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时间:2022-05-18 16:00:03 来源:网友投稿

年计,汉语词语,拼音是nián jì ,意思是年度预算, 以下是为大家整理的关于漫威2021年计划5篇 , 供大家参考选择。




1997 零容忍行动(Operation Zero Tolerance);英雄重生(Heroes Reborn)

1999 第二次超级英雄大赛(Contest of Champions II);永远的复仇者(Avengers Forever)

2000 天启十二使徒(Apocalypse The Twelve);最高戒备(Maximum Security)

2001 毁灭前夕(Eve of Destruction);康之王朝(The Kang Dynasty)

2002 无限深渊(Infinity Abyss)

2004 复仇者解散(Avenger Disassembled);国家公敌(Enemy of the State);秘密战争(Secret War)

2005 马格纳斯之殿(House of M)

2006 湮灭(Annihilation);英雄内战(Civil War)

2007 绿巨人世界大战(World War Hulk)

2008 秘密入侵(Secret Invasion);湮灭征服(Annihilation Conquest)

2009 黑暗王朝(Dark Reign)

2010 围城(Siege);英雄时代(Age of Heroes);影域(Shadowland);混沌之战(Chaos War)

2011 恐惧本源(Fear Itself)

2012 复仇者大战X战警(Avengers Vs. X-Men: Versus)

2013 奥创纪元(Age of Ultron);无限(Infinity)

2014 原罪(Orginal Sins);复仇者和X战警:善恶轴心(Axis)

2015 秘密战争3(Secret War3)


漫威漫画公司(Marvel Comics)是美国与DC漫画公司(DC Comics)齐名的漫画巨头,它创建于1939年,于1961年正式定名为Marvel,旗下拥有蜘蛛侠、钢铁侠、美国队长、雷神托尔、绿巨人、金刚狼、神奇四侠、恶灵骑士、蚁人等8000多名漫画角色和复仇者联盟、X战警、银河守卫者等超级英雄团队。2009年12月,华特迪士尼公司以42.4亿美元收购Marvel Entertainment Inc.,获得了绝大部分漫画角色的所有权。2010年9月,Marvel宣布其正式中文名称为“漫威”。

在西元前一万多年,亚特兰提斯跟 Lumuria 是两个在古代地球最强大的先进文明,但两边也开始互相作战,使得两大帝国都毁灭,只剩下残余的幸存者,如 Namor(奈摩)。而这时也有个叫 Inhumans 的种族,但他们住在自己位於喜马拉雅山里的 Atillan 首都,隐藏於人类社会之下直到现今时代。 
这时的冰霜巨人族,是跟北欧神共同住在 Asgard,因为奥汀跟一个女冰霜巨人有政治婚姻,藉此也生出洛基这儿子。而洛基跟他另外两个同父异母的哥哥-索尔和 Balder ,日后变成 Warriors Three(三战士),奠定许多战功,可 Balder 总认为洛基会背叛。果然,洛基母亲是冰霜巨人的间谍,她要儿子洛基夺走北欧神的力量来源 Norn Stones,结果被 Balder 发现,洛基拿起弓箭射死他,奥汀知道后,把洛基放逐到人界

World War II(第二次世界大战)

在一七七七年首次拜访地球后,外星物种 Chitauri(详见复仇者电影分析文章),在二十世纪初又再度出现,这次他们变形成人类的模样,以在幕后煽动的方式企图征服世界,真实历史上许多著名的流血事件,在终极世界观都是他们造成的。一九零四年,由一个高度外星文明所开发的高知觉机器人 The Vision(幻视)也坠落到地球,企图告知行星吞噬者 Gah Lak Tus 的到来,但由於太空船失控,於是坠毁到俄罗斯境内的通古斯,造成了通古斯大爆炸的事件,随后就被俄罗斯军方带到隐藏基地,进行反向研究的实验。一九二零年,Chitauri 终於渗透了德国的政治,而他们的干部吞噬了一个名为 Herr Kleiser 的高阶纳粹军官并取而代之,当作中间人让纳粹接受自己种族的外星科技武器,并促使第二次世界大战爆发一九三九年,一个叫做 Baron Zemo 的纳粹干部来找希特勒,因为他找到北欧神的圣石 Norn Stones,所以要求十万大军来攻打北欧神故乡 Asgard。而 Baron Zemo 先用 Norn Stone 带纳粹军队来到冰霜巨人的世界,起初冰霜巨人还打算杀死他们,但 Baron Zemo 则脱下面罩,揭露出他的真面目,就是拥有一半冰霜巨人血统的洛基,於是冰霜巨人跟洛基结盟。战争扩散整个 Asgard,奥汀成功抓拿洛基,将他关在一个没有任何出路的监狱里。这时冰霜巨人首领 Mammon 变成一头狼咬死奥汀,这使得世界之树燃烧,第一次诸神黄昏开始,随后索尔杀死 Mammon。但奥汀的死却让整个 Asgard 停摆,於是变成灵魂的奥汀,先将 Balder 的灵魂转生成 Donald Blake,接著再把会因战斗而疯狂的索尔送到人类世界。 
二战初期,罗斯福总统为了因应纳粹的外星武器,决定发展代号为重生计画的超级士兵实验。而这时美军士兵尼克‧弗瑞跟加拿大士兵 James Howlett 因偷窃民宅而被捕,就被当作这项计画的实验品。尼克被带往一个未知的地点,接受亚伯拉翰‧厄金斯的超级士兵血清其实验,成为世界上第一个超级士兵。至於在加拿大,有一个名为 Weapon X 的实验室,他们企图创造自己版本的超级士兵,於是所属科学家发明一个变种基因,只要施打下去,就可以让人有超能力,变成名为突变人的超人类。於是 James Howlett 则被秘密送回家乡加拿大的这里,进行秘密基因改造,成为世界上第一个突变人,代号是零号突变人,或者X突变人。有鉴於改造基因的成功,Weapon X 团队开始将突变基因传播出去,让世界开始出现大量的突变人。

随后,James 逃出 Weapon X 基地,但记忆被洗掉只记得叫罗根,但随后又被抓回去,进行一些战场上的特殊任务。而尼克也成功逃出实验室,因此军方找寻一个瘦弱的年轻人-史帝夫‧罗杰斯,让他成为一个新的超级士兵,但就在史帝夫的实验成功后,纳粹的间谍杀死厄金斯教授,使得史帝夫成为这次实验下唯一一个超级士兵。罗斯福总统希望有个象徵,於是要史帝夫穿上美国国旗的配色,让联军充满士气,但也开始跟 Chitauri 族硬碰硬。一九四五年,Herr Kleiser 企图在冰岛的基地,用氢弹射向白宫,美国上尉去阻止并成功破坏,却反而落入冰山下,随后昏迷并陷入假死状态六十多年。

Superhuman War(超人类竞赛)

接著回到美国的尼克,但他选择不隐姓埋名,决定公开自己,因此成为一名战争英雄。之后尼克被编入在神盾组织下,也藉由处理中东问题时与罗根再会。被罗根救回的尼克,听从 Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross(罗斯将军),这位神盾指挥官的命令,开始执行超级士兵发展计画。因为罗斯将军认为往后的世界,一定会出现更多超人类种族,那麼国与国之间的军备竞赛,将会是超人类士兵成为主流,所以美国要保住世界第一大国的位置和地位,势必就要抢得先机,自己率先进行创造超人类士兵的行动。 
在罗根刚逃出 Weapon X 实验室的不久后,尼克也被奉命率领一个小队去调查,但在里面却发现到突变人是人造超能力者的事实。尼克决定不能让这件事公开,因为这会冲击整个社会的价值观,势必将会造成一个无止尽的大混乱。於是下令屠杀实验室所有突变人和研究人员。接著尼克看到一个名叫 T"Challa 的黑人少年,实验代号叫做黑豹,但尼克想起自己也是个超级士兵计画下的实验品,於是起了怜悯心将他带走。 
尼克后来把 Franklin Storm(法兰克林‧史东,隐形女和火炬人的父亲)、Richard Parker(李察德‧帕克,蜘蛛人的父亲)、Bruce Banner(布鲁斯‧班纳,往后的浩克),以及天才少年 Hank Pym(汉克‧皮姆,往后的蚁人)等几位优秀科学家聚在一起,执行第二期超级士兵计画。接著,尼克提供自己身体内的超级士兵血清,给这一群科学家们进行反向研究,并要求他们从各种领域来发展新的超级士兵。 
法兰克林后来被直接指派到 Baxter Building(巴克斯特大厦,正统世界是惊奇四超人的基地)。而李察德跟好友 Edward Brock(艾德华‧布洛克,儿子是小艾德华‧布洛克),合作一个名为 Venom Project(猛毒项目)的计划,企图创造一个寄生体(正统世界是外星生命),不只可以当作士兵无坚不摧的盾牌和武器,也可以替世人治疗任何疾病和伤害。而汉克与布鲁斯,则打算直接从超级士兵血清上做改良,但由於尼克禁止人体实验,所以布鲁斯亲自施打在自己身上,没想到变成浩克,意外杀死李察德夫妻,只留下还是婴儿的彼德

Age of Heroes(英雄年代)

