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时间:2024-01-12 13:30:01 来源:网友投稿



Have you ever1)spilledwater onto your shirt right before an important event? Usually,clothes darken in color when they get wet.It would certainly be nice if the water didn’t change the color of the clothes so much.But sadly,this isn’t how things work.So why do clothes often appear darker when they get wet?

Before answering this question,we should first take a quick look at how we “see” colors.Take a red shirt as an example.When it’s hit by the light from the sun,it absorbs different2)wavelengthsof light,except the red light wavelength.The red light wavelength is reflected to our eyes.That is why the shirt appears red to us.

Now let’s return to the wet shirt question.When the light hits a wet shirt,it has to pass through the water on the shirt.The light that should be reflected by the shirt is3)reabsorbedby the water.This means less light will be sent to our eyes.As a result,the shirt looks darker.

But remember,sometimes a wet shirt can seem brighter from some specific angles of observation.The surface of a shirt is usually4)rough.Adding water to it makes it smoother.A smooth surface reflects light in a different way from a rough surface.Thus,you may see a small and bright reflection of the light from a certain angle.So basically,a wet shirt will be darker than a dry one,but it can also appear more “shiny” at times.

1) spillv.溢出;

2) wavelengthn.波长

3) reabsorbv.重新吸收

4) roughadj.粗糙的;





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