阀砂粒冲蚀数值模拟研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(6): 160-172. (ZHANG Zhe, AN Chen, WEI Daifeng, et al. Sand erosion study of subsea choke valve based on numerical simulation[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2022, 40(6): 160-172. (in Chinese))







《海洋工程》2022年总目录, 第40卷, 第1~6期


猜你喜欢海洋工程数值研究FMS与YBT相关性的实证研究体育科技文献通报(2022年3期)2022-05-23体积占比不同的组合式石蜡相变传热数值模拟煤气与热力(2022年2期)2022-03-09数值大小比较“招招鲜”中学生数理化·高一版(2021年11期)2021-09-05辽代千人邑研究述论辽金历史与考古(2021年0期)2021-07-29视错觉在平面设计中的应用与研究科技传播(2019年22期)2020-01-14船舶与海洋工程学科宁波大学学报(理工版)(2020年1期)2020-01-09EMA伺服控制系统研究民用飞机设计与研究(2019年4期)2019-05-21海洋工程专家 刘培林中国海上油气(2016年5期)2016-06-23基于Fluent的GTAW数值模拟焊接(2016年2期)2016-02-27重防腐涂料在海洋工程钢结构中的研究进展装备环境工程(2015年4期)2015-02-28