二十一世纪初,突变人大量出现在社会中,查尔斯为了因应突变人在社会上的问题,成立X战警。但民众对突变人感到相当不安,於是专门猎杀突变人的 Sentinels(哨兵机器人)被开发出来。至於非突变人的超人类,也以蜘蛛人和惊奇四超人为首,开始大量出现。有次,万磁王率领突变人兄弟会,直接进攻华盛顿白宫并生擒总统,但被X战警成功阻止,使得总统开始制定与突变人和平相处的政策。 
为了预防往后类似於万磁王对华盛顿的攻击再度发生,尼克招集了以美国上尉为首的各路超人类,组成一个专门紧急应对超人类危机的小队-The Ultimates(终极战队)。终极战队的成员-布鲁斯‧班纳博士,是以终极战队的首席科学家加入团队,专门帮成员制造装备等。但因为他对於队友间的相处赶到不快,加上贝蒂跟他冷战分开,於是愤怒之下变成浩克,害死八百多人。洛基也逃出监禁,是因为他之前假装成 Baron Zemo 时,有把一些 Norn Stones 留给一个纳粹部下,而那位部下则用这些圣石把洛基放出来。 
虽然索尔被当作自以为真是雷神的疯狂实验者,毕竟当时他当下正恢复自己在 Asgard 的记忆,所以一看到被军方找来的心理学医生 Donald Blake,马上就认出他是转生的 Blader,两人讲到如何让 Asgard 复原,却也同时发现洛基逃出来。这时尼克刚好来找索尔入夥终极战队,索尔说除非总统捐钱给国外否则就不加入,结果浩克的暴动事件发生了,於是总统只好捐钱让索尔加入终极战队。终极战队的第一个公开任务就是阻止浩克,而尼克则对大众隐瞒布鲁斯就是浩克的事实,让媒体报导起来像是终极战队阻止狂暴的浩克,成功宣传了终极战队。他们接下来的任务,是在亚利桑纳州对上 Chitauri 军队,并成功打败了对方。但没想到是个调虎离山之计,Chitauri 军队早已混入神盾位於纽约的本部 Triskelion。无数神盾士兵丧生,但终极战队归来支援,尼克也释放出浩克,终於消灭了 Chitauri 军队。 
有鉴於成功消除 Chitauri 这一个外星威胁,美国政府开始投注大量的资金发展超人类士兵,甚至成为当下唯一一个被允许处理国际间超人类危机问题的国家,这也表示美国可以派自己的超人类军队到世界各国。但随后世界其他国家抗议这项行为,於是联合国制定要以超人类做为武器的规范,是比照於核子武器。可是美国的一些商业组织,如 Roxxon 公司和 Oscorp 企业,为了自己军武上的利益,还是偷偷私下进行超人类实验,所以在终极世界观的设定里,大多数的蜘蛛人超能力反派,都是由这两公司的超人类士兵实验所创作出来的。也有些在正统世界非超能力的反派,也透过泛滥的基因改造,变成超人类。 

Heroes" Collide(英雄们之间的冲突)

既然终极世界观已经有个架构了,再来就是让英雄间彼此互动,所以推出一些 Crossover 故事。首先发行的是终极战队和X战警的 Ultimate War(终极战争)。在终极X战警的连载中,X教授发表了一个假声明说万磁王已经在白宫袭击事件后死去,但其实X教授只是洗脑万磁王,让他变成一个普通人,然后两人再变成朋友,因为查尔斯希望能透过交流让万磁王变成好人。不过兽人在网路上认识一个女子,他们谈了一场网路恋爱,结果兽人讲出万磁王被洗脑的事情。但没想到跟兽人在网路上交流的其实是突变人兄弟会,因为他们想要透过网路看不见人的优势,来套X战警的话,於是他们设下陷阱给兽人,接著就帮助万磁王恢复记忆。 
万磁王再现使得政府大怒,要神盾指挥官尼克来解释,同时间金钢狼、凯蒂和独眼龙则去 Savage Island 出任务,冰人也因为战斗时所受的伤也被父母强迫离开X战警。接著尼克带来终极战队来到X学校,却发现房内空无一人,於是尼克下了X战警跟兄弟会合作的结论,於是改成作战行动。在终极战队正准备著观看X战警资料时,美国上尉认出金钢狼也是他二战的战友之一,金钢狼也跟凯蒂准备回去,却没有见到独眼龙,金钢狼声称独眼龙光荣的在 Savage Island 牺牲了,但其实后续的终极X战警连载有透露,金钢狼故意让独眼龙死掉,只因为要跟琴在一起。接著X教授用了停战协议,要金钢狼带众人去万磁王基地,万磁王也知道X教授这计画,让地点改成X战警新基地,导致终极战队跟X战警全面开打。结果X战警几乎惨败,X教授留下来拖住,最后就被逮捕。事后,万磁王用他的能力避开监狱的系统,跟X教授呛声。 
Ultimate Six 则是叙述有五个蜘蛛人反派绿恶魔、沙人、电镀人、八爪博士和猎人 Karven 逃出神盾监狱,甚至还用梅婶和玛莉珍的性命,威胁蜘蛛人加入他们攻击白宫的行动,同时也想毁坏蜘蛛人的名声,於是终极世界的 Sinister Six 就这样成立。他们六人进攻白宫时,神盾部队和终极战队都赶来,这时终极战队的人才知道传说中的蜘蛛人只是个十五岁的年轻人,中间神盾还请哈利跟变成绿恶魔的父亲喊话但没效,因此终极战队只好制服这五个恶棍。最后,美国上尉跟尼克说到基因改造,将会是往后的战争趋势。 
至於蜘蛛人则是在自己的故事中,因为互换身体而认识了金钢狼,火炬人也当过彼得班上的插班生(但不知道彼得的秘密),彼得也跟凯蒂开始约会。同时也透过 Ultimate Team-Up 连载,蜘蛛人也认识许多英雄,像钢铁人、刀锋战士、制裁者.......等。也跟黑猫、月亮骑士、夜魔侠和功夫大师 Shang-Chi 组成终极世界观版的 Marvel Knights(惊奇骑士团)来合力对抗金宾,也在复制人传奇也认识其他惊奇四超人成员(只有惊奇骑士团和复制人传奇这两个故事,不是发生在这段的时间点,只是呼应蜘蛛人如何与其他英雄认识而已)。

Ultimate Galactus Trilogy(终极版银河王三部曲)

三部曲分别为 Ultimate Nightmare、Ultimate Secret 和 Ultimate Extinction。另外要注意的事情是,在终极世界观中,银河王不是宇宙神,而是一群专门摧毁星球的巨大机械人种族Gah Lak Tus(仔细看,就知道发音跟银河王的原文 Galactus 类似),他们的使者就是模仿银色冲浪手的模样,用宗教名义鼓励一些盲从者自杀,之后再循序渐进用各种方式杀死该星球居民,最后再吸取星球的能量并毁灭。 
距离当初坠落到地球已经有一世纪的现在,幻视开始慢慢自我修复,并在地球各媒体散发银河王即将到地球的讯息。尼克跟军人科学家 Sam Wilson(山姆‧威尔森,英雄代号 Falcon),还有黑寡妇和美国上尉等人组成一个搜索小队,另一方面X教授也收到这讯号,於是也派出金钢狼、琴和巨钢人去调查讯号所在地。美国上尉的小队进去该基地时,发现那裏有一些冷战时期被遗弃的苏联版超级士兵,经过一番战斗后,又与X战警小队对抗上,可随即发现了正在进行修复中的幻视,她警告银河王将会在短期内前来毁灭地球。 
美军基地内这时正在试射一艘使用新引擎的载人用穿梭机,一个机械人突然出现,打算要破坏穿梭机,这时有名叫做 Philip Lawson 的科学家,著装一个外星装甲摧毁了该机械人,但随后神盾却逮捕他。尼克及他的左右手 Carol Denvers 上尉(在正统世界是超级女英雄 Ms. Marvel,可在这只是个普通军人)一起调查 Philip,他承认自己是外星种族 Kree 的军官,原名是 Mahr Vehl 也就是 Captain Marvel(神奇上尉)。他本来被派到地球阻止地球人开发火箭穿梭机的,因为 Kree 族的信仰就是要奉行银河王的任务,所以不能让地球有任何逃脱的方法,要他们等死接受其制裁。不过 Mahr Vehl 爱上了地球,所以反过来背叛并帮忙。 
尼克结束神奇上尉的审问后,马上找来惊奇四超人来和终极战队联手,并随后将两队英雄整合分成两组,一个跟神盾部队留守穿梭机,一个则派去攻入了 Kree 派到地球的太空船,来获取有关银河王的资料。山姆也在这时修理好了幻视,得知银河王这几个世纪以来的毁灭历史,而幻视就是其中一个星球的种族,在他们被毁灭前所建造出来,好送到其他星球去警告的使者,可是通通都失败。而神盾也找来X教授,制作一个可以比他在X学院使用的机器,还要能更扩好几倍心灵能力的装置,让他来跟银河王沟通。惊奇先生则另外想到一个反击方法,就是建造一个可通往多重世界的巨大传送门,然后投放一枚超级炸弹,透过传送门丢进一个新生的宇宙,好加速宇宙大爆炸 Big bang 的形成,并将大爆炸释放的能量,经传送门变为炮台射向银河王。 
在地球只剩下一个星期的期间,一个私家侦探 Misty Knight 因调查一件案件,看见了一个水银样貌的人,和一个光头女人 Heather(此世界版本的 Moondragon),这女人属於一个崇拜银河王的宗教组织,水银人是派来的使者(在随后 Ultimate Fantastic Four 连载里,有揭露出这使者是银河王模仿某星球王子,用其形象所创造出来,该王子就是银色冲浪手)。这个水银人发现 Misty 跟踪他们而发动攻击,接受到攻击警报的美国上尉跟 Falcon 制服水银人,同时也透过 Misty 得知光头女所在地,并随后跟神盾小队拿下她。此时X教授也透过机器强化心灵能力跟银河王种族沟通,但他们视他为低下种族,认为有交流是个污染,将其反击回去,使得X教授遭到反馈的心灵能量攻击而受伤。但银河王种族仍不爽,於是又派出一个水银人飞往神盾基地进行破坏,所幸在钢铁人和神奇上尉联手出击,辛苦消灭了这个水银人。 

Liberators Invasion(解放者入侵)

这些想要私底下报复美国的国家为法国、伊朗、俄罗斯、中国、朝鲜和叙利亚等六国,当然上段也说过,一些仇视美国的国家也偷偷赞助这项恐怖攻击计画。这个多国联盟的超人类团队叫做 Liberators(解放者),意指将从美国的蛮横无理中解放出来,重新获得自由。而这群超人类小组率领的军队也正慢慢集结,准备在适当时机侵略美国,他们首要的目标就是瘫痪美国一切的军事和实验设施,并绑架美国主要的超人类,让美国不再保持超人类士兵科技发展的优势,顺便藉此重创美国军事和经济。 
第二步是故意让索尔在欧洲大闹,使得终极战队跟EDI联手制伏他的当下,自己再伪装成一个名叫 Gunner 的科学家来出面解释。他对众人的说词是索尔身上的装备都是由他发明,而索尔是他的亲生兄弟,真实名字叫做 Thorlief,可是 Thorlief 却偷走这一套装备,然后藉此自称是奥丁之子索尔。众人藉由以前的克板印象,相信这位洛基所伪装的科学家所说,因此即便索尔再怎麼解释,仍就被关了起来。 

然后黑寡妇还杀死未婚夫东尼的管家贾维斯,并也绑架东尼,打算掌控史塔克集团的一切资产。而同样也是终极战队成员的蚂蚁人汉克‧皮姆,因为超级英雄和科学事业都遭遇低潮,加上分居的妻子胡蜂女也在跟美国上尉交往。在这种双从打击下的怨天尤人心态,也促使汉克成为另一个背叛的队员,将自己原本替神盾开发出来的机械人士兵部队 Ultron(奥创),提供给解放者当作军队使用。先提醒一下黑寡妇和蚁人早已背叛,根据故事暗示,解放者组成的时候就有跟两人连络,但黑寡妇明目张胆的杀人行为,是当解放者军团攻击的当下,同时间做出来的,因为她认为时机已到,不需要再隐瞒。 
所以解放者除了有自己的士兵部队外,加上还有机械人援军,以及两个终极战队成员的里应外合,於是开始向美国进军。首先,解放者的士兵屠杀了神盾的超能力者部队,并绑架了蜘蛛人、惊奇四超人、X战警和大部分的终极战队成员。但鹰眼逃走,放出 Quicksilver(速银侠)和 Scarlet Witch(猩红女巫),而没在第一波攻击被抓拿的胡蜂女也救了美国上尉,至於东尼也挣脱黑寡妇的挟持,成功穿上新装甲,浩克也出现帮忙对抗解放者,汉克见情形不对,指挥奥创军团改攻击解放者的士兵,辩称自己是间谍而非真心背叛。解放者被打败,但洛基在这时却招换出一些恶魔和半兽人军团,猩红巫婆也用魔法放出索尔,但索尔不再拿比利时超级士兵计画所做的科技槌,而是拿著真正的雷神之槌,因为这次奥汀回应其呼救,并让他恢复神力。接著索尔就招换自己神兵神将的同胞一起作战,这时众人才知道自己身边的这位索尔,真得是北欧神话中的”索尔〃。 

以下为解放者成员名单(没有按照英文字母排序):The Colonel-来自伊朗,可以说是中东版的美国上尉,本名叫做 Abdul al-Rahman,是个体弱多病的人。而在他十七岁那年,亲眼目睹到美国上尉率领部队侵入自己国家,於是愤而接受实验,变成中东的超级士兵。跟终极战队的战斗里,他的光剑被美国上尉夺走,接著美国上尉杀死他,最后尸体就被带到神盾。 
Abomination-来自中国,可以说是中国版的浩克,本名叫做 Chang Lam,是个博士。Abomination 他的外表跟浩克不同,他有著尖耳朵、尾巴和秃头等特徵,甚至还保留理性,照理说应该比浩克更强。但在与终极战队的战斗里,他忽略浩克会因为愤怒而越强这点,反被浩克打死。浩克反而讽刺他自以为是的和平概念,因为有跟他一样强壮又能保持理性,根本就是比浩克还要大的威胁,后来其尸体就被浩克啃食。 
Crimson Dynamo-来自中国,可以说是中国版的钢铁人,本名叫做 Alex Su。Alex 的 Crimson Dynamo 是采用类似钢铁人技术做成的装甲,所以装甲内有许多内建武器,甚至还可以操控五十个魁儡机器人,但 Alex 身体是跟装甲融合的,所以无法脱离。随后他因为对於美国的恨而背叛命令,去操控五十个自己的魁儡机器人去杀害民众,却被来阻止的钢铁人,用蒸发的方式将其杀死。 
Perun-来自俄罗斯,可以说是俄罗斯的雷神索尔,本名不详。他身上装备跟索尔的比利时超级士兵计画的装备类似,是因为俄罗斯有获得相关的技术资料,而 Perun 的名字其实是取自於苏拉夫神 Perun。最后由於其他成员死亡,主动向美国投降,后来加入黑色行动小队复仇者(详见下面介绍的吸血鬼战争)。Hurricane-来自北韩,可以说是韩国版的速银侠,本名不详。是一个透过基因改造,获得超级速度的女子,声称自己比速银侠还快,但随后速银侠展现自己实力,用极快的速度将她分尸。 
Swarm-来自叙利亚,可以说是叙利亚的胡蜂女和蚂蚁人,本名叫做 Petra Laskov。她是个突变人女子,拥有一次可以控制数以百万,且不同种类的昆虫。本身是美国乔治亚州的人,后来决定帮助解放者对抗美国,原以为被胡蜂女杀死,结果在后来的故事中透露没死,且正在受神盾治疗(详见下面的终极通牒之后)。 
The Schizoid Man-来自法国,可以说是法国的 Multiple Man,本名不详。法国将 Multiple Man 的干细胞偷出来,打在一个不愿透露姓名的男性上,使得他可以创造出许多自己的分身,成为解放者的士兵来源。后来负责看守被囚禁的美国上尉,结果反被美国上尉和胡蜂女打败 

Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk & X4(终极版金钢狼对抗浩克和X4)

接著,金钢狼发现自己双手被限制住且关在神盾的监狱里,而刚好也遇到正要逃狱的万磁王手下 Forge,於是两人合作逃出去。然后金钢狼要 Forge 制作一个 "情侣版" ,且可以封锁对方能力的项圈,这项圈是只要你使用超能力,就会被杀死。於是金钢狼先是制服了贝蒂的行动,接著在往卡萨布兰卡的班机中,也给布鲁斯戴上这项圈。布鲁斯为了赌金钢狼是好人,所以故意跳机,追上来的金钢狼,只好把布鲁斯项圈给切破,让他变成浩克。这时尼克也出现,说到他是故意让罗根和 Forge 成功逃狱,藉此得知浩克所在地,然后尼克对浩克威胁说,贝蒂在神盾这里,所以当他需要浩克帮做事时就要过来,而他也说过金钢狼从此在他的黑名单上,不过金钢狼说,我是个突变人,老早就在人类的黑名单上。随后尼克走了,故事在金钢狼和浩克互相吐槽下结束,并随后连接到终极战队二,解放者入侵的故事中。 
此故事是重新讲述正统世界金钢狼与浩克的第一次见面,也就是浩克自己连载的 Incredible Hulk 第一百八十到一百八十二这三回,同时这三回也是金钢狼在漫画历史,以及在惊奇世界观首次登场的漫画。有趣的事情是当这 Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk 这故事在还没推出时,是用正统世界金钢狼的梦境叙述来做为预告,也就是他梦到终极世界观的自己在跟浩克对决,金钢狼一开始以为是梦到过去,但心里纳闷有点不太一样,最后自己下个结论是可能这个对决已经过太久,导致梦境跟现实有点不同。有一天,X教授突然发现有收到疑似外星人的求教讯号,於是派一些X战警前往。结果没想到这是个调虎离山之计,Mad Thinker 藉此偷走X教授的心灵放大机器,并伪造成是惊奇四超人所为。这导致X战警和惊奇四超人打了起来,但随后两队知道是 Mad Thinker 所为合力打败他。这个合作故事 Ultimate X4,也是致敬正统故事的X战警和惊奇四超人合作短篇连载X4,当然剧情完全不一样。

Ultimate Power(终极力量)

Squadron Supreme(至高中队)是惊奇致敬正义联盟设定所创作的团队,所在世界是 Earth-712。后来他们有一个重新朔造的版本,连载故事叫做 Supreme Power,所在世界是 Earth-31916。而 Earth-712 原始版本的至高中队则有跟正统世界的复仇者交流过,甚至也常到正统世界做客。由於这段两个至高中队我都会提到,所以接下来 Earth-712 的至高中队我会称为旧至高中队,Earth-31916 的我会称为新至高中队。 
惊奇先生李德想要治疗石头人班,所以打算派探测器,去 N-Zone(反物质区)以及平行世界收集相关资料,於是跟神盾报备需要的相关设备和资源,但尼克考虑到安全性不准。因此李德不管命令,就将五个探测器派往不同空间做调查,没想到过几天后,惊奇四超人基地-巴克斯特大厦屋顶突然爆炸,出现了新至高中队。这时彼得跟他女友 Kitty(凯蒂,暗影猫)正在巡逻,发现巴克斯特大厦冒烟的情形,也看到惊奇四超人正在跟新至高中队在作战,於是赶去帮忙,而凯蒂则叫了X战警,随后尼克也带来终极战队来支援。新至高中队则说,在他们的世界里出现一群怪物,结果发现是李德的探测器所导致,於是要带他过去处理并受审。 
李德认为是他的错,於是自愿跟新至高中队去 Earth-31916,不过尼克整合超级英雄团队,也找来末日博士,并跟神盾部队组成联军,然后藉著索尔开启的通道,跑到 Earth-31916 去拯救李德。这时两队人马打了起来,蜘蛛人发现尼克好像跟末日博士有隐瞒事情,而尼克则跟一个未显示出来的盟友提到要回收侦测器,然后就回到终极世界。但没想到神盾的天空战舰被重创,那位未显示的盟友也透露出,末日博士倒戈,还打败了新至高中队和终极战队,企图征服 Earth-31916。尼克这时才透露出,他知道李德会违背命令,所以找来末日博士偷改造了探测器,而探测器会在传达资料给李德前,先告知神盾。而这未显示的盟友,则被揭穿是 Earth-31916 的 Emil Burbank 博士(尼克和末日知道他,只是读者一直看到的是黑影人,致敬雷克斯‧路德的角色),因为他一直想杀死 Hyperion(亥柏龙,致敬超人的角色),所以透过李德的传送器放出怪物。就在这时,旧至高中队也从 Earth-712 来到 Earth-31916,声称自己世界也遭受到破坏,来这里了解原因。从两方战斗现在变成三方混战,而末日博士击败钢铁人后,却被石头人撕碎,才发现此末日博士并非本人而是机器人替身,中间则发生 Earth-712 的 Nighthawk(夜鹰,致敬蝙蝠侠的角色),误认终极世界的美国上尉是正统世界版本。接著,尼克放出他偷偷昏迷带来的浩克,打算一口气结束这场混战,但没想到浩克狂暴化,最后就被再度发挥神力的石头人给撞昏。两个版本中队的 Arcanna Jones(致敬女魔法师莎坦纳的角色),透过猩红女巫帮忙,将旧至高中队送回去 Earth-712,终极战队则将尼克留在 Earth-31916 待审,因为他也是惹出事情的罪魁祸首之一。至於新至高中队的 Power Princess(力量公主,致敬神力女超人的角色),则跟终极战队来到终极世界,帮他们追捕另一个罪魁祸首-末日博士。但尼克则暗示万磁王有阴谋,所以把他留在这边是一个天大的错,不过众人认为这是他想回去的藉口,而神盾则由 Carol Denvers 接管。


1998 刀锋战士

2000 X战警

2002 蜘蛛侠 / 刀锋战士2

2003 X战警2 / 绿巨人浩克 / 超胆侠

2004 蜘蛛侠2 / 刀锋战士3 / 惩罚者

2005 X战警3 / 神奇四侠 / 艾丽卡 /类人体

2007 蜘蛛侠3 / 神奇四侠2 / 灵魂战车

2008 钢铁侠 / 无敌浩克 / 惩罚者2

2009 X战警前传:金刚狼

2010 钢铁侠2

2011 美国队长 / 雷神托尔 / X战警:第一战 / 灵魂战车2

2012 复仇者联盟 / 超凡蜘蛛侠

2013 钢铁侠3 / 雷神托尔2 / 金刚狼2

2014 美国队长2 / X战警:未来昔日 / 超凡蜘蛛侠2 / 银河护卫队 / 死侍

2015 复仇者联盟2 / 蚁人 / 新神奇四侠

2016 X战警:天启/超凡蜘蛛侠3


2011 神盾顾问/寻找雷神锤子路上发生的趣事

2012 47号物品

2013 探员卡特


2006 刀锋战士

2013 神盾局特工


1992 X战警

1994 神奇四侠

1994 蜘蛛侠

1999 超级蜘蛛侠

2000 X战警:进化

2006 神奇四侠:世界上最伟大的英雄 / 最后的复仇者们、最后的复仇者们2

2007 怪奇博士 / 无敌钢铁侠

2008 金刚狼和X战警 / 钢铁侠:装甲冒险

2009 绿巨人大战金刚狼 / 绿巨人大战雷神托尔

2010 星球绿巨人 / 钢铁侠 / 超级英雄联盟复仇者

2011 刀锋战士 / 雷神奇侠

2012 超级英雄联盟复仇者第二季 / 终极蜘蛛侠

2013 复仇者集结 / 钢铁侠与浩克:英雄联盟 / 浩克:S.M.A.S.H.特工 / 终极蜘蛛侠第二季



  漫威(Marvel)(即惊奇漫画)始建于1939年,2009年12月31日,迪士尼公司(DIS)以42.4亿美元的价格完成了对Marvel Entertainment Inc的收购,从而获得了蜘蛛侠、钢铁侠以及其它5000多个漫画角色的所有权

  漫威漫画设立于1939年,当时公司名称为及时漫画(Timely Comics);到了1951年更名为亚特拉斯漫画(Atlas Comics),而在1961年才更名为漫威漫画。从此连载神奇四侠后,才由斯坦·李、杰克·科比与史蒂夫·迪特科等漫画家开始创造其它超级英雄与超级反派


  美国队长 (Captain America) 美国队长是创作于二战时代的老牌英雄,最着名的反法西斯斗士之一。他本是瘦弱的青年史蒂夫·罗杰斯,接受了超级士兵改造手术,成为唯一成功的实验品,身体各项素质达到人类极限。他没有真正的超能力,虽然使用着坚不可摧的特制盾牌,但他最大的武器当属勇气、毅力和爱国精神。二战结束前夕他掉在冰海中休眠,几十年后才被现代英雄找到。苏醒的罗杰斯继续为了正义而战,但当代世界已经不像昔日一样善恶分明,他也不时被人们视为落后于时代的活化石作为Marvel少数近乎道德完人的英雄之一,美国上尉以自己与现实竞争的特点赢得了读者的关注






  绿巨人浩克是60年代 Marvel最早创作的漫画主角之一,是一位科学家布鲁斯·班纳受到自己开发的武器辐射而变异成的生物,具有非常巨大的力量,并以“越愤怒,越强壮”闻名。浩克代表了一种无视一切障碍、难以自控的野性,尤其是与循规蹈矩的文明人形成对比,因此他一直受到社会的敌视,与其他英雄的关系也时好时坏,但同时他仍然保持着锄强扶弱的英雄特质。浩克长期以来受到广泛的喜爱,人们把自己反抗权威、发泄不满的感情寄托在他身上!


  黑寡妇(Black Widow)为Marvel漫画中的一位超级英雄,本名娜塔莎罗曼诺夫,由斯坦李和唐氏兄弟共同创造的人物。从小是孤儿,由前苏联政府抚养,后被训练成一名超级特工,反叛前苏联后加入复仇者。




  惊奇漫画(Marvel)旗下着名漫画《X战警》的衍生系列中的主角,在X战警中数度出场。本名韦德威尔逊,原本是一个身经百战的雇佣兵,后来得了癌症,为了治愈癌症和获得金刚狼的基因而加入“Weapon X”计划得以延续生命。成为死侍后容貌被毁。后因灭霸的诅咒而成为不死之躯,暗恋着“死亡女神”。使得一手双刀,双枪,拥有比金刚狼还强的自愈能力。


  毒液(英语:Venom,又名毒液、毒魔、毒蜘蛛),是一个虚构的外星生命体形式出现在漫威漫画 ,通常出现在蜘蛛侠的漫画。 它是一个共生体(寄生体) ,一个有思想的外星有机生命体,几乎是液体状的形式出现,它需要与一个宿主结合才能生存,通常都是人,能赋予宿主更强大的力量和能力。当毒液共生体与人结合,这种两生命形式的生命体是毒液。


  哨兵(真名为罗勃雷诺Robert Reynold)初次登场的时候很多漫画迷们都认为他就是惊奇漫画世界中的翻版超人,不过随着时间经过我们读者也慢慢了解到了他的独特之处。哨兵的能力说穿了其实就跟超人一样:他力大无穷,还能飞天遁地,可是哨兵跟超人有两个最大的不同:第一,他因惧怕自己的能力所以在战斗中很少发挥出自己的全力(他最接近发挥全力的一战就是在《绿巨人世界大战/World War Hulk》这故事里与绿巨人浩克之间的战斗)。第二,他心里存在着一个叫虚无(The Void)的邪恶人格,而这个人格的力量比哨兵还强大(这也是为什么他惧怕自己的能力,他担心越发挥自己的力量,虚无就有可能再度出现)。


  Emma众所周知的能力之一就是心灵感应,她能够读取他人的思维与记忆,也能将强制修改对方的记忆,控制其思维,进行精神屏蔽,联接多人思维,利用心灵感应术使受害者处于无意识的沉睡状态。同时她也能够使用Cerebro。总得来说,Emma的心灵感应能力是不逊于X教授的。 Emma还精通电子理论及电子学,并且学到了如何建造提高心感能力的装置,而且利用心感能力发挥出不同的效果。她设计出了一种心感掌控机制可以使她的影像直接进入到Jean凤凰状态下的思维之中。她有中等运动员以上的身体素质并学习过一些近身肉搏术,配合自己的钻石状态可以发挥更大的威力。Emma设计过一把像枪,曾经用于在和Storm暴风女交换思维(就是在试图拉拢Kitty的时候)。




  金刚狼是出现在惊奇漫画(Marvel)出版物中的超级英雄。首次出现于《不可思议的绿巨人》(The Incredible Hulk)第180期(1974年10月)。金刚狼是X战警中的一员,他拥有急速自愈能力,野兽般的感知能力,天生双臂长有可伸出体外的利爪。在“Weapon X”实验中,他骨骼被灌注入坚不可摧的阿德曼金属。他失去了实验醒来前所有的记忆。金刚狼是典型的越战后涌进美国通俗文化反当局反英雄角色。


  镭射眼(cyclops),是惊奇漫画(Marvel)公司旗下着名的超级英雄,首次登场于1963年9月《The X-Men#1》中,是《X战警》最重要的角色之一,拥有从眼部发射红色冲击波的能力 。镭射眼拥有极其卓越的领导能力,长期担任X战警的领导者,后接任X教授成为X学院的院长,并于近几年成为了所有变种人的领袖


  恶灵骑士(英文名:Ghost Rider)是惊奇漫画的人物,形象一般是燃烧着的一副人体骷髅、穿着皮衣、背负铁链的英雄,并骑上燃烧着的摩托车,到各处对付邪恶敌人。那随风飘散的火焰,冒火的骷髅头诉说他的无比仇恨,他把灵魂献给地狱,用毒火和锁链围住你肮脏的躯体,在他冒火的眼中,你看到自己罪恶的一生,那狂躁的笑声吞噬你的整个灵魂。他骑着鬼面哈雷穿梭在夜幕中,游走在地狱和尘世之间,马达的轰鸣声着狂怒的咆哮,留下的是一条划清光明与黑暗的火线。摩托车所经之处都会是一片狼藉,路上亦会带上一条火痕。


  本名为诺林·莱德(Norrin Radd),银影侠是外银河系行星Zenn-La(住着长相和人类一样的外星种族,寿命极长,科技异常发达。)的一名年轻太空人,忽然有一天Galactus降临在Zenn-La。他警告所有的住民说,此星球已被选上作为“The World Devourer”(行星吞食者,另译银河王) 的粮食。Norrin决定试着和Galactus谈条件,他乞求Galactus放过他的母星。

  代价是Norrin愿意永恒得服侍Galactus,帮他找寻适合作为食物的星球,Galactus考虑了一下得失后,他接受了Norrin的条件,并赐给他一股强大的Cosmic Power,当Norrin接触到这股力量的一瞬间,全身立刻生出了一层全银的外壳,并且连同记忆、善恶、良知、道德观等完全消失。Galactus将Norrin化身成银色冲浪手后,便命令他去找能吃的星球,而银色冲浪手因为记忆被消除的关系马上指着自己的母星说:“那颗可以吃”。但是Galactus回答他说:“我跟一个值得尊敬的人约定过了,不能吃那颗”。






  Gambit(牌皇,牌王)是惊奇漫画(Marvel)出版物中的超级英雄。Gambit是默认X战警成员,为在新奥尔良(路易斯安那州)长大的阿卡迪亚人。他的异能是将动能注入任何物品再加以引爆(通常使用纸牌为武器)。Gambit是一位出色的格斗家,特别是法国式拳击,善用金属棍棒。首次出现于Uncanny X-Men Annual #14 (1990),正式登场于Uncanny X-Men #266 (1990)。 Gambit的词语含义形容一个举动:在开局的时候向敌人示弱;通常携带大量风险,为的是结尾时己方获得更大的优势




  Red Hulk(红浩克/红巨人),布鲁斯·班纳的岳父,撒迪厄斯“霹雳”·罗斯将军,一直怨恨绿巨人,在浩




  在2012年动漫《终极蜘蛛侠(Ultimate Spider-Man )》中,新星(Nova)与铁拳、白虎和神力侠作为蜘蛛侠的搭档共同在神盾局旗下受训与作战。在这部作品里,新星的主要能力是飞行与发射能量。在其中与毁灭博士作战的一话中,新星甚至展现了吸收能量的能力,而这之前他本人并不知情。在漫画《复仇者vsX战警》最后一话中,新星出场,在几秒钟之内从地球的另一边赶来将浮于西藏3000米上空的完全体黑凤凰镭射眼扑到地面,随后被烧焦,生死不明。


  惩罚者/制裁者,是美国惊奇漫画旗下一位虚构的超级英雄,本来是蜘蛛侠系列配角中独立出来重新再塑造的角色,在1974年2月《神奇的蜘蛛侠#129》首度登场,由格里·康威、罗斯安德鲁和约翰·罗米塔·简一同创作。在惊奇漫画众超级英雄中以作风血腥残酷而有相当多的读者人气。在大事件“内战”中,救了从钢铁侠那逃出来的蜘蛛侠,并送到了美国队长的据点。他还请求加入美国队长的队伍中,遭到了一些英雄的反对。途中,有两名罪犯也想加如美国队长的队伍中,惩罚者不由分说的杀了他们,这激怒了队长,队长打了他一顿,叫人把他送走了。 “黑暗王朝”时期,惩罚者被黑暗金刚狼所杀,但得到血石的力量暂时成为科学怪人,并与黑暗金刚狼大战一场。


  24. 巴基·巴恩斯【冬日战士】


  25.尼克 弗瑞   



  屠杀,原名叫Cletus Kasady,天生杀人成性。在他的第11个刑期时得到了被提早保释的机会并认识了他的新狱友——Eddie Brock。Eddie Brock,曾被黑色战衣(外星共生体)附生过而成为“毒液”。但是在和蜘蛛侠的战斗中,Brock被从战衣中分离出来了。现在Brock只能等待战衣帮他离开监狱。正如预料的,战衣企图通过引起一场大规模的越狱来解救Brock。然而Brock并不知道战衣已经怀孕,在越狱途中战衣产下了卵,并且将其留在了监狱。在监狱期间,Kasady曾向Brock说起了自己的杀人哲学理论:一般的人都可以去杀人,只要他有这个勇气。后来,Kasady无意间与战衣的后代(红色战衣)结合,产生了屠杀(Carnage)。



  和X战警里的 暴风女是情侣……




  29. X-23

  称号X-23,全名是Laura Kinney,她是一个在2003年创造的异变人角色,算是近年比较成功受大众欢迎的新角色之一。她最先出现于电视动画X-Men: Evolution内,后来被人接受后,先在漫画NYX中出现。曾经推出过三套迷你系列漫画,现在已登上各异变人漫画系列的舞台。她的异变能力和狼人Wolverine一样,因为她本来就是Wolverine复制出来的,不同之处是手上只会弹出两块刀片,另一块则从脚弹出。一样拥有快速的回复能力,有极高的体能、速度、力量和反应。




  Thanos知晓永恒之族的所有超人的哲理,这给与了他无法超越的力量,持久力,恢复能力和敏捷度。他的皮肤近乎无法摧毁,尤其是在对抗冷/热/电/辐射/毒/衰老和疾病的时候。早在他被“死亡女神(Thanos暗恋的死亡女神)”“诅咒成为永生”之前他就可以不吃任何东西以及饮水而生存。Thanos的精神也是近乎无敌的,这使得他对于绝大多数精神攻击都能产生免疫能力,与此同时他可以聚涌出法力能量波或是通过双眼双手释放出等离子能或者宇宙能。 能力: 战略家,拥有远远超越地球科技的知识,能通晓一切未知。 武器: 虽然Thanos有时候乘坐一个装有进攻性武器且能穿越银河的浮空王座,但是他却没有什么武器。


  Namor(Sub-Mariner)的原名叫Namor McKenzie,他是强大的亚特兰蒂斯王国的主人,出于对国家的责任,他要努力去平复自己暴躁的情绪。对于他来说,最重要的是保护自己国家的安全,但他的出现在深层上是为了保护全人类。Namor是个两栖人,所以他能在水中和陆地上自如的呼吸。尽管海王子在陆地上体力会有损耗,但他仍然能举起大约85吨重的物体。Namor还可以飞行,在疲劳之前他甚至可以以每小时60英里的速度连续飞行几小时。一般的武器对他够成不了伤害。


  Doctor Octopus,《蜘蛛侠》漫画、动画、游戏、电影里的重要反派角色之一。能力是可以操作后背上的四只强而有力的电子机械手臂,他还是个科学家。  



  绯红女巫,真名Wanda Maximoff,AKA:Wanda Frank  

  虽然是万磁王的女儿,但对父亲的所作所为有很大的抵触。掌握强大的魔法以外,本身还是一名潜在的欧米茄级变种人是Avengers的早期成员。她曾经爱上了同为超级英雄的幻视侠并与他结婚,但是就是因为这段感情才导致其后来。精神失常造成了Avengers Disassembled(复仇者解散)和House of M事件


  霹雳火(Human Torch),为美国惊奇漫画《惊奇四超人》(亦称神奇四侠,原文为Fantastic Four)当中之虚构人物。他是“惊奇四超人”的成员,隐形女侠胞弟。他和其他的队友一样,在一次太空探险中,突然遭到了宇宙射线的放射意外地得到超能力。他能令身体着火,有点自大,是一个很专情浪漫男子。相对伟大的姐姐爱情而言,霹雳火爱情可以说是罗密欧与朱丽叶的悲剧,据说在某一次海底行动中,霹雳火深深爱上海底某组织成员女儿,两人情感相依,彼此热爱对方。当是在最后结尾海底基地关闭导致二人隔开两地,之后霹雳火再也没有其他女孩子来往。


  原名Henry "Hank" Jonathan Pym(汉克·皮姆),是一名出色的生化学家,他曾用过多个超级英雄身份,如蚁人、巨化人、歌利亚、黄衫侠、黄蜂等。复仇者联盟的创建人之一。  

  Henry Pym作为量子物理,机械,生物方面的大科学家,发现了一种"Pym粒子",人体和其他物体充分接触这种粒子就可以自由变大和缩小.他最大的状态大约是100英尺(30米),最小状态大约是0.5英寸.Skrull人的山寨Pym曾经声称自己可以缩到亚原子级别,但不可信  






  月光骑士,本名马克?史贝特(Marc Spector)。马克?史贝特(Marc Spector)出生于美国芝加哥的一个犹太家庭,父亲是为了逃离纳粹德国入侵,而从捷克斯洛伐克逃难至美国的拉比。成年之后,马克拒绝继承父亲衣钵,成为了重量级拳击手。他父亲在一场比赛中试图阻止他,结果被马克揍了一拳。隔天马克便加入了美国海军陆战队,之后再也没见过父亲。两年之后,马克成为美国中央情报局的实地干员。离开中央情报局之后,马克成为了一名佣兵。在这段期间,马克陆续认识了日后的搭档“法国仔”尚保罗?杜象(Jean-Paul Duchamp)。

  两人一同在非洲与南美洲出过许多任务。在一次的任务中,两人于苏丹受雇于劳尔?布什曼(Raoul Bushman)。不同于为了钱而当佣兵的马克,布什曼热中于掠夺与杀人。在一次的任务中,布什曼为了找寻一个埃及法老王之墓,而屠杀了一个村庄的居民与考古学家彼得?奥拉恩(Peter Alraune)。忍无可忍的马克救走了彼得的女儿玛莲(Marlene Alraune),却在她逃离了之后遭到布什曼殴打成重伤,并被弃置于沙漠中等死。



  Juggernaut是指令人恐惧的庞然大物,一般是用於对巨大物体的尊敬,也通称为冲击的破坏神,相信大家对於这角色应该不漠生,他可是Marvel公司的经典恶役,也很常出现在X战警系列,Juggernaut在台湾以前被翻作猛丁哥,但是电影上映后就统称为「红坦克」。 红坦克在着名的巫师漫画杂志所票选出全美国200名当红漫画人物时更是挤进第189名,2009年更被IGN评为最伟大漫画恶役的第19名,在2006年上映的X战警电影3有登场,可惜电影里只把他演成钢盔呆头鹅,电影无法表现出漫画中巨汉的身型真可惜  










  43.吞星之女 伽娜塔  




  45.神力侠 卢克凯奇

  Luke Cage大致是一个用拳头说话的英雄,没有特殊的武器,一身80年代黑人摇滚歌手的露胸黄夹克,系一条铁链腰带,绝对的硬汉角色。Carl Lucas曾有Power Man的称号,曾被人陷害而入狱,后来接受实验改造,得到坚硬如钢的身体。他和Iron Fist(铁拳侠)、Daredevil(夜魔侠)等是好友,曾经成立受聘英雄的公司Heroes for Hire去谋生。后来和Jessica Jones诞下一女婴并结婚,在英雄内战期间,他送走了妻女,自己则留在美国加入了Captain America阵营反对立法,也一直被SHIELD所追捕


  Immortal Iron Fist是Marvel漫画里的杰作。这两年来这本系列独臂单举Marvel公司。是Marvel超级英雄漫画里面第一部由中国传统武侠为主的作品。以前铁拳是个次等人物,都跟着X-战警,复仇者,蜘蛛侠的屁股后面,超级英雄人群里他个人并不突出。从2006年开始,作者Ed Brubaker决定从新补充铁拳人物的起源,给他一个深奥的探讨。由于铁拳是武术成家,至于历史环境,一定有丰富的来头。武术来源强调在中国西藏的昆仑山顶,每10年左右有个传说中的天国,叫做昆仑镇会在人间显示。碰巧那一时刻,美国老外Wendell Rand驾驶飞机失控落到了这个天国。他就在此城的庙里练武术,得到了铁拳的称号,可以把自己的拳头用气功化成钢铁。

  铁拳Wendell Rand在纽约生了儿子,叫做Danny Rand。九岁时,父子俩一家又一次登山打算寻找神秘的昆仑镇,在那时候Wendell出了事故死亡,母亲在山上被狼给活吃,Danny Rand疯狂逃命,最后被昆仑镇的武士发现,被收为徒弟在庙里做和尚,也学了一套厉害的铁拳。 Danny Rand是第134位担任铁拳的学者,除了父亲以外,其他131位都是中国人。此漫画是描述铁拳再次被师父雷公从纽约号召回昆仑山,要开始进行比武决赛,叛乱昆仑镇里的压迫者,宣扬革命













  银河守卫者是位于主线世界Earth-616的新近成立的英雄组织。为了预防银河系中可能发生的灾难, 星爵( Star-Lord)招募了一批星际英雄,将他们组建成‘银河守护者’。团队坐落于太空基地Knowhere, 通过这里设置的传送装置,队员几乎可以到达宇宙的任何角落. 这支队伍包括:战斗人员:Adam Warlock, Drax the Destroyer, Gamora, Phyla-Vell , Rocket Raccoon和Groot;辅助人员:Mantis ;防卫长官:Cosmo(一只有超高智慧和特异功能的狗)。








  Marvel地球反派中最早出场及地位最高者之一,是神奇四侠的宿敌,但与几乎所有主要英雄都作对过。此人 出身虚构的欧洲小国,自身没有超能力,通过学习和机缘掌握了大量先进科技和魔法知识,属于地球最有智慧者之列;由于在实验中毁容,他戴上了一个金属面具,并开发出不亚于钢铁侠的铠甲。他夺取了故国权力,把它提升为世界强国,同时试图征服外部世界,多次与超级英雄们交手。毁灭博士以不惜一切代价追寻宇宙奥秘而闻名,染指过许多宇宙的伟力,多次强到逆天的地步,但最终仍然难免邪不胜正。作为一个有理想、有心计、极度高傲的反派,他将继续在Marvel世界横行。


Hello, everyone. I’m Christal.

I think everyone in my Wechat contact knows what my favourite thing is. Here are two screenshots of my Wechat. But today my topic is not about Wechat again. All right, Today my topic is—Marvel and some of my favourite characters.

Now I’ll introduce some of my favourtie characters ,but , in a new way. Let’s see a video.

I have seen a lot of Marvel movies ,for example—

And the reason that I love these movies so much is not just because the actors are handsome or beautiful. It’s because these movies make me understand a word—Hero.

Like Iron Man--though he’s just a normal guy who wears an iron suit, he tries his best to save people in danger. In the movie ’Avengers’, he almost died.

Like Captain America—He was a slight man But he had a good heart, That’s why Peggy Carter choose him to join in the experiment that makes him become Captain America.

Like Thor—His superpower was god-given. He was very pride of them at the beginning. But his pride made his teammate injured. After that, He become modest.

Like Hulk—Gamma Ray affected him. If he gets angry, he will become a green monster. But he learn to control his anger and use it in a right way. Now he is a hero.

All in all, I want to say:




A Study on the Application of Equivalence Theory in the English-Chinese Translation of Marvel Films Scrip



指导教师:崔 丹





Table of Contents

Abstract (English)…………………………………………………………………..ⅰ


1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………

1.1 The Objective and Methodology of Study………………………………..

1.2 The Marvel Films…………………………………………………………..

1.1.1 The Necessity of Marvel Films………………………………………

1.1.2 The Features of Marvel Films……………………………………….

1.3 Thesis Structure…………………………………………………………….

2. Literature Review………………………………………………………………….

2.1The E-C Translation…………………………………………………………..

2.2 The Equivalence Theory…………………………………………………

2.2.1 The Definition of Equivalence Theory…………………………………

2.2.2 The Principles of Equivalence Theory………………………………

2.2.3 Nida"s Functional Equivalence………………………………………

2.2.4 The Other Relative Theories………………………………………

3.The Script Translation of Marvel Films………………………………………

3.1 The Current Situation of Marvel Films’ Script Translation…………………

3.1.1 The Demerits of Marvel Films’ Script Translation………………………

4.The Application of Equivalence Theory in the English-Chinede Translation of Marvel Films’ Script……………………………………

4.1The Examples Equivalence Theory of Marvel Films’ Script……………………

4.1.1 Equivalence in Language ……………………………………

4.1.2 Equivalence in Culture………………………………………

4.1.3 Equicalence in Style ………………………………………

4.2 The Difficult in the Application……………………………………

4.3 The Suggestion of the Application………………………………………

4.3.1 Be Faithful to the Original Content………………………………………

4.3.2 Handle Culture Correctly ………………………………………


works cited



With the deepening of globalization, more and more foreign films get into the general public’s vision. Regarding that how to make Chinese understand these films, know and understand exotic custom and culture, this need solving through script translation. Due to the limitation of time and space as well as different culture, there exist many difficulties in script translation. Many scholars have explored the strategies of script translation and the specific translation methods from different angles, such as Skopos Theory, Functional Equivalence Theory and Relevance Theory.

Based on Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory, this thesis aims to analyze script translation in an American series of Marvel Films from the following three aspects: language, style and culture. Script translation should follow the three principles of language equivalence, style equivalence and cultural equivalence, dealing with language and culture translation in the specific context. Besides, it is hoped that the translation strategies put forward can be helpful to the practice of script translation.

Key words: Functional Equivalence Marvel films script translation

摘 要



关键词:功能对等理论 漫威电影 台词翻译

A Study on the Application of Equivalence Theory in the English-Chinese Translation of Marvel Films Script

1 Introduction

1.1 The Objective and Methodology of Study

This paper is carried out under the guidance of functional equivalence theory to analyze some selected translation version of scripts, and then related strategies have been proposed to fulfill an efficient translation. The data relevant to the study is chosen from the books on script translation and writing produced by authors from China and abroad. In addition, the data collected focuses on those which are most commonly circulated in our daily life.

1.2 The Marvel Films

1.1.1 The Necessity of Marvel Films

Along with the accelerating process of globalization, the cultural communication between Chinese and Western countries is becoming more and more frequently. Within this context, a large number of western films and television works are flooding into China, and gradually become an important window for our audience to understand the exotic culture. However, compared with the traditional “dubbed film”, the original sound films and TV plays bears the characters of the fast propagate speed, and retaining of the original film’s information more truthful and natural and other advantages to show foreign culture, which are highly favored by the audience. However, because of the limitations and barriers of language, the majority of the audience cannot directly enjoy the foreign movies for the time being, so the subtitles translation work of the films and televisions is particularly important.

1.1.2 The Features of Marvel Films

Marvel Films have been warmly welcomed and hotly pursued since its introduction into our country. Based on unique drawn and prominent personalities and hilarious humorous language, it has attracted more and more Chinese audience, which deservedly has become the most popular and favorite sitcom of the world. Regarding to the success, it is the joint efforts of the creation and artistic charm of the work itself and the love of humor of human. Besides, it is also inseparable from the success of audiovisual translators’ work.

Firstly, movie titles must be concise. No matter what type of a movie is, as the first channel to understand the movie for audience, it is usually only a few words. “Conciseness " is a prominent feature of movie titles. A long movie title not only lost the character of titles, but also makes it difficult to be remembered by the audience. Secondly, movie titles must be easy to be understood.

The movie, as a mass media, faces a large number of audiences who are different in age, occupation and education degree, so the titles of movies must be easy to be understood. Finally, movie titles must be vivid, attractive, able to attract the audience"s eye, and can also give the audience a sense of beauty.

The movie is a special art form of cultural products. The existence of the movie must be able to reflect its people"s way of thinking and cultural values. Different language determines the different ways of thinking, behavior and language expression of different peoples. Some English movie titles come from the legend of its culture or the adaptation of English idioms.

As a kind of industry, there is no doubt that the final purpose of a movie is to obtain commercial profit. That’s why film investors try every way to attract people’s eyes. They rack their brains to seek the high competitiveness of the movie market and put a lot of manpower, material and financial resource from scripting, filming to showing. All of these investments must be rewarded from the box office and finally obtain high profits. Therefore, movie titles have the commercial feature inevitably.

Just for the sake of high benefits from their investment, they didn’t even care much about whether the translation of movie titles has deviated from the theme of the movies. Most of the time, those improper translations are beyond the understandings of the majority of the audiences. So, even the national conditions have been taken into consideration, it is necessary to find a junction between the market and art. The translation of movie titles should pay attention to both the art value and the response of the market.

1.3 thesis structure

Based on this situation, this paper intends to explore the translation of script translation under Functional Equivalence Theory so as to propose some suggestions for the practice of subtitle translation, with a case study of Marvel Films subtitle translation examples.

This thesis consists of four parts. For the first part, it comes to an introduction of the research background, the purpose of the research as well as the significance of it. Besides, the methodology that the writer adopts is also introduced. Part two is concerned with an overview of the theory framework of functional equivalence, from the perspective of its origin, development and rules. Part three is the main body of this paper, which analyzes films script in the light of functional equivalence theory and some respective strategies will be put forward in this part. The final part draws a natural conclusion based on the above elaboration and proposes some recommendations for further study.

2 Literature Review

In order to have a better analysis of the script translation in Marvel films, this essay has combined the results of researches before with specific script, also translation strategies.

2.1The E-C Translation

Over a period of several decades, the translation between Chinese and English has kept emerging endlessly and quickly with China’s entry into the world’s cultures, which has exerted a significant impact on the mutual communication between China and other foreign countries. At the same time, with the continuous rising of China’s international status, the study of the E-C translation of film script with strong Chinese connotations plays an ever-increasing role in English teaching as well as academic studies both at home and abroad. A proper translation of film script is especially significant in the cross-cultural communication.

Talking about film English, a great quantity of researches have been done in this field. As a matter of fact, film English falls into the category of ESP (English for Specific Purpose). They are so different in stylistic features that they require different translation strategies respectively. In the past few decades, a number of achievements have been made in the field of the translation of film English, it is widely recognized that there are still problems, ranging from the ignorance of context and inflexibility and Chinglish. Therefore, there is still a long way to go on English film translation.

The adequacy of translations has traditionally been judged on the basis of the correspondence in lexicon and grammar between the source and target languages. The correspondence has frequently been stated in terms of "equivalence", even though the term equivalence is often not used. There is, however, a serious problem involved in discussing the adequacy of translated text primarily in terms of discourse structures.

Translating means communicating, and this process depends on what is received by persons hearing or reading a translation. Judging the validity of a translation cannot stop with a comparison of corresponding lexical meanings, grammatical classes, and rhetorical devices. What is important is the extent to which receptors correctly understand and appreciate the translated text. Accordingly, it is essential that functional equivalence be stated primarily in terms of a comparison of the way in which the original receptors of the translated text understand and appreciate the translated text.

2.2 The Equivalence Theory

2.2.1 The Principles of Equivalence Theory

The type of audience: prospective audiences differ both in decoding ability and in potential interest.

There are no such things as "identical equivalents" in translating, what one must in translating seek to do is find the "closest natural equivalent". Here he identifies two basic orientations in translating based on two different types of equivalence: Formal Equivalence (F-E) and Dynamic Equivalence (D-E).

F-E focuses attention on the message itself, in both form and content. Such translations then would be concerned with such correspondences as poetry to poetry, sentence to sentence, and concept to concept. Such a formal orientation that typifies this type of structural equivalence is called a "gloss translation" in which the translator aims at reproducing as literally and meaningfully as possible the form and content of the original.

The principles governing an F-E translation would then be: reproduction of grammatical units; consistency in word usage; and meanings in terms of the source context.

D-E on the other hand aims at complete "naturalness" of expression. A D-E translation is directed primarily towards equivalence of response rather than equivalence of form. The relationship between the target language receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original (source language) receptors and the message.

The principles governing a D-E translation then would be: conformance of a translation to the receptor language and culture as a whole; and the translation must be in accordance with the context of the message which involves the stylistic selection and arrangement of message constituents.

2.2.2 Nida"s Functional Equivalence

Functional equivalence theory was originally proposed and advocated by Eugene A. Nida in 1964, who is a distinguished theorist and linguist in the field of translation. His works on translation has exerted a tremendous impact on translation research in western countries. Eugene Nida defines translation as reproduction in the receptor language the closest and natural equivalent of the source-language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.

Nida’s three stage system of translation (from Nida and Taber 1969 P.33)

A (source language) B (receptor language)

(analysis) (restructuring)

X transfer Y

Figure 1

Figure 1 shows a simplified form of translation process. As can be seen, Nida’s translation process consists of three stages: 1) analysis of the source language text, 2) transfer of the source language text into the target language text, and 3) linguistically restructuring in the target language text.

Functional equivalence is also known as dynamic equivalence, which is relative to formal equivalence. This theory underlines the functional equivalence of information other than the simple formal equivalence in rendering, and so as to keep functional equivalence between the meaning and style of the source language and that of the target language. According to Nida, functional equivalence is the “quality of a translation in which the meaning of the original text has been so transported into the receptor’s language that the response of the receptor is essentially like that of the original receptors.”(1969,P.200) In such a translation, one is not so concerned with matching the target language message with the source language message, but with the dynamic relationship, that the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptor and message. In order to achieve a closest natural equivalence, the equivalence in meaning, style and culture must be fulfilled in the translation process.

Traditional translation theories mainly focus on the linguistic comparison between the source language (SL) and target language (TL). Compared with that, Functional Equivalence Theory put forward by Nida offers a new way to study translation. The Functional Equivalence Theory lifts the role of TL readers up to an paramount height, taking their linguistic habits and cognition and cultural background as well as their response to the translated text. Nida attempts to offer a new way to produce an equivalent, taking the relationship of the receptor to the text into account.

2.2.3 The Other Relative Theories

Formal equivalence is a translation theory put forward by Eugene Nida. According to Nida, a formal-equivalence translation is basically source-oriented, i.e. it attempts to reveal as much as possible the content and formal of the source message. Thus, an F-E translation tries to reproduce several elements, including: grammatical units, the consistency in word usage and the meanings in terms of the source context.

First, in order to reproduce grammatical units, an F-E translation usually translate nouns by nouns, verbs by verbs, keep all phrases and sentences, and preserve all formal indicators, such as, marks of punctuation, paragraph breaks, ect.

Second, in attempting to reproduce consistency in word usage, an F-E translation often aims at so-called consistency of terminology, that is, it always renders a particular term in source-language document by a corresponding term in the receptor-language document. Such a principle may be pushed to an absurd extent, with the result being relatively meaningless strings of words, However, a certain degree of concordance maybe highly desirable in certain types of F-E translation.Besides, an F-E translation may also use some brackets, parentheses, or even italics for words added to make sense in the translation, but missing in the original texts.

Last but not least, in order to reproduce meanings in terms of the source context, an F-E translation normally attempts not to make adjustments in idioms, but rather to reproduce such expressions more or less literally.

3 The Script Translation of Marvel Films

The film is a kind of artistic form people love to see and hear. And it is also the main channel of cultural transmission. Moreover, it has the influence that other forms of art do not have. On one hand, the world economic cooperation and culture exchange stimulate the development of the emerging movie translation career. Its operation includes the drawing of materials, translation and showing all over the world. On the other hand, the spread of the cable television and the improvement of the VCD (DVD) also promote the movie transmission.

3.1 The Current Situation of Marvel Films’ Script Translation

Nowadays, because of the blind pursuit of commercial profit, the movie market becomes chaotic, so does the translation of the movie titles. Excellent translation works are difficult to see, but irregular translations can be too numerous to enumerate. Due to the lack of theoretical guidance and systematicness, the translations of movie titles are in chaos. The phenomenon that one movie has several translations are very common.

3.1.1The Demerits of Marvel Films’ Script Translation

Excellent script translation of marvel film can make people all over the world enjoy the style of the original, so that the audience does not have the slightest cultural barriers. But the high quality of the films translation appeared, these translators do not understand the meaning of the original, cannot accurately express the cultural connotation of the original. The fundamental task of script translation is to serve the audience, it is only one part of the film industry, and to meet with the audience. The translator will have their efforts to complete the responsibility and obligation. The film script is developing towards entertainment, domestication and translation. Present situation and development of script translation will make understanding error, because often the translator"s own understanding of the film is not deep.

4 The Application of Equivalence Theory in the English-Chinese Translation of Marvel Films’ Script

In order to avoid inaccurate translation, some specific translation strategies should be fully applied. The different translation strategies are determined by the function of business advertising which the translator wants to convey. In the following part, three kinds of frequently-used translation strategies, including equivalence in language, style, and culture, would be illustrated with comprehensive statements and specific examples.

4.1The examples equivalence theory of Marvel Films’ Script

4.1.1 Equivalence in Language

Linguistics is the subject of the study of human language, which focuses on the exploring the structure of language, the use of language, the social function and historical development of language, as well as other issues related to language. It includes grammar, phonetics, semantics, pragmatics and morphology (also known as the “lexical”). Different countries possess different linguistic habits in their communication activities and pragmatic meaning during their communication context. Therefore, when doing subtitle translations, it is quite important for the translator to choose the familiar expressions to target language audience so as to achieve language equivalence.

E.g.1 Superman: Oh, dear. Oh, dear...

Lenny: What’s wrong?

Superman: I have been sitting in garbage!

Lenny: Take it easy!





This example intends to analyze equivalence in language from the perspective of semantics. As shown in Superman, the reason why that kind of translation of the sentence “Take it easy!” mentioned above can be convincing from this aspect. superman finds that his sofa is discarded as trash. Although the sofa is outdated, in the eyes of him, throwing away the sofa without any notice cannot be tolerated. In order to comfort him, Lenny persuades him to calm down. The translation should emphasis on indicating that superman is angry about that. Among many different types of translations of “Take it easy !”, such as “放轻松!”, “慢慢来!”, etc.,“淡定嘛!”can more strongly manifest his anger than other forms of translation and more suitable in that context.

Generally, that one word or sentence in English may contribute to different forms of translation in Chinese. Even they all carry the merely similar meaning of easing somebody, different Chinese characters combined together may create effectiveness which is largely identical but with minor differences. Also, the purposes of saying this sentence are unable to be the same as so-called target language. In other words, the specific circumstances that it is why the utterance of this sentence in different circumstance is quite different. The semantic and pragmatic meaning of this sentence “Take it easy” is not only to help him relax, but to persuade him to be more patient. As for Chinese people, “淡定嘛!” share the similar linguistic and pragmatic meaning in Chinese people. Therefore, the language equivalence is achieved and is the most suitable translation of expressing Lenny’s intention to make superman out of anger. Hence, when doing subtitle translation, the translator should understand the exact meaning of the source language first, and then select the most appropriate translation language expressions of the target language.

E.g.2 Lenny: Hi. Hey, I’m running out to the market. Do you guys need


Superman: Oh, well, this would be one of those circumstance that people unfamiliar with the law of large numbers would call a coincidence.

Lenny: I’m sorry?





In general, there are two meanings of the subtitle in the sitcom: the sentence meaning and the utterance meaning. The sentence meaning shows the widely-used one in normal conditions. The utterance meaning shows the derived expression which is significant in a certain context. So this example is used to discussed the pragmatic aspect.

The meaning of the sentence “I’m sorry?” without any context is showing his or her apologize to others as the basic meaning. However, in Superman, that basic meaning of this sentence in E.g.2 which can totally tort what Lenny actually wants to express relating to the specific environment. In this example, the conversation happens between them. When Superman says something that Lenny doesn’t understand, Lenny says“I’m sorry?”. If it is extended to a longer sentence with clear indication and emotion, that should be “I cannot and do not want to understand what ‘one of those circumstance that people unfamiliar with the law of large numbers would call a coincidence’ means in your strange words, can you say it simpler?”. If it is translated into “对不起?”, it can not only express the pragmatic meaning that i am annoyed and i don’t want to listen to what you are talking about. Therefore, this subtitle can be translated into “你在说什么?”,which can express the true meanings in that context and the Chinese audience can understand the movie deeply.

The meaning of sentence constructed by same words is not definite. It may change according to the changes of the environment. Therefore, the translator should pay attention to the pragmatic meaning of the dialogue and make sure that the translation can produce the same meaning to the audience. The translator should also translate literally, accurately and ensure the translation conveys the deep meaning of the original dialogue so as to achieve perfectly functional equivalence.

4.1.2 Equivalence in Style

According to the Functional Equivalence Theory, style is also one of the important factors that the translator should pay attention to. Different films holds different language and content style, while some are satire, and some are humorous. In the films and television works, the language style can cause the most direct impact on the audience. With the help of stylistic analysis of films and television works, stylistic features and specific context should be combined together so that the film characters can help the audience have a better understanding of the theme. Therefore, the translator should take both of original and target language style into account so as to be better understood by the audience. Through some specific translation techniques, such as the omission method, the translator can reproduce the tone and language style of the original dialogue directly or indirectly.

E.g.3 Tonny: You should write down that down before someone steals it.


E.g.4 Peppy: I just threw up in my closet.

Tonny: Bummer.



As for these two sentences in the play, the most attractive place is the translation of “山寨” and “杯具”. In China, these two words are used to describe something copied and something unlucky or sad happened which came from internet, which is quite familiar to Chinese audience. Because the appearance of these web language which could be the most popular words in the public, the translations are attached humorous connotations in daily life. Moreover, it is the react of Chinese Social ability, which can make the distance between Chinese plays and foreign plays get closer and Chinese audience understand the humor of the original play easily.

E.g.5 Mathilda: Would you like to dance?

Leon: No, thank you. I’m really not much a dancer.



Compared with the dialogue in English and Chinese in this example, translation is disposed well in terms of the transition between noun and verb. Considering the habit of expression in China, “dancer” is translated into “ 跳舞”, because Chinese are used to using a verb as the central part in a sentence while nouns are most widely used in English. Otherwise, without any change, it should be “我是个不怎么样的舞者”. In Chinese daily life, people seldom talk like that way so that it may not be meaningful for the understanding of the play. Even, that would become an obstacle to driving audiences’ interests and spreading them efficiently.

This can be attributed to the different styles of languages. Chinese has a style of using verbs often, at the same time English prefers to nouns. Therefore, when doing subtitle translation, the translator should pay more attention to the choose of the target language audience’s familiar structure and language style so that the audience could acknowledge the humor and the meaning of the conversation.

4.1.3 Equivalence in Culture

Different societies have different cultural backgrounds. Language is an important part of culture, carrier of culture, and different regions must be transmitted through languages. Generally speaking, the sitcoms can reflect the culture of art, history, geography, politics, society, economy and other fields. Newmark(2004) holds the view that culture is the way of life and its manifestations that are peculiar to a community that uses a particular language as its means of expression. In the translation, the source language culture and the target language culture are sometimes similar, sometimes completely different. When two cultures overlap, it is easier to understand the text; when the two cultures conflict with each other, the translation will become very difficult. At this time, the translator must make some adjustments in the translation to make up the cultural differences between different regions. In this way, the target language audience can understand the cultural connotation of the source language.

E.g.6 Mathilda: Please don’t tell me that you hopeless infatuation is devolving into pointless jealousy.

Leon: I’m not jealous. I’m just a little concerned for her. I don’t like the look of the guy that she was with.

Mathilda: Because he looks better than you?

Leon: Yeah. He was kind of dreamy.






There are many phrases contained with four characters in Chinese. Those can arouse emotion strongly in the hearts of people. In this case, Leon’s friend asks him about the feeling after meeting the girl, because he looks very upset. To strengthen his feeling, it is not to describe more about Leon’s inside activity, but describe how he loves the girl. “ Hopeless infatuation”is used to describe that, however, if translated directly, it would be a kind of love without any meaning. “不可救药” in Chinese can fully emphasis how much he loves Penny and the audience would understood the character better.

E.g.7 : Kate: where did you envision marrying that beauty?

Cap: Will you shut up?



In the dialogue, cap was in the pity to make a proposal with that beauty in the wrong place. As long as his friends mentioned the topic, he definitely would be very unhappy and feel a little bit shame and angry. Here, “Will you shut up” translated into “哪壶不开提哪壶”, not only conforms to the scene at that time, also can let the Chinese audience feel better about the mood. The proverb is concise and popular, which spreads greatly in China and is the majority of toiler in the practice of life experience. So the adoption of proverbs during subtitle translation will make Chinese audiences feel more cordial.

4.2 The Difficult in the Application

Film and television works and text reading is significantly different between the film and television works through sound because characters’ emotional expression is fleeting, but the text reading is to express the characters" inner activities through the text which the reader can read. Instantaneous is mainly based on the language of the characteristics of the sound in the instantaneous processing, the general requirements of the actors of the language of the emphasis on the need allows the audience to understand the meaning of this language. The art of language, for the sake of film fragments, needs some language skills in its deduction methods and skills. Therefore, the script is a flash which cannot be like a book as before and after repeated reading, there cannot be too much filling to illustrate. This feature brings difficulty to the translation of film and television, so that it requires the translator to be concise and clear. And the audience can fully understand the feelings of the characters expressing. It is mainly aimed at the actor"s language expression and the audience"s need to watch the film.

At the same time, due to the appearance and disappearance of script must be consistent with the beginning and the end of the speech, so that the translator must be in a certain period of time expressing the feelings of the characters to the audience. In space, the script refers to the appearance in the screen or TV screen under the foreign language of the translation or annotation, so the space has the limit. These limitations require the translator in limited time and space to be within the character"s inner expression, so the most incisive, concise and refined, both the young and the old have become a necessary condition.

4.3 The suggestion of the application

4.3.1 Be faithful to the Original Content

Translator should maintain the original style. The standard of translation is to achieve the core requirements of the faithfulness, to be faithful to the original content, faithful to the original language style, environmental and cultural factors etc. The translation of English film script should be as far as possible to maintain the original style of the film, so as to allow the audience to appreciate the cultural connotation and artistic heritage of the original English films. In recent years, the enthusiasm of Chinese people to learn English is increasing, the English level of the people is also generally improved, so it is essential to maintain the original flavor in the film"s Chinese scripts. At the same time, the translation should be consistent with the original style in style and language style.

4.3.2 Handle Culture Correctly

Translation is nothing more than the transfer of cultural information from one language to another. Translators and translators have always been more concerned about the relationship between culture and translation. It has been said that the translator must be a real cultural man. ( Qian, Shaochang, 2001) English film and television translators will often encounter problems related to cultural background, each film is a certain cultural region of the history and social and cultural life of the reaction. At the same time, each language contains a lot of cultural information. This cultural information includes values, ways of thinking, religious beliefs, customs, etc. It may be expressed in idioms, allusions and idioms in the language. Thus, the discourse of specific cultural information contained in the dialogue of a film may be difficult to understand or unfamiliar with the audience of another nation. Therefore, how to deal with the translation of these words in the film script has become a serious problem for translators. If it was not handled properly, it might be possible to let the audience feel that they cannot know the right culture.


After discussing the realization of Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory to script translation, it’s time to draw a conclusion of the whole thesis as follows.

Since audience’s response is the core of the Functional Equivalence, it is a successful translation which makes audience feel the inside meaning. Functional Equivalence Theory provides a new perspective for the humor translation of the sitcom. The translators should follow the principle of Functional Equivalence Theory, through using different types of translation strategies, so that the audiences are able to enjoy various cultures.

Script translation should follow the three principles of language equivalence, style equivalence and cultural equivalence, dealing with language and culture translation in the specific context. In order to attain the dynamic equivalence, firstly, the translator need to comprehensively understand the information and pragmatic meaning as well as humor in original language. And then, the translator need take the target language(TL) audience’s language, recognization, aesthetics, social and cultural background into account. Finally, due to the limit of time and space during script translation, the concise and functional translation should be adopted to make the TL audience understand and accept the information, culture and humor brought by the sitcoms. Hence, the Functional Equivalence could be achieved through the translator’s effort, meanwhile make a successful script translation to promote the cultural communication.

As for the limitations, this research is not that thorough and systematic as a result of the author’s time and ability limit. With the deepening communication between different countries, tremendous TV series or movies have been pouring into different countries mutually. Definitely, the Chinese movies also have begun to emerge into other foreign countries and be favored by their audience. Thus, much more attention should be paid on the study of C-E script translation of Chinese movies or TV programs.


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